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"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more fun!"
The Back Page
About This Month's Authors
Shane Collinge
Part computer programmer, part cartoonist, part Mars Bar. At night, he runs
around in a pair of colorful tights fighting criminals. During the day... well,
he just runs around. He eats when he's hungry and sleeps when he's sleepy.
Fernando Correa
Fernando is a computer analyst just about to finish his
graduation at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Now, he has built
with his staff the best
Linux portal in Brazil and have further
plans to improve services and content for their Internet users.
Eric Kasten
I'm a software developer by day and an artist, web developer,
big dog, gardener and wine maker by night. This all leaves very little
time for sleep, but always enough time for a nice glass of Michigan
Pinot Gris. I have a BS double major in Computer Science and
Mathematics and an MS in Computer Science. I've been using and
modifying Linux since the 0.9x days. I can be reached via email at
kasten@sunpuppy.com or through
my website at http://www.sunpuppy.com.
Mark Nielsen
Mark works at ZING
(www.genericbooks.com) and
GNUJobs.com. Previously,
Mark founded The Computer Underground.
Mark works on non-profit and volunteer projects which promote free literature
and software. To make a living, he recruits people for GNU related jobs and
also provides solutions for web/database problems using Linux, FreeBSD, Apache,
Zope, Perl, Python, and PostgreSQL.
Ben Okopnik
A cyberjack-of-all-trades, Ben wanders the world in his 38' sailboat, building
networks and hacking on hardware and software whenever he runs out of cruising
money. He's been playing and working with computers since the Elder Days
(anybody remember the Elf II?), and isn't about to stop any time soon.
Kapil Sharma
Kapil Sharma is a Linux/Unix and Internet security consultant. He has been
working on various Linux and Unix systems for more than 2 years. He is
providing commercial support for Linux/Unix systems and writing technical
articles. His professional web site is
Mark Taylor
Mark works at Motorola Computer Group on diagnostics for the
custom circuits on MCG's x86 computer board products.
He has also done 68K firmware, a SCO Unix device driver,
some Ada applications, and 10 years of avionics software.
Mark is happiest down in the lowest levels of the system tweaking hardware.
Alan Ward
Alan teaches CS in Andorra at highschool and university levels. He's
back to Unix this year after an 8-year forced interlude since he
graduated -- it makes networking so much easier. His hobbies include
science photography (both digital and traditional), trekking, rock and
processor collecting.
Irving Washington
Irving Washington (pseud.), as witnessed by his personal server
www.fifthgate.org, is mostly
interested in creating useful web services.
Dan York
Dan recently joined the staff of
LinuxCare, to work full-time on
developing the Linux Professional Institute certification program. He has been
working with the Internet and UNIX systems for 13 years and PCs since the early
Apple computers in 1977 . While his passion is with Linux, he has also spent
the past three years working with Windows NT. Dan has written numerous articles
for technical magazines, and has also spoken at various conferences within the
training industry. He is now a member of the Certification committee of the
Systems Administrators Guild (SAGE - a division of USENIX).
Not Linux
www.linuxgazette.com usage stats
Here are the top 10 browsers/spiders which viewed the main LG site in
Top 15 of 1071 Total User Agents |
# |
Hits |
User Agent |
1 |
880501 |
38.63% |
2 |
829419 |
36.39% |
Netscape |
3 |
269986 |
11.85% |
Wget/1.5.3 |
4 |
44209 |
1.94% |
Teleport Pro/1.29 |
5 |
29842 |
1.31% |
WebCopier |
6 |
25202 |
1.11% |
testspider |
7 |
11080 |
0.49% |
HTTrack 2.0 |
8 |
8966 |
0.39% |
AVSearch-3.0(EoExchange/Liberty) |
9 |
8432 |
0.37% |
Opera 4.0 |
10 |
7927 |
0.35% |
AvantGo 3.2 |
11 |
7438 |
0.33% |
Slurp/2.0-BigOwlWeekly (spider@aeneid.com; http://www.inktomi |
12 |
7107 |
0.31% |
13 |
5985 |
0.26% |
Slurp/2.0-RedtailCrawl (slurp@inktomi.com; http://www.inktomi |
14 |
5160 |
0.23% |
Konqueror/1.1.2 |
15 |
4717 |
0.21% |
sitescooper/3.0.0beta (http://sitescooper.cx) libwww-perl/5.4 |
Usage has been hovering at 80,000-90,000 readers (=unique IPs) per month,
or 135,000-155,000 visits (from the same IP within a short time period).
