General Questions
What companies sell Smalltalk implementations?
Smalltalk is sold by VMARK, IBM, ParcPlace-Digitalk,
GemStone and QKS Systems.
Are there any free Smalltalk implementations?
There are several free versions of Smalltalk: GNU Smalltalk,
Tiny Smalltalk, SELF-Smalltalk, and Smalltalk-X.
Where can I buy Smalltalk Stuff?
Smalltalk stuff can be purchased from Smalltalk system
and addon vendors, as well as from various programmers stores and catalogs.
- The Smalltalk Store, Silicon Valley
Internet: doug@smalltalk.com CompuServe: 75046,3160 Telnet: bbs.smalltalk.com BBS: 1-415-854-5881
The Smalltalk Store, 405 El Camino Real, Box 106, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
Douglas C. Shaker is the owner. They carry all things Smalltalkish. Where do you buy Smalltalk stuff?
Is there a Smalltalk language standard?
No, but one is being developed.
Learning the Smalltalk Language
What is the best way to learn Smalltalk
(Suggestions anyone?)
What Universities have Smalltalk courses?
- Carleton University
Professors John Pugh or Wilf LaLonde.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- Ryerson Polytechnic University
Joshua Panar or Paul A. Salvini
Department of Math, Physics and Computer Science Ryerson Polytechnic University Room A-100, Jorgenson Hall 380 Victoria St., Toronto, ON M5B 2K3
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Professor Ralph Johnson.
What general books are available on the Smalltalk Language?
Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
Smith, David N.; McGraw-Hill, 1991, US$25. ISBN 0-07-059177-6. 208 pages. Teaches the concepts of object-oriented programming using Smalltalk; vendor independent. German edition due in 1996. Rapid Software Development with Smalltalk
Lorenz, Mark; SIGS Books, 1995, US$24. ISBN 1-884842-12-7 (SIGS). ISBN 0-13-449737-6 (Prentice-Hall). 238 pages. How to develop rapidly using Smalltalk. This is neither a language book nor a design methodology book, but a how-to book for Smalltalk programmers. Smalltalk with Style
Skublics, Suzanne, Edward J. Klimas, and David A. Thomas, Prentice-Hall, 1996, US$15. ISBN 0-13-165549-3. 142 pages. http://www.prenhall.com/~rich/013/165548/16554-8.html
A vendor-independent style guide for Smalltalk. This is a book that all Smalltalk programmers should have; it tells beginners a lot about how to code the way experienced Smalltalkers code, and reminds experienced programmers of what they should be doing(!).
What books cover the original Smalltalk-80?
Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation
Goldberg, Adele & David Robson; Addison-Wesley, 1983 (reprinted 1985 with corrections). ISBN 0-201-11371-6. This is the so-called Blue Book, because of its front cover color. It is out of print, but can be found used. Contains an example implementation of Smalltalk written in Smalltalk -- obviously not for running, but for learning, it's nice. While the class library described was incomplete when published and is very out of date, the book is still referenced. Smalltalk-80: The Language
Goldberg, Adele & David Robson; Addison-Wesley, 1989. ISBN 0-201-13688-0. 608 pages. This is the front half of Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation. It is sometimes called the Purple Book, due to its front cover color. It is in print. Smalltalk-80: Bits of History and Words of Advice
Krasner, Glenn; Addison-Wesley, 1983. ISBN 0-201-11669-3. 350 pages. A collections of early papers on Smalltalk implementation and on the history of Smalltalk. It is sometimes called the Green Book, due to its front cover color. For those interested in the history of Smalltalk and the otherwise terminally curious. Smalltalk-80: The Interactive Programming Environment
Goldberg, Adele; Addison-Wesley, 1984. ISBN 0-201-11372-4. 528 pages. How to use Smalltalk-80. Describes general interface use, the text editor, projects, evaluating expressions, inspectors, browsers, creating classes, debuggers, and more. It is sometimes called the Orange Book, due to its front cover color. Quite obsolete. For those interested in the history of Smalltalk and the otherwise terminally curious.
