        |                                                          |
        |                                                          |
        |            AdminMisc extension for Win32 Perl            |
        |                                                          |
        |                                                          |
        |              -----------------------------               |
        |                                                          |
        |              by Dave Roth <rothd@roth.net>               |
        |                                                          |
        |                                                          |
        |  Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Dave Roth. All rights reserved. |
        |     Courtesy of Roth Consulting                          |
        |     http://www.roth.net/consult                          |

                              CHECK OUT THE FAQ!!!


Following in tradition...
                *                                            *
                *    Use under GNU General Public License    *
                *                                            *
                *          Details can be found at:          *
                *    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html    *
                *                                            *

NOTICE: I do not guarantee ANYTHING with this package. If you use it you
        are doing so AT YOUR OWN RISK! I may or may not support this
        depending on my time schedule.
    What is the deal with this?
    - This will allow you to manage user's dial in priviliges
    - You can administrate RAS servers and connections.
    - You can retrieve information about individual RAS connections.

    What known problems does this thing have?
    - None thus far.

    - IF you are using the ActiveState version of Win32 Perl:
        a) Copy the ADMINMISC.PM file into the directory perl\lib\win32\
        b) Rename the file ADMINMISC_XXX.PLL to ADMINMISC.PLL
        c) Make a directory: perl\lib\auto\win32\adminmisc\
        d) Copy the ADMINMISC.PLL file into the directory in step c

    - IF you are using the core distribution of Win32 Perl:
        a) Copy the ADMINMISC.PM file into the directory perl\lib\site\win32\
        b) Rename the file ADMINMISC_CORE.DLL to ADMINMISC.DLL
        c) Make a directory: perl\lib\site\auto\win32\ADMINMISC\
        d) Copy the ADMINMISC.DLL file into the directory in step c

    That is it!

    If you are lucky enough to get a parse exception when you use this
    extension then that means that the particular build of this extension is
    not compatible with your build of Win32 Perl. What you need to do is
    download a compatible build of the extension from our FTP site.
    The way you do this is first discovering your Win32 Perl build by using
    the following command:
        perl -v
    There will be a build number listed. Next download the updated version
    of this extension for that build number. You will need the one which
    either matches your build number or is the closest smaller build number.
    For example there are builds for 307 and 311. If you are using Win32 Perl
    build 313 you would download the extension built for 311 (since 311 and
    313 are compatible). However if you have Win32 Perl build 310 you would
    download the 307 build (builds 307 - 310 are all compatible).

    Crazy, eh? I am hoping that the builds will cease to change the way
    extensions are managed so we don't have this build breaking anymore. :)


  CreateProcessAsUser($CommandString [, $DefaultDirectory])
    This creates a new process $CommandString starting in the $DefaultDirectory
    (optional). The new process will be running under the account of the
    currently impersonated user (LogonAsUser()).
    There has been problems with this under NT 4.0 when the impersonated user
    is not an Administrator.
    Returns: -1 if failure otherwise the return is the OS createprocess result.

  DelEnvVar($Name [, $Type [, $Timeout]])
    This will delete an environmental variable $Name.
    Thi affect of this function will be seen globally, not only the currently running
	If $Timeout is specified then the function will wait up to $Timeout seconds
	for other applications to become aware that the environment has changed. If
	the function timesout some applications may not be aware of the variable 

    If $Type is specified it can be one of:
        ENV_SYSTEM........Specifies that $Name will be a system environmental
                          variable. (default if $Type is not specified)
        ENV_USER..........Specifies that $Name will be a user environemental
    This function is the equivalent to setting an environental variable in the
    control panel's system applet.

    NOTE: Your script will not see the new value. For that you should set $ENV{xxx}.

        1 if deleting the variable was successful
        0 if not successful

    Sets the local DNS cache on (1) or off (0). If nothing is specified it
    only returns the current state of the DNS cache.
    Returns: 1 local DNS cache is active.
             0 local DNS cache is not active.

    Returns the current number of cached elements. This can not exceed the
    value of DNSCacheSize.
    Returns: Current number of cached elements.

    Sets the local DNS cache size to $Size elements (or name/ip associations).
    If nothing is specified then it only returns the current size of the cache.
    NOTE: If a number is specified then the cache will be reset and every
          thing in it will be lost.
    NOTE: The size could be anything. Don't make it too large for memory and
          speed sake.
    The default size is 600.
    Returns: Current size of the DNS cache.

