Hash::KeyMorpher By: Michael Holloway <michael@thedarkwinter.com> ============ DESCRIPTION ============ Deeply change the nameing conventions for keys in Hash structures, or simply change strings between naming conventions. ============ INSTALLATION ============ perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ============ USAGE ============ use Hash::Keymorpher; # import all, or use Hash::Keymorpher qw (key_morph to_camel to_mixed to_delim); # import specific subs # To use the string converters: $res = to_camel('my_string'); # MyString $res = to_mixed('my_string'); # myString $res = to_under('myString'); # my_string $res = to_delim('myString','-'); # my-string # To morph keys in a hash # The hash is the first parameter, # Method is the second (camel/mixed/delim/upper/lower) # If using delim, the third parameter must be the deliminator (eg '_') $hash = key_morph($myhash,$method); $hash = key_morph($myhash,$method,$delim); # e.g. $h1 = { 'level_one' => { 'LevelTwo' => 'foo' } }; $camel = key_morph($h1,'delim','_'); # becomes { 'level_one' => { 'level_two' => 'foo' } }; ============ AUTHOR / COPYRIGHT ============ Michael Holloway <michael@thedarkwinter.com> ============ LICENSE ============ Perl Arstistic License