HTML::CruftText - Remove unuseful text from HTML

       Version 0.01


       Removes junk from HTML page text.

       This module uses a regular expression based approach to remove cruft
       from HTML. I.e. content/text that is very unlikely to be useful or

           use HTML::CruftText;

           open (my $MYINPUTFILE, '<input.html' );

           my @lines = <$MYINPUTFILE>;

           my $de_crufted_lines = HTML::CruftText::clearCruftText( \@lines);



       This module was developed for the Media Cloud project
       ( as the first step in differentiating article
       text from ads, navigation, and other boilerplate text. Its approach is
       very conservative and almost never removes legitimate article text.
       However, it still leaves in a lot of cruft so many users will want to
       do additional processing.

       Typically, the clearCruftText method is called with an array reference
       containing the lines of an HTML file. Each line is then altered so that
       the cruft text is removed. After completion some lines will be entirely
       blank, while others will have certain text removed. In a few rare
       cases, additional HTML tags are added. The result is NOT GUARANTEED to
       be valid, balanced HTML though some HTML is retained because it is
       extremely useful for further processing. Thus some users will want to
       run an HTML stripper over the results.

       The following tactics are used to remove cruft text:

       * Nonbody text --anything outside of the <body></body> tags -- is

       * Text within the following tags is removed: <script>, <style>,
       <frame>, <applet>, and <textarea>

       * clickprint markers -- many web sites have clickprint annotation
       comments that explicitly mark whether text should be included.

       * Removal of HTML tags in comments: we remove any HTML tags within <!--
       --> comments but keep other comment text. This makes the result easier
       to process with regular expressions.

       * Close tags that span multiple lines within an single open tag. For
       example, we would change:



            FOO<a >
          <a href=">BAZ

       this makes the output easier to process with regular expressions.

   clearCruftText( $lines )
       This is the main method for this module. Removes cruft text from $lines
       and returns the result. Generally $lines will be a reference to an
       array of lines from an HTML file. However, this method can also be
       called with a string, in which case, the string will be split into
       multiple lines and an array reference of decrufted html lines is

   has_clickprint ( $lines )
       Returns true if the HTML in $lines has clickprint annotation comment
       tags.  Returns false otherwise.

       Copyright 2012 Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard

       This program is released under the following license: Affero General
       Public License