    This will start the exit windows process.
    $Flag can be one of the following:
        EWX_LOGOFF......Log the user off. Applications will be told to quite so
                        you may be prompted to save files.
        EWX_POWEROFF....Force the system to shutdown and power off. The system
                        must support poweroff. (NT: calling process must have
                        the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege)
        EWX_REBOOT......Shut down the system and reboot the computer. (NT:
                        calling process must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME
        EWX_SHUTDOWN....Shut down the system but don't reboot. (NT: calling
                        process must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege)

    The following flag can be logically ORed with one of the above flags:
        EWX_FORCE.......Log the user off. Applications will be forced to exit
                        without saving. This is a hostile way to force a
                        log off.

        non zero value if successful
        0 if unsuccessful

    This will return the name of the computer.

        Computer's name if successful
        undef if not successful

    This will return a Domain Controler of the domain $Domain.
    If $Domain is empty then use default domain is assumed.
    $Domain can be either an NT domain or an NT computer.

        name of a DC for the sepecified domain if successful
        undef if unsuccessful

    This will return an array of drive roots. If no parameters are passed
    then the list will be all drives (cdroms, floppy, fixed, net, etc.).
    If you specify $Type the list will only contain drive roots that are
    of the specified type.
    The types are:
    Returns: nothing if unsuccessful
             array if successful

    This will return an array consisting of drive information in the following
        Sectors per Cluster
        Bytes per Sector
        Number of free clusters
        Total number of clusters
    If an UNC is used instead of $Drive then it must end with a backslash as

        array if successful
        nothing if unsuccessful

    This will return an array consisting of the total drive capacity and the
    available space on the drive.
    Drives need to be specified as a root such as "c:\" or "a:\" (notice
    the need to specify the root directory not just the drive letter).
    NOTE: The values returned may not be accurate if you are running on a
    Windows 95 OSR 1 machine due to a bug in the OS. This was fixed with OSR 2.
    If an UNC is used instead of $Drive then it must end with a backslash as

        array ($Total, $Free) if successful
        nothing if unsuccessful

    This will return an integer relating to a drive type of the root $Drive.
    Drives need to be specified as a root such as "c:\" or "a:\" (notice
    the need to specify the root directory).
    The types are:
    If an error occurs a 0 will be returned and if the type could not be
    determined (maybe a a disk is not in the drive) then a 1 will return,
    otherwise type drive type will return.
        0 if unsuccessful
        1 if unable to determine
        drive type if successful

  GetEnvVar($Name [, $Type])
    This will return the value of the environmental variable $Name.
    If $Type is specified it can be one of:
        ENV_SYSTEM........Specifies that $Name will be a system environmental
                          variable. (default if $Type is not specified)
        ENV_USER..........Specifies that $Name will be a user environemental

        value of the environmental variable if successful
        undef if not successful

  GetFileInfo($File, \%Info)
    This will return a 1 if there is information available for the file $File.
    If the function is successful then the hash %Info will be populated with
    file information that is available on that file. Information returned in
    the hash include copyright, company, original filename, etc.

        1 if successful
        0 if not successful

  GetGroups( $GroupType, \@List )
    This will, if successful, populate the @List array with the names of the 
    user groups that match the group type $GroupType.
    $GroupType can be one of the following constants:
        GROUP_TYPE_ALL...........All group types (local and global)
        GROUP_TYPE_LOCAL.........Just local groups
        GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL........Just global groups

        1 if successful
        0 if not successful

    These four functions are the same but go by different names for the sake
    of sanity. You can freely mix and match any of these.
    Providing either an IP address or a DNS name it will return the opposite
    of what you provided or return a 0 if it fails.
    Returns: IP address, DNS name if successful.
             0 if failure.

    This will return an array with the following information (in order):
        Process ID (PID)............The process ID (PID).
        Thread ID (TID).............The Thread ID (TID).
        Priority Class for PID......The priority of the process.
                                    **Currently Broken**
        Thread Priority.............The priority of the thread.
                                    **Currently Broken**
        Command Line................The command line used to start the process.

        array if successful

    This will return the name of the user this account is logged on as. This is
    NOT necessarily the same as the account the perl script is running under.
    An account can log on as another user (known as "impersonating" another
    Returns: Name that the current account is logged in as.

