�README for VMS::Device��2�Copyright (c) 1998 Dan Sugalski <sugalskd@ous.edu>��J�You may distribute under the terms of the Artistic License, as distributed
�with Perl.��K�This module lets you fetch a list of devices, get info on those devices, as�E�well as mount, unmount, allocate, deallocate, and initialize devices.����perl Makefile.pl�mms��mms test��5�to build and test the extension. If it tests OK, then����mms install����to install it.��H�This beta release is fully functional, but not thoroughly tested. It mayH�well misbehave under some circumstances, leak memory, or die gracelessly>�when passed truly bogus parameters. Use with appropriate care.���WHAT'S CHANGED IN THIS RELEASE:���H�0.06: Fixed a C thinko (had && where I should have had &) which rendered#�      decode_device_bitmap useless.