...making Linux just a little more fun!


By Aurelian Melinte

"When two trains approach each other at a crossing, both shall come to a
full stop and neither shall start up again until the other has gone."
 -- old Kansas statute


The dynamic linker allows us to override functions exported by the shared objects that are used by programs. In this article, we will use this interposition functionality and build a library that wraps around the 'pthreads' library to diagnose mutex-related problems, including the well-known deadlock.

Deadlocks and how to avoid them

Simply put, a deadlock is a run-time condition where threads are waiting for resources in a circular chain. The well-known solution to this is to assign a process-wide order to these resources and have each thread acquire the resources it needs in that particular order; threads should release the taken resources in reverse order.

To keep things simple for our debugging library, let's assume the resources that threads are competing for are all mutexes. But the techniques presented here can be extended to other type of resources threads would be competing for (e.g. semaphores, condition variables).

With pthreads, a thread can also self-deadlock if it attempts to lock a mutex it already owns. The ptreads library can help with self-lock: when creating the mutex, you can create it:

One certainly should understand exactly why and whether a particular thread needs to multiple lock the mutex before making usage of such techniques.

Library interposition

The dynamic linker allows users to intercept any function call an application makes to any shared library that the application uses. The dynamic linker will first load libraries specified in the LD_PRELOAD environment variable (the interposition libraries) and the linker will use these libraries before any other when it resolves symbols. This functionality offered by the linker is used traditionally for debugging purposes, just like we will do shortly.

Functions exported by the interposition library will get called instead of the functions in the shared objects (here pthreads) that the application normally uses. Thus, in the interposition library we can wrap around the "real" functions; or replace them outright.

Hooking pthreads

We need to know which thread acquires and releases what and when. At a minimum, we have to hook pthread_mutex_lock(), pthread_mutex_trylock() and pthread_mutex_unlock(). Other candidates might be pthread_mutex_init(), pthread_mutex_destroy(), pthread_cond_timedwait(), pthread_cond_wait(). But since we decided to tackle only mutexes, the first three might well be enough, depending on your strategy to communicate the resources' acquiring order to the debug library. Also, hooking pthread_mutex_destroy() is worthwhile because attempting to destroy a locked mutex is undefined behavior according to the standard (aside from being a programming error).

Below is the code used to hook our mutex functions, stripped of error checking code. We use the dlsym() function to dig out the real function, so that we can call it from within our wrapper function. The hooking function in the interposition library looks like this:

    #define _GNU_SOURCE
    #include <dlfcn.h>

    typedef int (*lp_pthread_mutex_func)(pthread_mutex_t *mutex); 

    int lp_hookfunc(lp_pthread_mutex_func *fptr, const char *fname) 
        char *msg = NULL; 

        *fptr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, fname); 
        if ((*fptr == NULL) || ((msg = dlerror()) != NULL)) {
            lp_report("dlsym %s failed : %s\n", fname, msg); 
            return -1; 
        } else {
            return 0; 

We'll use it to hook the pthreads-exported functions we need. This will be done as soon as the linker loads the debugging library, well before the main() function of the application gets called:

    static lp_pthread_mutex_func next_pthread_mutex_lock = NULL; 
    static lp_pthread_mutex_func next_pthread_mutex_trylock = NULL; 
    static lp_pthread_mutex_func next_pthread_mutex_unlock = NULL; 

    void _init()
        lp_hookfunc(&next_pthread_mutex_lock,    "pthread_mutex_lock"); 
        lp_hookfunc(&next_pthread_mutex_trylock, "pthread_mutex_trylock"); 
        lp_hookfunc(&next_pthread_mutex_unlock,  "pthread_mutex_unlock"); 
        /*And check for errors.*/

Next, we'll compile the code in a shared object:

    $ gcc -g -Wall -fPIC -I. -c lp_hooks.c -o lp_hooks.o
    $ ld -o liblockpick.so -shared lp_hooks.c 

Finally, we load this diagnostic shared object so that it takes over pthreads. At a Bourne shell prompt:

    $ LD_PRELOAD=./liblockpick.so ./deadlock

Now, each time the application will call pthreads_mutex_lock(), the overriding/wrapping pthreads_mutex_lock() function from the debugging library will be called instead of the real one. Having taken control over the locking and unlocking functions, we can start keeping track of what is going on. The overriding function looks like this:

    int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
        int rc = EINVAL;

        if (mutex != NULL) {

            /* Call the real pthread_mutex_lock() */
            rc = next_pthread_mutex_lock(mutex);

            lp_lock_postcheck(mutex, rc);
        } else {
            lp_report("%s(): mutex* is NULL.\n", __FUNCTION__ );

        return rc;

Resource ordering & bookkeeping

One important issue to consider is how to pass the resource-ordering information down to the debug library. There are various solutions that would require making the application aware of the debugging library and thus would require modifications of the application itself. These solutions would eventually make the library less generic too.

This resource-ordering information is not needed to diagnose deadlock situations, but we need it if we want to check for out-of-order locking issues.

The code accompanying this article is strictly application-agnostic: the order given to mutexes is the order in which the library finds out about the existence of these mutexes. The mutex to be acquired first is the first one it finds out about. Practical for exemplifying this article -- we need to hook only three functions -- but maybe not so practical for a real application.

