Copyright (c) 2001 Jonathan Eisenzopf and Rael Dornfest. All rights reserved.
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

XML::RSS Version 0.97

This module was created to help those who need to manage
RDF Site Summary (RSS) files. It makes quick work of
creating, updating, and saving RSS files.

XML::RSS currently supports 0.9, 0.91, and 1.0 versions of RSS.
for information on RSS 0.91. See
for RSS 0.9 and

Feel free to contact us at or
if you have problems and/or suggestions.

This module requires version 2.23 or greater of the XML::Parser module.
The latest version is available at any CPAN archive.

You may have problems if you're using Perl 5.004. If you do, you'll
need to get the latest version of XML::Parser.

perl Makefile.PL
make install

-XML::RSS doesn't yet validate that the required elements exist before it
 generates the RSS file.
-Ignores the encoding defined in the XML declaration when using parse()
 or parsefile(). This is not intentional, I just haven't been able to
 get it to work yet.
-Same problem with the RSS version attribute as with encoding.
-The module no longer supports the rss0.91 namespace, which was included
 in the first RSS 1.0 specification to support extra 0.91 elements. If you 
 use this module with RSS 1.0 files that used XML::RSS version 0.9, you
 will lose those elements if you load the file and re-save it with 
 this module. This information is now included in the dublin core
 elements which is now supported natively in this module. This does
 not affect coversions from 0.91 to 1.0 formats. That conversion works
-If you get an error when using the parse() or parsefile() methods, your
RSS file is probably not valid XML. You must be sure to encode all XML
default entities.