What books are available on ParcPlace Smalltalk-80?
Inside Smalltalk, Volume I
LaLonde, Wilf R.; and John R. Pugh, Prentice-Hall, 1990. ISBN 0-13-465964-3. 528 pages. The first volume of two. It covers fundamentals, programming and debugging, the core classes including magnitudes and collections, and graphics. Unfortunately, the version of Smalltalk described is no longer available. Inside Smalltalk, Volume II
LaLonde, Wilf R.; and John R. Pugh, Prentice-Hall, 1991. ISBN 0-13-468414-1. 576 pages. http://www.prenhall.com/~rich/013/465963/46596-3.html
The second volume of two. It covers windowing and user interface issues. Unfortunately, the version of Smalltalk described is no longer available. Object-Oriented Engineering: Building Engineering Systems Using Smalltalk-80
Bourne, John R.; Asken Associates, R D Irwin Inc., 1992. ISBN 0-256-11210-X. This is a textbook which ``focuses on the understanding and use of object-oriented methodologies for engineering problem solving with a specific emphasis on analysis and design''.
What books are available on ParcPlace VisualWorks?
Art and Science of Smalltalk, The
Simon Lewis. Prentice-Hall, 1995. 238 pages. http://www-uk.hpl.hp.com/people/scrl/ArtAndScience/home.html
An introduction to Smalltalk using VisualWorks. Covers the language, using the environment, the library, collections, dependencies, model-view-controller (MVC), pluggability and adaptors, designing and coding, debugging, and managing projects. SmallTalk (sic)
Nicola, Jill; Prentice-Hall, June 1996. ISBN 0-13-206145-7. http://www.prenhall.com/~rich/013/206144/20614-4.html
Not yet published. ``Describes the two major Smalltalk implementations: VisualWorks and Digitalk -- and shows all the examples fully worked out in both versions.'' Smalltalk: An Introduction to Application Development Using VisualWorks
Hopkins, Trevor, Bernard Horan; Prentice-Hall, 1995, US$34. 426 pages. ISBN 0-13-318387-4. ``This book is a complete, stand-alone introduction to application development using Smalltalk-80. It provides a comprehensive description of the VisualWorks 2.0 development environment, the language and major aspects of the class library, including coverage of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm. This book is aimed at students attending university/college and software professionals in industry. ... [N]o previous exposure to VisualWorks, Smalltalk-80 or object-oriented programming is assumed.'' Smalltalk Developer's Guide to VisualWorks, The
Howard, Tim; SIGS Books, 1995. ISBN 1-884842-11-9 (SIGS) and ISBN 0-13-442526-X (Prentice-Hall). 646 pages. An advanced level book covering the building of interactive applications with VisualWorks. Starts off with a description of Model-View-Controller (MVC), one of the few such descriptions in the literature. Smalltalk Developer's Guide, With CDROM
Pletzke; MacMillan Computer Pub. ISBN 0-67-230720-0 Not Yet Published. No further information. May not be VisualWorks book. What books are available on IBM Smalltalk?
IBM Smalltalk Programming for Windows and OS/2
Shafer, Dan; Prima, 1995, US$49.95. 496 pages. Develops several live Smalltalk applications; source code diskette. IBM Smalltalk: The Language
Smith, David N.; Addison-Wesley (Benjamin/Cummings), 1995, about US$49. ISBN 0-8053-0908-X. 600 pages. http://aw.com/bc/authors/smith/smalltalk/smalltalk.html
A very detailed coverage of the IBM Smalltalk language, core libraries, processes, exceptions, files, and related material. Little coverage of widgets or graphics. IBM Smalltalk: Applications and Interfaces
Smith, David N.; Addison-Wesley, 1996. Approximately. 650 pages. Not yet published. It is claimed this book will have a very detailed coverage of building user interfaces, the graphics and widgets classes in IBM Smalltalk, and how to build applications.
What books are available on Digitalk Smalltalk?