    This will return a hash of memory related information.  Returned
    values are:
        Load.................Current load on memory (in percentages)

    Returns: nothing if unsuccessful
             hash if successful

    This will return the Primary Domain Controler of the domain $Domain.
    If $Domain is empty then use default domain is assumed.
    $Domain can be either an NT domain or an NT computer.

        name of the PDC for the sepecified domain if successful
        undef if unsuccessful

    This will return a hash of processor related information. Returned
    values are:
        OEMID................OEM identifier
        NumOfProcessors......Number of microprocessors installed
        ProcessorType........Type of microprocessor
        ProcessorLevel.......Level of microprocessor (eg. 4=486,
                             5=Pentium [586], 6=Pentium Pro)
        ProcessorRevision....Revision of microprocessor
        PageSize.............Paged memory size (how much memory is paged
                             to disk at one time)
    Returns: nothing if unsuccessful
             hash if successful

    This will return the win32 handle to the standard handle specified in
    Possible options for $Handle are:

        Win32 handle if successful
        undef if unsuccessful

    This will retrieve the time of day from the computer $Server. If $Server
    is empty then the current computer is used.
    The return value is in the same format that time() returns.

        value if successful
        undef if not successful

  GetVolumeInfo( $Drive )
    This will return a hash of drive volume information for the $Drive drive.
    $Drive must be a root directory such as "c:\\" or "x:/".  $Drive may be a UNC.
    Returned keys are:
	    Volume...............The volume label for the drive.
		Serial...............The serial number for the drive (in decimal)
		MaxFileNameLength....The max number of chars a file name can be for drive.
		SystemFlag...........System flags which can be combination of:
            FS_CASE_IS_PRESERVED....The case of filenames are stored on the disk.
                                    (for example DOS makes file names uppercase)
            FS_CASE_SENSITIVE ......File system supports case sensitive filenames.
            FS_UNICODE_STORED_ON_DISK...File system supports unicode filenames.
            FS_PERSISTENT_ACLS......File System saves and enforces access control
                                    lists (aka file permissions)
            FS_FILE_COMPRESSION ....File system supports file based compression.
            FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED....Volume is compressed (as in using DoubleSpace).
         FileSystemName.......The name of the format of the drive (eg. NTFS, FAT)
    Returns: nothing if unsuccessful
             hash if successful

    This will return a hash of windows versions. Returned values are:
        Major................Major version.
        Minor................Minor version.
                             (Windows version = Major.Minor as
                             in 3.51)
        Build................Build number
        Platform.............Platform of OS (Win32s, Win_95 or Win_NT)
        CSD..................Service Pack number (if any)
    Returns: nothing is unsuccessful
             hash if successful

    This will log the current account out from an "impersonated" account if
    the current account is indeed impersonating another account.
    If a non 0 parameter is passed then the the logoff is forced, that is,
    you can force the impersonation to end even if LogonAsUser() was not called.
    Returns: always returns 1

  LogonAsUser($Domain, $User, $Password [, $LogonType)
    This will log the current account on under a different account. The account
    to log on under will be in the domain $Domain, user $User with the password
    If $Domain is Null ('') then the $User is assumed to be in the domain in which
    the account is running.
    $LogonType is by default (if not specified) LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE but
    can be any valid logon type (eg. LOGON32_LOGON_BATCH).
    Returns: 0 if unsuccessfull
             1 if successfull

  ReadINI($File [, $Section [, $Key]])
    This will return either a scalar containing the value of $Key from the
    $Section section of the INI file $File or an array of all Keys .
    If $Key is empty then an array is returned containing all of the keys of
    the section $Section.
    If $Section is empty then an array is returned containing all of the
    sections in the INI file $File.

        array if $Section or $Key are empty and the function is successful
        scalar if successful
        nothing if unsuccessful

  RenameUser($Server, $User, $NewUser)
    This will rename the user account $User to $NewUser. All groups will
    reflect the new name.
    The command will be sent to $Server to be processed. If $Server is a
    domain name then it will find the PDC for that domain.  If $Server is
    a computer name in the format of \\server or //server then it will
    execute the command on that computer.  If $Server is blank then it will
    be run on the local machine.