Of course, some IPs represent multiple readers, but on the other hand,
readers with dynamic IP addresses are counted for each address they
visit under, so it probably evens out. This includes only
www.linuxgazette.com, not the mirrors.
The Gazette mailbox overfloweth with spam
- Fed up with being shut down by your ISP? People screaming?
People sending you FLAMES? Being bombarded with COUNTER OFFERS? LOW response
rate? Then let us take over the hassles for you... Promote your web site
without the worries of it being shut down because of spam complaints. Our
operation centers are protected by Central Intelligence Agency level security.
- I was wondering if you were interested in DRAMATICALLY increasing
- Build a residual income from time you spend on the Internet
placing FREE advertisements like this.
- As you can guess this is unsolicited mail and some people are
cross when they get it and complain to the ISP.. For this reason we do not want
to send it through our ISP WHO MAY STOP serving us. I hear that at your end
things are not as strict. Can we host a site with you and use your ISP for
mailing? If positive -what is the cost.
- We have found your resume on web. We would like to know if you are
still pursuing a position.
[Since when did Linux Gazette have a resume?
But this piece qualifies as the Spam Of The Summer
It's no secret that the Internet has very recently developed
into the hottest marketing medium since television! Those
with the skills to take advantage of this new medium are
starting to make some very serious money.
My offer to you is this. You send me $39 bucks I will mail
You my E-mail Marketing Kit CD Disk containing the following
information and software.
Bla bla bla The Bulk E-mail Handbook bla bla bla The Targeted Direct E-mail Marketing E-Book bla bla bla...
As if this wasn't enough, hold on to your seat, I am even going to
give you absolutely FREE the following software:
This is a fully functional program not a crippled demo. Now
you can take payment from your customers by Fax, Phone or E-mail
simply by taking their Checking account information.
- 2.) A copy of smtp lookup software that will find you foreign mail
servers you can use to send your mail completely undetected. This
software will test mail through hundreds of servers an hour. I will even
Supply you with a list of 16000 foreign domains to insert into your testing.
And I will throw in 500,000 Fresh E-mail addresses. If you are selling
a product or service these are the addresses you want.
SPECIAL BONUS if you order your CD By 9/30/00 I will supply you
with a copy of E-mail Software you can use to send your message
to millions and a copy of E-mail list extracting software you can use to
extract E-mail Addresses from all over the Internet.
Just make out your check
for $39 payable to X and write void across the
face then tape or glue it to the order form at the bottom of
this page and you will have your E-mail Marketing Information
Kit mailed the same day.
Why would somebody ask you to write "VOID" on the check you're
sending them as payment? Doesn't that mean he won't get paid?
Read paragraph "1." again. He'll send you software
which allows you to "take payment from your customers ... simply by
taking their Checking accunt information". Thus, he has software
which allows him to take payment from you simply by
taking your checking account information.
When do people normally ask for a voided check? When you're
setting up automatic payment with them, of course! So you can pay the
monthly electric or ISP bill without having to write a check.
But this is a one-time payment, isn't it? Or is it?
No wonder he tells you to write "VOID" on the check. He doesn't
plan on cashing it anyway.
Now the question becomes, will he put the order through at $39? Or $399?
Happy Linuxing.
Michael Orr
Editor, Linux Gazette, gazette@linuxgazette.net
Copyright © 2000, the Editors of Linux Gazette
Published in Issue 58 of Linux Gazette, October 2000

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