Discovering Smalltalk
LaLonde, Wilf; Benjamin/Cummings, 1994. ISBN 0-8053-2720-7. 576 pages. An introductory textbook on Smalltalk. Can be used as an introduction to programming or just as an introduction to Smalltalk. The author is a professor at Carleton University and the book was developed for use there. Smalltalk Programming for Windows
Shafer, Dan; Prima, 1993, 439.95. ISBN 1-55958-237-5. 400 pages. Develops several live Smalltalk applications; source code diskette. Smalltalk V: Practice and Experience
LaLonde, Wilf, John Pugh; Prentice-Hall, 1994, 192 pages. ISBN 0-13-814039-1. http://www.prenhall.com/~rich/013/814038/81403-8.html
A collection of the authors columns from the Smalltalk Report, this book contains lots of examples and comes with a diskette. Topics include generalization, disk objects, animation, windows and events, panes, modal components, fuzzy sets, and dynamic data exchange. Object-Oriented Programming With Smalltalk/V
Marchesi, Michele; Prentice-Hall, 1993, US$36. ISBN 0-13-630294-7 An introduction to OOP, using Smalltalk/V-286. Introduces OOP concepts, the Smalltalk/V language and core libraries. Includes three sample applications. What other Smalltalk books are there?
A Little Smalltalk
Budd, Timothy; Addison-Wesley, 1987. 296 pages. ISBN 0-201-10698-1. Little Smalltalk is a, well, very little implementation of Smalltalk that has no graphical user interface. Implementations exist for a number of platforms and source is available. The book describes both the internals and the externals of the implementation. Design and Evaluation of a High Performance Smalltalk System, The
Ungar, David Michael; MIT Press, 1987. ISBN 0-262-21010-X. 288 pages. This book was an ACM Distinguished Dissertation in 1986. It describes a computer processor, the SOAR (Smalltalk on a RISC), which was designed by Ungar and others at Berkeley for the purpose of running Smalltalk. The book contains much information on Smalltalk software performance issues, and describes Ungar's generation scavenging garbage collector.
What related books might be of interested to Smalltalkers?
Designing Object-oriented User Interfaces
Collins, Dave; Benjamin/Cummings, 1995, US$50. 608 pages. How to build object-oriented user interfaces from both the cognitive psychology and the programmers perspectives. Examples in Smalltalk (and C++). Object-Oriented Application Frameworks
Lewis, Ted; and others. Manning Publications, 1995, US$30. 350 pages. Containing chapters by many experts in the frameworks fields including Erich Gamma, Andre Weigand, Larry Rosenstein, Glenn Andert, John Vlissides, Paul Calder, Kurt Schmucker, and Wolfgang Pree, it covers many successful application frameworks including MacApp, the Microsoft foundation classes, ET++, InterViews, Taligent object frameworks, UniDraw, and ProGraph CPX. Unfortunately, no Smalltalk frameworks are documented. Pitfalls of Object-Oriented Development
Webster, Bruce F.; M&T Books, 1995, US$24.95. 272 pages. While this is not strictly a Smalltalk book, it covers many of the things that can go wrong when applying Smalltalk (or other OOP technology).
What pattern books relate to Smalltalk?
While there are yet no books on patterns specifically for Smalltalk, the following books have some Smalltalk coverage. Design Patterns
Gamma, Erich, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides; Addison-Wesley, 1995. 416 pages. http://aw.com/cp/Gamma.html
This book ``shows the role that patterns can play in architecting complex systems'' and ``it provides a very pragmatic reference to a set of well-engineered patterns that the practicing developer can apply''. (From the forward by Grady Booch.) The examples are predominantly in C++ with a few in Smalltalk. Pattern Languages of Program Design
Copien, James O., and Douglas C. Schmidt, editors. Addison-Wesley, 1995, US$36.95. 576 pages. This is the proceedings of the first conference on Pattern Languages of Program Design (PLoP) in 1994. There are Smalltalk patterns in a number of papers. Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture - A System of Patterns
Buschmann, Frank, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, Michael Stal; Wiley and Sons Ltd., February 1996. Not yet published. ``The 25 patterns that are presented in this book span several levels of abstractions from high-level architectural frameworks and medium-level design patterns to low-level idioms. The book offers a new way of thinking about software architecture and teaches a number of techniques for solving particular recurring design problems.''
