NAME WebService::Smartling - The great new WebService::Smartling! VERSION Version 0.0.4 SYNOPSIS This module provides a Perl wrapper around Smartling's ( <> ) translation API. You will need to be a Smartling customer and have your API Key and project Id before you'll be able to do anything with this module. Note: Some parameter validation is purposely lax. The API will generally fail when invalid params are passed. The errors are not helpful. INTERFACE new Inherited from WebService::Simple, and takes all the same arguments. You must provide the Smartling required arguments of apiKey and projectId in the param hash: my $sl = WebService::Smartling->new( param => { apiKey => $KEY, projectId => $ID } ); Note: Enabling debug mode will change the API end point to the Smartling Sandbox API. This is an excellent way to debug your API interactions without affecting your production project. my $sl = WebService::Smartling->new( param => { apiKey => $KEY, projectId => $ID }, debug => 1 ); Parameters apiKey (required) You can find within your Smartling project's dashboard: <> projectId (required) You can find within your Smartling project's dashboard: <> fileDelete(*%params*) Removes the file from Smartling. The file will no longer be available for download. Any complete translations for the file remain available for use within the system. Smartling deletes files asynchronously and it typically takes a few minutes to complete. While deleting a file, you can not upload a file with the same fileUri. Refer to < %28DELETE%29> Parameters fileUri (required) Value that uniquely identifies the file. Returns: JSON result from API {"response":{"code":"SUCCESS","messages":[],"data":null,}} fileGet(*%params*) Downloads the requested file from Smartling. It is important to check the HTTP response status code. If Smartling finds and returns the file normally, you will receive a 200 SUCCESS response. If you receive any other response status code than 200, the requested file will not be part of the response. When you upload a UTF-16 character encoded file, then /file/get requests for that file will have a character encoding of UTF-16. All other uploaded files will return with a character encoding of UTF-8. You can always use the content-type header in the response of a file/get request can always to determine the character encoding. Refer to < %28GET%29> Parameters fileUri (required) Value that uniquely identifies the file. locale *(optional)* A locale identifier as specified in project setup. If no locale is specified, original content is returned. You can find the list of locales for your project on the Smartling dashboard at retrievalType *(optional)* Allowed values: pending, published, pseudo pending indicates that Smartling returns any translations (including non-published translations) published indicates that Smartling returns only published translations pseudo indicates that Smartling returns a modified version of the original text with certain characters transformed and the text expanded. For example, the uploaded string "This is a sample string", will return as "T~hÃs ~Ãs á s~ámpl~é str~Ãñg". Pseudo translations enable you to test how a longer string integrates into your application. If you do not specify a value, Smartling assumes published. Returns: HTTP::Common::Response object my( $dl ) = $sl->fileGet( { fileUri => $uri, locale => 'fr-FR', retrievalType => 'pending' } ); print $dl->content() . $/; fileList(*%params*) Lists recently uploaded files. Returns a maximum of 100 files. Refer to < 8GET%29> Parameters locale *(optional)* If not specified, the Smartling Files API will return a listing of the original files matching the specified criteria. When the locale is not specified, completedStringCount will be "0". uriMask *(optional)* SQL like syntax (ex '%.strings'). fileTypes *(optional)* Identifiers: android, ios, gettext, javaProperties, xliff, yaml. File types are combined using the logical ‘OR’. lastUploadedAfter *(optional)* Return all files uploaded after the specified date. All dates will follow the common ISO 8601 date and time standard format, and will be expressed in UTC: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss" lastUploadedBefore *(optional)* Return all files uploaded before the specified date. All dates will follow the common ISO 8601 date and time standard format, and will be expressed in UTC: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss" offset *(optional)* For result set returns, the offset is a number indicating the distance from the beginning of the list; for example, for a result set of "50" files, you can set the offset at 10 to return files 10 - 50. limit *(optional)* For result set returns, limits the number of files returned; for example, for a result set of 50 files, a limit of "10" would return files 0 - 10. conditions *(optional)* An array of the following conditions: haveAtLeastOneUnapproved, haveAtLeastOneApproved, haveAtLeastOneTranslated, haveAllTranslated, haveAllApproved, haveAllUnapproved. Conditions are combined using the logical 'OR'. orderBy *(optional)* Choices: names of any return parameters; for example, fileUri, stringCount, wordCount, approvedStringCount, completedStringCount, lastUploaded