NAME Catalyst::Model::FormFu - Speedier interface to HTML::FormFu for Catalyst VERSION version 0.004 SYNOPSIS package MyApp { use parent 'Catalyst'; __PACKAGE__->config( 'Model::FormFu' => { model_stash => { schema => 'MySchema' }, constructor => { config_file_path => 'myapp/root/forms' }, forms => { form1 => 'form1.yaml', form2 => 'form2.yaml', ] } ); } package MyApp::Controller::WithForms { use parent 'Catalyst::Controller'; sub edit :Local { my ($self, $c, @args) = @_; my $form1 = $c->model('FormFu')->form('form1'); if ($form1->submitted_and_valid) ... } } package MyApp::Model::FormFu { use parent 'Catalyst::Model::FormFu'; } DESCRIPTION "Catalyst::Model::FormFu" is an alternative interface for using HTML::FormFu within Catalyst. It differs from Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu in the following ways: * It initializes all required form objects when your app is started, and returns clones of these objects in your actions. This avoids having to call "load_config_file" in HTML::FormFu and "populate" in HTML::FormFu every time you display a form, leading to performance improvements in persistent applications. * It does not inherit from Catalyst::Controller, and so is safe to use with other modules that do so, in particular Catalyst::Controller::ActionRole. Note that this is a completely different module from the original "Catalyst::Model::FormFu" by <Daisuke Maki>, which is now only available on the BackPAN (< 01001.tar.gz>). CONFIGURATION OPTIONS "Catalyst::Model::FormFu" accepts the following configuration options forms A hashref where keys are the names by which the forms will be accessed, and the values are the configuration files that will be loaded for the respective forms. constructor A hashref of options that will be passed to "HTML::FormFu->new(...)" for every form that is created. model_stash A hashref with a "stash" key whose value is the name of a Catalyst model class that will be place in the form stash for use by HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC. config_callback If true (the default), a coderef is passed to "$form->config_callback->{plain_value}" which replaces any instance of "__uri_for(URI)__" found in form config files with the result of passing the "URI" argument to "uri_for" in Catalyst. The form "__uri_for(URI, PATH, PARTS)__" is also supported, which is equivalent to "$c->uri_for( 'URI', \@ARGS )". At this time, there is no way to pass query values equivalent to "$c->uri_for( 'URI', \@ARGS, \%QUERY_VALUES )". The second codeword that is being replaced is "__path_to( @DIRS )__". Any instance is replaced with the result of passing the "DIRS" arguments to "path_to" in Catalyst. Don't use quotation marks as they would become part of the path. default_action_use_name If set to a true value the action for the form will be set to the currently called action name. default_action_use_path If set to a true value the action for the form will be set to the currently called action path. The action path includes concurrent to action name additional parameters which were code inside the path. Example: action: /foo/bar called uri contains: /foo/bar/1 # default_action_use_name => 1 leads to: $form->action = /foo/bar # default_action_use_path => 1 leads to: $form->action = /foo/bar/1 context_stash To allow your form validation packages, etc, access to the catalyst context, a weakened reference of the context is copied into the form's stash. $form->stash->{context}; This setting allows you to change the key name used in the form stash. Default value: "context" languages_from_context If you're using a L10N / I18N plugin such as Catalyst::Plugin::I18N which provides a "languages" method that returns a list of valid languages to use for the current request - and you want to use FormFu's built-in I18N packages, then setting "languages_from_context" localize_from_context If you're using a L10N / I18N plugin such as Catalyst::Plugin::I18N which provides it's own "localize" method, you can set localize_from_context to use that method for FormFu's localization. USAGE Use the "form" method of the model to fetch one or more forms by their names. The form is loaded with the current request parameters and processed. SEE ALSO * Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu * HTML::FormFu::Library AUTHOR Peter Shangov <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Peter Shangov. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.