Where can I buy Smalltalk books?
After you've tried your local book dealer (and pointedly asked them if they carry the book, and why not!), check on Yahoo (or your favorite WWW index) for technical book stores in your area. Or try Ecola's for a nearly technical book store: - List of Technical Book Stores on the WWW
Ecola's Technical Book Spot has a list of technical book stores arranged geographically. Some technical book stores have good mail order departments. The first two below are ones that I have used successfully and happily. - Computer Literacy Book Stores, Silicon Valley (3 stores), plus Washington DC area (one store).
New technical books. Mail order. Huge stock. They have a WWW-accessable search engine of what's in stock plus ordering instructions, phone numbers, etc. - Powell's Technical Books, Portland, Oregon.
New and used technical books. Mail order. Huge stock. They have a WWW-accessable search engine of what's in stock plus ordering instructions, phone numbers, etc. - All of the stores below have a good net presence.
- Lib HiTech
LibHiTech sells computer books, and appears to operate exclusively on the WWW. - ProTech Books, Ltd.
ProTech Books, Ltd., has three technical/ professional bookstores in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex, and a new one in Austin. The technical stores formerly did business as Taylor's Technical Books. They sell computer, business, science, engineering, and junior tech books. - San Diego Technical Books, Inc.
San Diego Technical Books, Inc. is in San Diego county.
What is the ECOOP conference series?
The ECOOP Conference series is held annually in the summer in Europe. ``The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss and exchange new developments in object-oriented languages, systems and methods.'' - ECOOP '96
The 10th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming will be held in Linz, Austria, 8-12 July 1996.
What is the OOPSLA conference series?
The OOPSLA conferences are held annually in October in the United States or Canada. ``The annual OOPSLA (Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications) conference is the premiere forum bringing together participants in the field of object technology to share ideas and experiences. The combination of research and experience papers attracts both academic and industrial participants and ensures a rich exchange of ideas.'' ``OOSPLA is the oldest and most prestigious object conference. OOPSLA is a unique experience that blends technology research, application development and practical trends and methods. OOSPLA is an opportunity for sharing, growing, learning, showcasing technology and exchanging ideas.'' - OOPSLA '96
OOPSLA '96 will be held 6-10 October 1996 in San Jose, California, USA. http://www.acm.org/sig_forums/sigplan/oopsla/oopsla96/
- OOPSLA '97
OOPSLA '97 will be held 5-9 October 1997 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. http://www.acm.org/sig_forums/sigplan/oopsla/oopsla97/
What are the SIGS conferences?
SIGS Conferences include Object Expo, Object Expo Europe, C++ World, and an annual Smalltalk conference held in late winter in New York City. http://www.sigs.com/index.html
- 12 - 16 Februar 1996
München - August 5-9, 1996
New York Hilton & Towers, New York, NY - September 23-27, 1996
QEII Conference Centre, London, UK - December 2-6, 1996
Le Palais des Congres de Paris, Paris, France
What is the Object World conference series?
``Object World is the largest all object technology (OT) series in the world, with shows in Boston, Frankfurt, London, San Francisco, Sydney, and Tokyo. Object World focuses specifically on the commercial and practical aspects of applying object technology.'' - Object World East
May 5th-9th, 1996, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA, USA. - Object World UK 1996
June 18-21, 1996, The New Connaught Rooms, Covent Garden, London, UK. - Object World West
August 18th-22nd, 1996, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA, USA. - Object World Frankfurt '96
October 9th-11th, Sheraton Conference Center, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Smalltalk Places on the Net
Where are the Smalltalk code archives?