        1 if successful
        0 if not successful

  ScheduleAdd($Machine, $Time, $DOM, $DOW, $Flags, $Command)
    This will schedule $Command to run at $Time on the day of the month
    determined by the bitmask $DOM and the day of the week determined by
    the bitmask $DOW.
    The scheduled job will be added with the flags specified in $Flags.
    $DOM........A bitmask where each bit represents a day of the month.
                For example: 2**4 | 2**17 would represent the 4th and 17th.
    $DOW........A bitmask where each bit represents a day of the week
                starting with Monday as bit 0. The following constants are
                These constants can be ORed together.
    $Flags......A bitmask representing flags:
                JOB_RUN_PERIODICALLY....The job will run on every DOW and DOM
                                        scheduled. If this bit is not set then
                                        the job will run once for each DOM and
                                        DOW set.
                JOB_ADD_CURRENT_DATE....The job will run at the next $Time. If
                                        the $Time has already passed it will
                                        schedule to run at $Time tomorrow.
                JOB_EXEC_ERROR..........This bit is set when the last time
                                        the particular job ran it errored.
                                        This is a read only bit.
                JOB_RUNS_TODAY..........This bit is set when the job's time
                                        has yet to pass for the current day.
                                        This is set even if the job is not
                                        scheduled to run on the current day.
                JOB_NONINTERACTIVE......This bit is set if the job will not
                                        run allowing for interaction with
                                        the desktop.

    $Command....This is any command that will be run.

        job number if successful
        undef if not successful

  ScheduleDel($Machine, $JobNumber [, $MaxJobNumber])
    This will delete the job number $JobNumber on the machine $Machine.
    If the third parameter is specified all jobs between and including
    $JobNumber and $MaxJobNumber will be deleted.

        1 if successful
        0 if not successful

  ScheduleGet($Machine, $JobNumber, \%JobInfo)
    This will retrieve information about a particular scheduled job
    on $Machine.  The information is stored in the hash %JobInfo.

        1 if successful
        0 if not successful

  ScheduleList($Machine [, \%List])
    This will return the total number of jobs scheduled to run on $Machine.
    If a hash reference is specified as a second parameter then a hash of
    hashes will be populated with information about each job.

        total number of jobs if successful
        undef if not successful

    This will set the computer name to $Name.
    This can have serious implications the computer exists in a domain.

        Computer's new name if successful
        undef if not successful

  SetEnvVar($Name, $Value [, $Type [, $Timeout]])
    This will set an environmental variable $Name to $Value.  This function will
    set the variable (creating it if $Name does not exist).
    The new value will be set globally so all applications will be able to use
    it, unlike setting $ENV{xxx} -- which sets the variable for the current
    process and any children it spawns afterwards.
	If $Timeout is specified then the function will wait up to $Timeout seconds
	for other applications to become aware that the environment has changed. If
	the function timesout some applications may not be aware of the variable 

    If $Type is specified it can be one of:
        ENV_SYSTEM........Specifies that $Name will be a system environmental
                          variable. (default if $Type is not specified)
        ENV_USER..........Specifies that $Name will be a user environemental

    This function is the equivalent to setting an environental variable in the
    control panel's system applet.

    NOTE: Your script will not see the new value. For that you should set $ENV{xxx}.

        1 if setting the variable was successful
        0 if not successful

  SetPassword($Server, $User, $Password)
    This will set the user $User password to $Password.
    This assumes that the calling process has administrative rights on the
    target server/domain.
    Limitations on accounts may restrict the setting of passwords, for example,
    setting a password to empty ('') may be restricted if blank passwords are
    not allowed in the domain.

        1 if successful
        0 if not successful

  SetVolumeLabel( $Drive, $Label )
    This will set the label of the volume $Drive.  $Drive is a root string
    such as "c:\\" or "x:/".  It can *NOT* be a UNC.

         1 if successful
         0 if not successful

  UserChangePassword($Domain, $User, $OldPassword, $NewPassword)
    This will change the password for the user $User in domain $Domain ($Domain
    could be a server instead) from $OldPassword to $NewPassword.
    If $Domain is Null ('') then the $User is assumed to be in the domain in which
    the account is running.
    If $User is Null ('') then the account to be changed is assumed to be the
    account which the perl script is executing under.
    Returns: 0 if password was NOT changed
             1 if password was changed

  UserCheckPassword($Domain, $User, $Password)
    This will verify whether or not $Password is the correct password for
    $User on the domain $Domain ($Domain could be a server instead).
    If $Domain is Null ('') then the $User is assumed to be in the domain in which
    the account is running.
    If $User is Null ('') then the account to be changed is assumed to be the
    account which the perl script is executing under.
    account is running.
    Returns: 0 if password is incorrect
             1 if password is correct

