# Mojolicious::Plugin::SPNEGO ```perl use Mojolicious::Lite; my $SERVER = $ENV{AD_SERVER} // die "AD_SERVER env variable not set"; app->secrets(['My secret passphrase here']); plugin 'SPNEGO', ad_server => $SERVER; get '/' => sub { my $c = shift; if (not $c->session('user')){ $c->ntlm_auth({ auth_success_cb => sub { my $c = shift; my $user = shift; my $ldap = shift; # bound Net::LDAP::SPNEGO connection $c->session('user',$user->{samaccountname}); $c->session('name',$user->{displayname}); my $groups = $ldap->get_ad_groups($user->{samaccountname}); $c->session('groups',[ sort keys %$groups]); return 1; } }) or return; } } => 'index'; app->start; __DATA__ @@ index.html.ep <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>NTLM Auth Test</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello <%= session 'name' %></h1> <div>Your account '<%= session 'user' %>' belongs to the following groups:</div> <ul> % for my $group (@{session 'groups' }) { <li>'<%= $group %>'</li> % } </ul> </body> </html> ``` # DESCRIPTION The Mojolicious::Plugin::SPNEGO lets you provide NTLM SSO by using an active directory server as authentication provider. The plugin uses the [Net::LDAP::SPNEGO](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::LDAP::SPNEGO) module. On loading the plugin default values for the helpers can be configured: ```perl plugin 'SPNEGO', ad_server => $SERVER; ``` or ```perl $app->plugin('SPNEGO',ad_server => $SERVER); ``` The plugin provides the following helper method: ## $c->ntlm\_auth({ad\_server => $AD\_SERVER\[, auth\_success\_cb=> $cb \]) The _ntlm\_auth_ method runs an NTLM authentication dialog with the browser by forwarding the tokens coming from the browser to the AD server specified in the _ad\_server_ argument. If a _auth\_success\_cb_ is specified it will be executed once the ntlm dialog has completed successfully. Depending on the return value of the callback the entire process will be considered successfull or not. Since ntlm authentication is reather complex, you may want to save authentication success in a cookie. Note that windows will only do automatic NTLM SSO with hosts in the local zone so you may have to add your webserver to this group of machines in the Internet Settings dialog. # EXAMPLE The included example script `eg/demo.pl` shows how to use the plugin to implement NTLM authentication for a [Mojolicious::Lite](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Lite) web application. Use the following steps to run the demo: ``` $ perl Makefile.PL $ make 3rd $ env AD_SERVER=ad-server.example.com ./eg/demo.pl deamon ``` Now connect with your webbrowser to the webserver runing on port 3000. If you login from a Windows host and the url you are connecting resides in the local zone, you will see (or rather not see) seemless authentication taking place. Finally a webpage will be displayed showing a list of groups you are a member of. The demo script stores your authentication in a cookie in your brower, so once you are authenticated, you will have to restart the browser or remove the cookie to force another authentication. # COPYRIGHT Copyright OETIKER+PARTNER AG 2016. All rights reserved. # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Tobias Oetiker, <tobi@oetiker.ch> # HISTORY ``` 2016-08-21 to 0.1.0 initial version ```