In addition to the web-based archives listed below, there is a sizeable archive of Smalltalk code in the Digitalk Forum (GO DIGITALK) on the CompuServe Information Service. - Archive of comp.lang.smalltalk
gopher://vm.gmd.de/11/listserv/Logs for Listserv Lists/INFO- CLS
All of the appends from the newsgroup comp.lang.smalltalk are archived here. - Australian Smalltalk Web Server
This Web server is a result of a joint effort between Gunn Software Pty. Ltd. and FreeFall Software Pty Ltd., both from Sydney, Australia. - Manchester Smalltalk Archive
The granddaddy of the Smalltalk archives, this archive was started by Mario Wolczko and Alan Wills. While it is no longer open for business under its own name, its contents are a part of the archives at the University of Illinois and Washington University St. Louis. - Smalltalk Archive at University of Illinois
The Smalltalk Archive at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, is run by Ralph Johnson and his students. In addition to its own material, it contains the contents of the Manchester Smalltalk Archive. - Smalltalk Archive at Washington University St. Louis
The Washington University St. Louis archive mirrors the UIUC archives, Manchester archives, papers, patterns information, and more.
What Smalltalk books have a net presence?
See the entries for the individual books; if a book has a net presence it's URL is shown with its description.
What information is there about patterns?
``Patterns are the recurring solutions to the problems of design. People learn patterns by seeing them and recall them when need be without a lot of effort. Patterns link together in the mind so that one pattern leads to another and another until familiar problems are solved. That is, patterns form languages, not unlike natural languages, within which the human mind can assemble correct and infinitely varied statements from a small number of elements.'' The Portland Pattern Repository - Christopher Alexander: An Introduction for Object-Oriented Designers
``In part because it is considered as much artistry as engineering, writings about architecture have most extensively explored and argued out the basic underpinnings of design. Even within this context, the ideas of the architect Christopher Alexander stand out as penetrating, and bear compelling implications for software design. Alexander is increasingly well-known in object-oriented (OO) design circles for his influential work on 'patterns'. This review introduces some highlights of Alexander's work.'' - Design Patterns Mailing Lists by thread
http://iamwww.unibe.ch:80/~fcglib/WWW/OnlineDoku/archive/ DesignPatterns/
The design patterns mailing list archive, by thread. - History Of Patterns
How Ward and Kent started it all... - Patterns Home Page (UIUC)
The patterns home page is a source for information about all aspects of patterns and pattern languages. - Portland Pattern Repository
``The Portland Pattern Repository collects solutions to recurring problems found computer programming. Each solution is written as a stylized essay, most in the Portland Form. Some are linked into languages. All address the design of computer programs.''
What OOP publications have a net presence?
- SIGS Publications
JOOP, C++ Report, Object Magazine, Report on Object Analysis & Design, The Smalltalk Report and more... - Who Else?
(Suggestions welcome.)
What research sites do Smalltalk related work?
- Actalk
http://web.yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/members/briot/actalk/ actalk.html
Actalk is a testbed for modeling, classifying and experimenting with object-oriented concurrent programming languages. (Actalk stands for Actor Smalltalk.) - Larch/Smalltalk.html
Larch/Smalltalk is an interface specification language for Smalltalk. - The MEAD multi-user interface prototyping system
``MEAD is a prototyping environment which supports rapid development of multi-user interfaces for cooperative shared information systems.'' - Self Home Page
SELF isn't Smalltalk but is a richer language based on a simplification of Smalltalk Dave Ungar, one of the parents of SELF, is supposed to have said: 'SELF is like Smalltalk, only more so.' SELF does have a Smalltalk simulator that supports the GNU library and that runs faster than most commercial Smalltalk implementations. - The SWeb Project
http://ursaminor.scs.carleton.ca/COOP/Students/whui/ SWebProject.html
A Smalltalk WWW client and server using ParcPlace's VisualWorks produced at Carleton University by William L.M. Hui, a student of Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson. - UIUC Smalltalk/Patterns Group
Research projects include patterns, the refactoring browser, and a Smalltalk lint tool.
Are there Smalltalk tutorials on the net?
