Install Kontact enterprise5 on Debian Sid
Created by: Intevation GmbH
Last updated: 2010-07-14


 This repository contains EXPERIMENTAL packages.
 Use it on your own warranty.

1. Configuration

Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list as root user and add the following line

    deb sid experimental

2. Installation

Install Kontact as root user

    $ apt-get install kdepim

For German language support

    $ apt-get install kde-l10n-de

4. Run
Open Terminal as "normal" user (not root):

Start Kontact:
    $ kontact

To configure an account run

    $ accountwizard

and choose Kolab Resource for Kolab Server usage.

It is also possible to start the accountwizard via Kontact
    -> Extras -> Accountwizard

or in German

    -> Extras -> Postfach-Assistent