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Class::Enumemon - enum-like class generator


    package IdolType;
    use Class::Enumemon (
        values => 1,
        getter => 1,
        indexer => {
            by_id     => 'id',
            from_type => 'type',
            id   => 1,
            type => 'cute',
            id   => 2,
            type => 'cool',
            id   => 3,
            type => 'passion',


    package My::Pkg;
    use IdolType;

    # `values`: defines a method for getting all values
    IdolType->values; #=> [ bless({ id => 1, type => 'cute' }, 'IdolType'), ... ]

    # `indexer`: defines indexer methods to package
    my $cu = IdolType->by_id(1); #=> bless({ id => 1, type => 'cute' }, 'IdolType')
    IdonType->from_type('cool'); #=> bless({ id => 2, type => 'cool' }, 'IdolType')
    IdonType->values->[2];       #=> bless({ id => 3, type => 'passion' }, 'IdolType')

    # `getter`: defines getter methods to instance
    $cu->id;   #=> 1
    $cu->type; #=> 'cute'

    # `local`: makes a guard object for overriding its data lexically
        my $guard = IdolType->local(
                id   => 1,
                type => 'vocal',
                id   => 2,
                type => 'dance',
                id   => 3,
                type => 'visual',

        IdolType->by_id(1)           #=> bless({ id => 1, type => 'vocal' }, 'IdolType')
        IdolType->from_type('dance') #=> bless({ id => 1, type => 'dance' }, 'IdolType')
        IdolType->from_type('cute')  #=> undef

    IdolType->from_type('cute') #=> bless({ id => 1, type => 'cute' }, 'IdolType')


Class::Enumemon generate enum-like classes with typical methods that are getter for all, indexer, accessor and guard generator.
An instance fetched from package is always same reference with another.


Copyright (C) pokutuna.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


pokutuna (POKUDA Tunahiko) <popopopopokutuna@gmail.com>

nanto\_vi (TOYAMA Nao) <nanto@moon.email.ne.jp>

mechairoi (TSUJIKAWA Takaya) <ttsujikawa@gmail.com>