  UserGetAttributes($Server, $UserName, $UserFullName, $Password, $PasswordAge,
                    $Privilege, $HomeDir, $Comment, $Flags, $ScriptPath)
    This performs the same functino as the original UserGetAttributes()
    with the addition that it adds the ability to get the user's Full Name
    Returns: 0 if unsuccessfull
             1 if successfull

  UserSetAttributes($Server, $UserName, $UserFullName, $Password, $PasswordAge,
                  $Privilege, $HomeDir, $Comment, $Flags, $ScriptPath)
    This performs the same function as the original UserSetAttributes()
    with the addition that it adds the ability to set the user's Full Name
    Returns: 0 if unsuccessfull
             1 if successfull

  UserGetMiscAttributes($Domain, $User, \%Attributes)
    This will return a hash of attributes and values. The attributes are the
    attributes associated with the NT User account $User in the domain $Domain.
    If $Domain is empty then the current domain is assumed.
    Returns: 0 if unsuccessful
             1 if successful
    **For details of attributes see end of this file.

  UserSetMiscAttributes($Domain, $User, $Attrib, $Value [, $Attrib2, $Value2]...)
    This will set a particular attribute $Attrib to be $Value for the NT
    user account $User in domain $Domain. If $Domain is empty then the current
    domain is assumed.
    Returns: 0 if unsuccessful
             1 if successful
    **For details of attributes see end of this file.

  WriteINI($File, $Section, $Key, $Value)
    This will write the value $Value to the key $Key in the section $Section
    of the INI file $File.
    If $Value is empty then the key $Key is removed.
    If $Key is empty then all keys are removed from the section $Section.
    If $Section is empty then all sections are removed from the INI file $File.

        1 if successful
        undef if unsuccessful

    This is the exact same as CreateProcessAsUser() but it does not require
    someone to have logged on (impersonated) using the LogonAsUser() function.

  CreateProcessAsUser($CommandString [, $DefaultDirectory] [, %Config])
    This will create a process that will be running under the account that
    you are impersonating with LogonAsUser().
        $CommandString......The full command line of the processes to run.
        $DefaultDirectory...The default directory that the process runs in.
        %Config.............A hash of values that specify a configuration
                            the process is to run with.

    The %Config hash can consist of any of the following:
        Title...............The title of the processes window.
        Desktop.............A virtual desktop. Leave this blank if you are not
                            familiar with it. The default is "winsta0\default".
        X...................The X coordinate of the upper left corner of the
                            processes window.
        Y...................The Y corrdinate of the upper left corner of the
                            processes window.
        XSize...............The width of the processes window (in pixels).
        YSize...............The height of the processes window (in pixels).
        XBuffer.............Number of chars the X buffer should be. This
                            applies only to console applications.
        YBuffer.............Number of chars to Y buffer should be. This applies
                            only to console applications.
        Fill................The color to fill the window. This applies only to
                            console applications.
                            Possible values can be logically ORed together:
        Priority............The priority to run the process under. It can
                            use one of the following:
        Flags...............Flags specifying process startup options. Some of
                            these can be logically ORed together:
        ShowWindow..........State of the processes window during startup.
                            Possible values:
        StdError............Specifies which handle to use for standard IN, OUT
                            and ERROR. If one of these is specified *ALL MUST*
                            be specified.
                            You can use GetStdHandle() to retrieve the handle
                            for the current standard handle.
        Inherit.............Specifies to inherit file handles.
        Directory...........Specifies a default directory. This is the same
                            attribute as the $DefaultDirectory.

    This function requires the calling process to have the following rights
        Privilege          Display Name
        SeTcbPrivilege     Act as part of the operating system
        SeAssignPrimary    Replace a process level token
        SeIncreaseQuota    Increase quotas

        the process id (PID) if successful
        undef if unsuccessful

  ====  Misc Attribute List
    The following attributes are used with the UserGet/SetMiscAttributes()
        Specifies the name of the user account. This is a read only value and
        can not be set by this function.

        Specifies a one-way encrypted LAN Manager 2.x-compatible password. This
        is not shown due to the Win32 API. It is here for backward compatibility
        with LAN Manager. For all practicle purposes this attribute is ignored.
        This can not be set by this function.

