=head1 SUMMARY

Data::ID::URL::Shrink - Shorten numeric IDs, for nicer URLs and more.

This module is intended to help those looking for a way to shorten numerical ID

Additionally, it provides a way to generate a random ID where uniqueness can be
probable, depending on the length of the ID.

This module DOES NOT and WILL NOT GUARANTEE a unique ID. It can come close, but
it is more of a supplement to truly unique IDs.


While I gave my particular implementation a name (with some friendly advice),
neither the concept nor the mechanics behind this kind of encoding are mine.

I did research it out of curiosity though, and found there was plenty of
information available on the topic. However, while many experienced developers
were willing to share samples of their solutions to illustrate the process, I
did not see as many packaged solutions as I expected; this seemed most true with
regards to Perl.

I thought there might be value in making the functionality available in a single
package. This way, less experienced programmers, or those who lack the time or
interest to learn the mechanics, will be able to proceed without delay.


=head2 mst

Thanks for help with the module name and answering PAUSE and CPAN questions.

=head2 internets

Thanks to the authors of the articles, Q&A posts, etc. which I read to get
this module working.


GitHub L<https://github.com/yakubori/Data-ID-URL-Shrink>


Copyright (C) 2013 Rick Yakubowski (yakubori) <yakubori@cpan.org>

=head1 LICENSE

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

Rick Yakubowski (yakubori) <yakubori@cpan.org>
