File::Dropbox - Convenient and fast Dropbox API abstraction

        use File::Dropbox;
        use Fcntl;

        # Application credentials
        my %app = (
            app_key       => 'app key',
            app_secret    => 'app secret',
            access_token  => 'access token',
            access_secret => 'access secret',

        my $dropbox = File::Dropbox->new(%app);

        # Open file for writing
        open $dropbox, '>', 'example' or die $!;

        while (<>) {
            # Upload data using 4MB chunks
            print $dropbox $_;

        # Commit upload (optional, close will be called on reopen)
        close $dropbox or die $!;

        # Open for reading
        open $dropbox, '<', 'example' or die $!;

        # Download and print to STDOUT
        # Buffered, default buffer size is 4MB
        print while <$dropbox>;

        # Reset file position
        seek $dropbox, 0, Fcntl::SEEK_SET;

        # Get first character (unbuffered)
        say getc $dropbox;

        close $dropbox;

    `File::Dropbox' provides high-level Dropbox API abstraction based on
    Tie::Handle. Code required to get `access_token' and `access_secret' for
    signed OAuth requests is not included in this module.

    At this moment Dropbox API is not fully supported, `File::Dropbox'
    covers file read/write and directory listing methods. If you need full
    API support take look at WebService::Dropbox. `File::Dropbox' main
    purpose is not 100% API coverage, but simple and high-performance file

    Due to API limitations and design you can not do read and write
    operations on one file at the same time. Therefore handle can be in
    read-only or write-only state, depending on last call to open. Supported
    functions for read-only state are: open, close, seek, tell, readline,
    read, sysread, getc, eof. For write-only state: open, close, syswrite,
    print, printf, say.

    All API requests are done using WWW::Curl module and libcurl will reuse
    same connection as long as possible. This greatly improves overall
    module performance. To go even further you can share WWW::Curl::Easy
    object between different `File::Dropbox' objects, see new for details.

        my $dropbox = File::Dropbox->new(
            access_secret => 'secret',
            access_token  => 'token',
            app_secret    => 'app secret',
            app_key       => 'app key',
            chunk         => 8 * 1024 * 1024,
            curl          => $curl,
            root          => 'dropbox',

    Constructor, takes key-value pairs list

        OAuth access secret

        OAuth access token

        OAuth app secret

        OAuth app key

        Upload chunk size in bytes. Also buffer size for `readline'.
        Optional. Defaults to 4MB.

        `WWW::Curl::Easy' object to use. Optional.

            # Get curl object
            my $curl = *$dropbox->{'curl'};

            # And share it
            my $dropbox2 = File::Dropbox->new(%app, curl => $curl);

        Access type, `sandbox' for app-folder only access and `dropbox' for
        full access.

        Enable libcurl debug output.

    All functions are not exported by default but can be exported on demand.

        use File::Dropbox qw{ contents metadata putfile };

    First argument for all functions should be GLOB reference, returned by

    Arguments: $dropbox [, $path]

    Function returns list of hashrefs representing directory content. Hash
    fields described in Dropbox API docs. `$path' defaults to `/'. If there
    is unfinished chunked upload on handle, it will be commited.

        foreach my $file (contents($dropbox, '/data')) {
            next if $file->{'is_dir'};
            say $file->{'path'}, ' - ', $file->{'bytes'};

    Arguments: $dropbox

    Function returns stored metadata for read-only handle, closed write
    handle or after call to contents or putfile.

        open $dropbox, '<', '/data/2013.dat' or die $!;

        my $meta = metadata($dropbox);

        if ($meta->{'bytes'} > 1024) {
            # Do something

    Arguments: $dropbox, $path, $data

    Function is useful for uploading small files (up to 150MB possible) in
    one request (at least two API requests required for chunked upload, used
    in open-write-close cycle). If there is unfinished chunked upload on
    handle, it will be commited.

        local $/;
        open my $data, '<', '2012.dat' or die $!;

        putfile($dropbox, '/data/2012.dat', <$data>) or die $!;

        say 'Uploaded ', metadata($dropbox)->{'bytes'}, ' bytes';

        close $data;

    WWW::Curl, WebService::Dropbox, Dropbox API

    Alexander Nazarov <>

    Copyright 2013 Alexander Nazarov

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.