        Specifies the number of seconds elapsed since the password attribute was
        last changed. The NetUserAdd and NetUserSetInfo functions ignore this
        attribute. This is a read only value and can not be set by this

        One of three values specifying the level of privilege assigned the
        user account. For the NetUserAdd function, this attribute must be
        USER_PRIV_USER. This is a read only value and can not be set by this
        function. This can be one of the following values:
           Value                Meaning
           -------------------  -------
           USER_PRIV_GUEST      Guest
           USER_PRIV_USER       User
           USER_PRIV_ADMIN      Administrator

        The path of the home directory for the user specified.

        The user account comment.

        Contains values that determine several features. This attribute can be
        any of the following values:
           Value                Meaning
           -------------------  -------
           UF_SCRIPT            The logon script executed. This value must be
                                set for LAN Manager 2.0 or Windows NT.

           UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE    The user's account is disabled.

           UF_HOMEDIR_REQUIRED  The home directory is required. This value is
                                ignored in Windows NT.

           UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD    No password is required.

           UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE The user cannot change the password

           UF_LOCKOUT           The account is currently locked out. This value
                                can be cleared to unlock a previously locked
                                This value, however, cannot be used to lock a
                                previously locked account.

           UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD Represents the password, which should never
                                 expire on the account. This value is valid
                                 only for Windows NT.

           The following values describe the account type. Only one value can
           be set. This is a read only value.

           UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT    This is a default account type that represents
                                a typical user.

           UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT This is an account for users whose primary
                                account is in another domain. This account
                                provides user access to this domain, but
                                not to any domain that trusts this domain.
                                The User Manager refers to this account
                                type as a local user account.

           UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT This is a computer account for a
                                Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server
                                that is a attribute of this domain.

           UF_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT This is a computer account for a Windows
                                NT Backup Domain Controller that is a attribute
                                of this domain.

           UF_INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT This is a permit to trust account for
                                a Windows NT domain that trusts other domains.

        The path of the user's logon script, .CMD, .EXE, or .BAT file.

        Specifies an unsigned long integer that contains values that specify
        the user's operator privileges.
        This is a read only value and should *NOT* be changed.
        The value is based on the local group attributeship.
            If the user is a attribute of Print Operations, AF_OP_PRINT is set.
            If the user is a attribute of Server Operations, AF_OP_SERVER is set.
            If the user is a attribute of the Account Operations, AF_OP_ACCOUNTS
            is set.
            AF_OP_COMM is never set.

            This attribute can be one of the following values:

            Value                Meaning
            -------------------  -------
            AF_OP_PRINT          The print operator privilege is enabled.
            AF_OP_COMM           The communiations operator privilege is enabled.
            AF_OP_SERVER         The server operator privilege is enabled.
            AF_OP_ACCOUNTS       The accounts operator privilege is enabled.

        The full name of the user.

        The user comment.

        This is set aside for use by applications. This string can be a null
        string, or it can have any number of characters before the terminating
        null character. Microsoft products use this attribute to store user
        configuration information. Do not modify this information.

        The names of workstations from which the user can log on. As many as
        eight workstations can be specified; the names must be separated by
        commas (,). A null string indicates that there is no restriction.
        To disable logons from all workstations to this account, set the
        UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE value in the flags attribute.

        Specifies when the last logon occurred. This value is stored as the
        number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00, January 1, 1970.
        This attribute is read only.
        This attribute is maintained separately on each Backup Domain Controller
        in the domain. To get an accurate value, each BDC in the domain must
        be queried, and the largest value is used.

        Specifies when the last logoff occurred. This value is stored as the
        number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00, January 1, 1970. A value of
        zero means that the last logoff time is unknown.
        This attribute is read only.
        in NetUserAdd and NetUserSetInfo calls.
        This attribute is maintained separately on each Backup Domain Controller
        in the domain. To get an accurate value, each BDC in the domain must be
        queried and the largest value is used.

        Specifies when the account will expire. This value is stored as the
        number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00, January 1, 1970. A value
        of TIMEQ_FOREVER indicates that the account never expires.