- GNU Smalltalk Tutorial
A tutorial on the Smalltalk language provided with the GNU Smalltalk implementation. - IBM Smalltalk Tutorial
http://www2.ncsu.edu/eos/info/ece480_info/project/spring95/ proj39/www/
The tutorial is intended for programmers with no prior experience with Smalltalk. It introduces important ideas and techniques needed by the Smalltalk novice. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with general programming terms and concepts. - Smalltalk-in-the-Large Tutorial
From ByteSmith's Real Soon Now. - Smalltalk Textbook
Written by Atsushi Aoki; translated by Kaoru Rin Hayashi and Brent N. Reeves. - Tutorial on ObjectWorks R4.1 (in French)
http://zeus.enst-bretagne.fr/Tutoriaux/smalltalk/s80part1/ s80part1.html
Smalltalk 4.1, un tutorial, A. Beugnard "Nous présentons dans ce document l'interface de Smalltalk-4.1, les principes de programmations, les outils de développement et les classes de bases. Notre démarche est incrémentale et sollicite le lecteur. Nous vous conseillons de lire ce document activement, en face d'un environnement Smalltalk. De nombreux exercices sont proposés qui permettent de mettre en pratique les concepts et les outils décrits." "Un Index en fin de document permet de retrouver rapidement la plupart des concepts, classes, méthodes décrits." - Tutorial on Model-View-Controller (MVC)
This paper, by S. Burbeck, originally described the MVC framework as it existed in Smalltalk-80 v2.0. It was updated in 1992 to take into account the changes made for Smalltalk-80 v2.5. ParcPlace made extensive changes to the mechanisms for versions 4.x that are not reflected.
What are the home pages of vendors and suppliers?
What other Smalltalk sites are there on the Internet?
- The Smalltalk Hints Index
http://www.amsinc.com/special/techexp/objtech/hints/ index.htm
Hints on Smalltalk programming as noted by the programming staff of AMS. - Smalltalk Industry Council (STIC)
``STIC is a non-profit trade association whose goal is to promote the awareness of and increase demand for Smalltalk by: establishing Smalltalk as the object-oriented language of choice for application development in the enterprise; creating a focal point for the Smalltalk community; listening and responding to the needs of Smalltalk users; encouraging the participation of all segments of the Smalltalk industry (vendors, service providers and users); and encouraging standards for Smalltalk.'' - Smalltalk Users Groups
Smalltalk user groups exist in many cities. You can browse a list of them on these web pages. From the Puget Sound Smalltalk Users Group: http://www.halcyon.com/podenski/stug/welcome.html
From ObjectSpace in Dallas, TX: http://www.objectspace.com/products/objmetrc/
What Smalltalk indexes are there?
Various people maintain lists of relevant Smalltalk and OOP information on the net. Here is a collection of such pages. - Aoki's Home Page
English and Japanese Smalltalk goodies. - Cocking and Co., UK
Tips and technical articles, links to websites covering Smalltalk and other object-oriented topics, the Smalltalk User Group UK, and other Smalltalk-related information is provided by Cocking and Company. - DI-UFPE Smalltalk Page
Pointers to Smalltalk information. - European Smalltalk User Group
``ESUG is a non-profit association that gathers European users of (all dialects of) Smalltalk. Its goals are to promote Smalltalk use; promote communication between Smalltalk users through meetings, periodic newsletter, software exchange, electronic mail; help and link local Smalltalk users groups; identify Smalltalk users and their needs; and represent them towards discussions with vendors.'' - Francois PACHET's Bookmarks, France
World wide coverage but with a distinctive European flavor. - Jeff McAffer's Smalltalk Page, Japan
- Jeff Sutherland's Object Technology Home Page, USA
- Smalltalk Developer's Site, USA
Information provided by RothWell International. - The Smalltalk Store, USA
The Smalltalk Store home page lists many Smalltalk resources. - Smalltalk with Tim and Linda, The Netherlands
Grafische wandeling door de wereld van Smalltalk. - Software Composition Group Bibliography Server, Switzerland
The Software Composition Group at the University of Bern, Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, maintains a server that searches for papers on object-oriented topics. This URL returns all such references containing the keyword 'smalltalk'. - Serge's Smalltalk Page, France
- UIUC Sources of Smalltalk Information, USA
Last Modified: 01:46pm PST, January 06, 1996