For each of the functions hooked, there are two moments when we do bookkeeping and proceed to check the sanity of the application: before the real call is made and after the real call returns. Making the most of the time before the call proceeds is important as the call might block indefinitely and thus we can detect deadlocks before actually placing the call.

Before the call, we can check:

Before the call, we also store the information about which mutex the thread is trying to acquire. After the call, we keep evidence of which mutexes have been acquired or released by which thread.

    void lp_lock_precheck_diagnose(const pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
        int rc = -1; 
        /*Highest ranking mutex currently acquired by 'me'*/
        int maxmidx = LP_INVALID_IDX; 
        int midx = LP_INVALID_IDX; 
        pthread_t me = pthread_self(); 

        pthread_t             thr = LP_INVALID_THREAD; 
        const pthread_mutex_t *mtx = NULL; 

        /* Thread tries to lock a mutex it has already locked? */
        if ((rc=lp_is_mutex_locked(mutex, me)) != 0) {
            lp_report("Mutex M%lx is already locked by thread.\n", mutex); 

        /* Is mutex order respected? */
        maxmidx = lp_max_idx_mutex_locked(me); 
        midx = lp_mutex_idx(mutex); 
        if (midx < maxmidx) {
            lp_report("Mutex M%lx will be locked out of order (idx=%d, crt max=%d).\n", 
                    mutex, midx, maxmidx); 

        /* Will deadlock? Check for a circular chain. */
        lp_report("Checking if it will deadlock...\n");
        thr = me; 
        mtx = mutex; 
        while ((thr=lp_thread_owning(mtx)) != LP_INVALID_THREAD) {
            lp_report("  Mutex M%lx is owned by T%lx.\n", mtx, thr); 
            mtx = lp_mutex_wanted(thr); 
            lp_report("  Thread T%lx waits for M%lx.\n", thr, mtx); 

            if (mtx == LP_INVALID_MUTEX) 
                break; /*no circular dead; */

            if (0 != pthread_equal(thr, me)) {
                lp_report("  Deadlock condition detected.\n");

    void lp_unlock_precheck_diagnose(const pthread_mutex_t *mutex) 
        int rc = -1; 
        int maxmidx = LP_INVALID_IDX, midx = LP_INVALID_IDX; 

        /* Thread tries to unlock a mutex it does not have? */
        if ((rc=lp_is_mutex_locked(mutex, pthread_self())) == 0) {
            lp_report("Attempt to release M%lx NOT locked by thread.\n", mutex); 

        /* Are mutexes released in reverse order? */
        maxmidx = lp_max_idx_mutex_locked(pthread_self());
        midx = lp_mutex_idx(mutex); 
        if (midx < maxmidx) {
            lp_report("Mutex M%lx will be released out of order (idx=%d, crt max=%d).\n",
                    mutex, midx, maxmidx); 

A sample of the results obtained at run-time can be seen below:

$ make test

Tx40571bb0: Mutex M8049e48 will be locked out of order (idx=1, crt max=2). 
Tx40571bb0: Checking if it will deadlock... 
Tx40571bb0:   Mutex M8049e48 is owned by T40370bb0. 
Tx40571bb0:   Thread T40370bb0 waits for M8049e30. 
Tx40571bb0:   Mutex M8049e30 is owned by T40571bb0. 
Tx40571bb0:   Thread T40571bb0 waits for M8049e48. 
Tx40571bb0:   Deadlock condition detected. 
Tx40571bb0: Mutexes: 
Tx40571bb0:   [00] M4001d180 [owned by:T40571bb0 02] 
Tx40571bb0:   [01] M08049e48 [owned by:T40370bb0 01] 
Tx40571bb0:   [02] M08049e30 [owned by:T40571bb0 02] 
Tx40571bb0:   [03] M08049e60 [owned by:T40772bb0 03] 
Tx40571bb0: Threads: 
Tx40571bb0:   [00] T4016f6c0 [owns:M0000000000000000000000000000000][wants:M00000000] 
Tx40571bb0:   [01] T40370bb0 [owns:M0100000000000000000000000000000][wants:M08049e30] 
Tx40571bb0:   [02] T40571bb0 [owns:M1010000000000000000000000000000][wants:M08049e48] 
Tx40571bb0:   [03] T40772bb0 [owns:M0001000000000000000000000000000][wants:M00000000] 
Tx40772bb0: Mutex M8049e60 is already locked by thread. 

On Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

A word of caution: the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, in its general form, applies to software! In plain words, Heisenberg stated that observation of a system does modify the behavior of the observed system. In our case, the debug library affects the behavior of the application in at least two ways:

Thus, it might happen that the debug library makes it easier to reproduce the deadlock. Or, on the contrary, it may make it harder to reproduce.


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Aurelian is a software programmer by trade. Sometimes he programmed Windows, sometimes Linux and sometimes embedded systems. He discovered Linux in 1998 and enjoys using it ever since. He is currently settled with Debian.

Copyright © 2008, Aurelian Melinte. Released under the Open Publication License unless otherwise noted in the body of the article. Linux Gazette is not produced, sponsored, or endorsed by its prior host, SSC, Inc.

Published in Issue 150 of Linux Gazette, May 2008