        Specifies the maximum amount of disk space the user can use. Use the
        value specified in USER_MAXSTORAGE_UNLIMITED to use all available disk

        Specifies the number of equal-length time units into which the week is
        divided. This attribute uses these time units to compute the length of the
        bit string in the USER_LOGON_HOURS attribute. This value must be
        UNITS_PER_WEEK for LAN Manager 2.0.
        This attribute is read only.
        For Windows NT services, the units must be one of the following:
            SAM_HOURS_PER_WEEK, or

        Points to a 21-byte (168 bits) bit string that specifies the times during
        which the user can log on. Each bit represents a unique hour in the week.
        The first bit (bit 0, word 0) is Sunday, 0:00 to 0:59; the second bit
        (bit 1, word 0) is Sunday, 1:00 to 1:59; and so on.
        If this attribute is null (null, not zero) when used with
        UserSetMiscAttributes() means that no change is to be made.

        Specifies the number of times the user tried to log on to this account
        using an incorrect password. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that the
        value is unknown.
        This attribute is read only.
        This attribute is maintained separately on each Backup Domain Controller
        in the domain. To get an accurate value, each BDC in the domain must be
        queried, and the largest value is used.

        Counts the number of successful times the user tried to log on to this
        account. A value of 0xFFFFFFFF indicates that the value is unknown.
        This attribute is read only.
        This attribute is maintained separately on each Backup Domain Controller
        in the domain. To get an accurate value, each BDC in the domain must be
        queried, and the attribute uses the sum of the values.

        The name of the server to which logon requests are sent. Servernames
        should be preceded by two backslashes (\\). When a servername is
        represented by an asterisk (\\*), the logon request can be handled by
        any logon server. A null string indicates that requests are sent to the
        domain controller.
        This attribute is read only.
        For Windows NT Servers, UserGetMiscAttributes() will return \\*.

        The country code for the user's language of choice. Windows NT does not
        use the country code.

        The code page for the user's language of choice. Windows NT does not
        use the code page.


    - 971022 roth
        - Added several functions:
        - Modified the following function:

    - 971102 roth
        - Fix applied to GetDriveSpace() to return values greater than
          4,294,967,295 (0xffffffff). The original GetDriveSpace() returned
          32 bit unsigned values. Thanks to Scott Bleasdell <bleasdes@kochind.com>
          for pointing this out.

    -971103 roth
	    - Added timeout value for EnvSetVar() and EnvDelVar(). This prevents
	      the function from waiting forever if an application is hanging 
	      during the broadcast that the environment has changed.

    - 980212 roth
        - ScheduleAdd() now supports passing a time in the following formats:
            - 24 hour string formats:
                - hh:mm:ss
                - hh:mm
            - 12 hour string formats:
                - hh:mm:ss am|pm
                - hh:mm am|pm

            - minutes from midnight
            - seconds from midnight
            - seconds from the epoch (Jan 1, 1970 -- as in the time() function)

        - Fix applied to GetDriveSpace() to return 64 bit values. The original
          GetDriveSpace() returned 32 bit unsigned values (no larger
          than 4,294,967,295 (0xffffffff)).

        - Added timeout value for EnvSetVar() and EnvDelVar(). This prevents
          the function from waiting forever if an application is hanging
          during the broadcast that the environment has changed.

    - 980223 roth
	     - Fixed bug in ReadINI() and WriteINI() where "" was never allowed
	       as a section, key or data value. Now "" is passed through exactly
	       as "". To sepecify that ReadINI or WriteINI should apply to every
	       section or key pass either an undef or leave off the parameter 
	           @Keys = ReadINI("File.ini", "Section1", undef);
		        is the same as
		        @Keys = ReadINI("File.ini", "Section1");
	       Thanks to Tom Heady.
	- 980331 roth
        - The undocumented function Exist() has been removed.  It is not required 
		  any longer since the Perl exist test (-e $Path) now works on UNC roots.

    - 980425 roth
	    - Added GetVolumeInfo() and SetVolumeLabel.  I would like to add a
	      SetVolumeSerial() but I can not find a simple/quick way of doing 

    - 980511 roth
        - Added GetGroups().

    - 980610 roth
        - Fixed UserSetMiscAttributes(). The last update broke it so it would not
          actually update the attributes but reported that it was successful.
        - Added CreateProcess().
        - Added patches to ReadINI() and GetFileInfo() from 
          Jutta Klebe <jmk@exc.bybyte.de>.
          - GetFileInfo() now returns two additional keys in it's hash:
            - LangID: language id for the file (yields 0x0409 for US english)
            - Language: language name e.g. "English (United States)"