Data::Radius::Packet - module to encode/decode RADIUS messages

        use Data::Radius::Constants qw(:all);
        use Data::Radius::Packet;

        my $dictionary = Data::Radius::Dictionary->load_file('./radius/dictionary');
        my $packet = Data::Radius::Packet->new(secret => 'top-secret', dict => $dictionary);

        # build request packet:
        my ($request, $req_id, $authenticator) = $packet->build(
            type => ACCESS_REQUEST,
            av_list => [
                { Name => 'User-Name', Value => 'JonSnow'},
                { Name => 'User-Password', Value => 'Castle Black' },
                { Name => 'Message-Authenticator', Value => '' },

        # ... send $request and read $reply binary packets from RADIUS server

        # parse reply packet:
        my ($reply_type, $reply_id, $reply_authenticator, $av_list) = $packet->parse($reply, $authenticator);

    The "Data::Radius::Packet" module provides a methods to encode/decode
    RADIUS messages. It can be used to implement both Radius client or
    Radius server.

    new ( secret => SECRET, dict => DICTIONARY )
        Create a new object. All arguments are optional. Dictionary is
        object of "Data::Radius::Dictionary" which allow to use attribute
        names instead of codes. Secret is global secret string, can be
        overrided when building a new packet.

    build ( type => CODE, av_list => AVLIST, [ authenticator => AUTH ], [
    dict => DICTIONARY ], [ secret => SECRET ], [ with_msg_auth => BOOL ], [
    request_id => BYTE ])
        Build a binary-encoded RADIUS packet.

        "type" identify type of RADIUS request. They are defined in

        "av_list" is ARRAY-REF of attributes, each defined as HASH-REF with
        keys {Name, Value} or {Id, [VendorId], Value}

        "authenticator" is optional for request (by default the random value
        will be used), but required for replies.

        "secret" and "dict" can be used to override values from constructor
        (for example to use individual secrets for different Radius

        "with_msg_auth" can be passed to append Message-Authenticator
        attribute. It also can be archived by adding this attribyte to AV
        list with empty value.
        Note that since the v1.2.8 this option is enabled by default.

        "request_id" - allow to define own it. By default internal sequence
        is used. Value must be in range 0-255 (1byte)

    parse ($radius_packet, [$request_authenticator])
        Parse binary-encoded RADIUS packet to list of attributes

        Returns multiple values: RADIUS code, request id, authenticator,
        ARRAY-REF of attributes

    request_id ($radius_packet)
        Returns request id from packet without parsing it's attribues. Can
        be used to choose request authenticator before parsing the response
        packet in full.

    Data::Radius::Constants, Data::Radius::Dictionary

    Sergey Leschenko < at>

    PortaOne Development Team <perl-radius at> is the current
    module's maintainer at CPAN.