and fileType. You can specify ascending or descending with each parameter by adding "_asc" or "_desc"; for example, "fileUri_desc". If you do not specify ascending or descending, the default is ascending. Returns: JSON result from API { "fileCount": "[number]", "fileList" : [{ "fileUri": "[/myproject/i18n/]" "stringCount": "[number]", "wordCount": "[number]", "approvedStringCount": "[number]", "completedStringCount": "[number]", "lastUploaded": "[YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss]", "fileType": "[fileType]" }, { ... } ] } fileRename(*%params*) Renames an uploaded file by changing the fileUri. After renaming the file, the file will only be identified by the new fileUri you provide. Refer to < %28POST%29> Parameters fileUri (required) Value that uniquely identifies the file to rename. newFileUri (required) Value that uniquely identifies the new file. We recommend that you use file path + file name, similar to how version control systems identify the file. Example: /myproject/i18n/ This must be a fileUri that does not exist in the Smartling database. Returns: JSON result from API {"response":{"code":"SUCCESS","messages":[],"data":null,}} fileStatus(*%params*) Returns the translation status for the provided file and locale. Refer to < %28GET%29> Parameters fileUri (required) Value that uniquely identifies the file. locale (required) A locale identifier as specified in project setup. You can find the list of locales for your project on the Smartling dashboard at Returns: JSON result from API { "fileUri": "[/myproject/i18n/]", "stringCount": "[number]", "wordCount": "[number]", "approvedStringCount": "[number]", "completedStringCount": "[number]", "lastUploaded": "[YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss]", "fileType": "[fileType]" } fileUri - A unique identifier for the uploaded file. stringCount - The number of strings in the uploaded file. wordCount - The number of words in the uploaded file. approvedStringCount - The number of strings in the uploaded file that are approved (available for translation). completedStringCount - The number of strings in the uploaded file that are approved and translated. lastUploaded - The time and date of the last upload: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss fileType - The type of file: android, ios, gettext, javaProperties, xliff, yaml fileUpload(*%params*) Uploads original source content to Smartling (5MB limit), not translated files (other than importing .tmx files). Refer to < %28POST%29> Parameters file (required) The file contents to upload. This should be submitted via a multipart/form-data POST request. fileUri (required) Value that uniquely identifies the uploaded file. This ID can be used to request the file back. We recommend you use file path + file name, similar to how version control systems identify the file. Example: /myproject/i18n/ approved *(optional)* This value, either true or false (default), determines whether content in the file is 'approved' (available for translation) upon submitting the file via the Smartling Dashboard. An error message will return if there are insufficient translation funds and approved is set to true. fileType (required) Identifiers: android, ios, gettext, javaProperties, xliff, yaml smartling.[command] *(optional)* Provides custom parser configuration for supported file types. See Supported File Types for more details. callbackUrl *(optional)* Creates a callback to a URL when a file is 100% published for a locale. The callback includes these parameters: fileUri, locale If you upload another file without a callback URL, it will remove any previous callbackUrl for that file. Returns: JSON result from API { "overWritten": "[true|false]" "stringCount": "[number]", "wordCount": "[number]" } overWritten - Indicates whether the uploaded file has overwritten an existing file; either true or false. stringCount - The number of strings in the uploaded file. wordCount - The number of words in the uploaded file. projectLocaleList( ) Returns the enabled locales and identifiers for the project Refer to <> Parameters none Returns: JSON result from API { "locales": [ { "name": "Spanish", "locale": "es", "translated": "Español" }, { "name": "French", "locale": "fr-FR", "translated": "Français" } ] } locale - Locale identifier name - Source locale name translated - Localized locale name AUTHOR Matthew Cox, "<mcox at>" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-webservice-smartling at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc WebService::Smartling You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) <> * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> * CPAN Ratings <> * Search CPAN <> SEE ALSO perl(1), WebService::Simple, JSON, HTTP::Common::Response LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 Matthew Cox. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: <> Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license. If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license. This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed. Disclaimer of Warranty: THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL LAW. UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.