NAME XML::Generator::RFC822::RDF - generate RDF/XML SAX2 events for RFC822 messages SYNOPSIS my $folder = Email::Folder->new($path_mbox); while (my $msg = $folder->next_message()) { my $writer = XML::SAX::Writer->new(); my $filter = XML::Filter::DataIndenter->new(Handler=>$writer); my $generator = XML::Generator::RFC822::RDF->new(Handler=>$filter); $generator->parse($msg); } DESCRIPTION Generate RDF/XML SAX2 events for RFC822 messages. Messages are keyed using SHA1 digests of Message-IDs and email addresses. In the case of the latter this makes it easier to merge messages with contact data that has been serialized using XML::Generator::vCard::RDF (version 1.3+) DOCUMENT FORMAT + rdf:RDF + rdf:Description @rdf:about = x-urn:ietf:params:rfc822#SHA1([MESSAGEID]) - rfc822:To @rdf:resource = http://[EMAILADDRESS]) - rfc822:From @rdf:resource = http://[EMAILADDRESS]) - rfc822:Cc @rdf:resource = http://[EMAILADDRESS]) - rfc822:Return-Path @rdf:resource = http://[EMAILADDRESS]) - rfc822:Delivered-To @rdf:resource = http://[EMAILADDRESS]) - rfc822:Reply-To @rdf:resource = http://[EMAILADDRESS]) - rfc822:In-Reply-To @rdf:resource x-urn:ietf:params:rfc822#SHA1([INREPLYTO]) - rfc8822:References @rdf:resource x-urn:ietf:params:rfc822#SHA1([REFERENCES]) - rfc822:Date [REFORMATTED AS W3CDTF] - rfc822:[ALLOTHERHEADERS] + rfc822:Body + rdf:Seq - rdf:li @rdf:resource = x-urn:ietf:params:rfc822:Body#SHA1([MESSAGEID])_[n] # Body/MIME parts # (1) or more + rdf:Description @rdf:aboout = x-urn:ietf:params:rfc822:Body#SHA1([MESSAGEID])_[n] - rfc822:content-type - rdf:value # To, From, Cc, Return-Path, Delivered-To, Reply-To # (1) or more + rdf:Descripion @rdf:about =[EMAILADDRESS]) - vCard:FN - vCard:EMAIL # In-Reply-To, References # (1) or more + rdf:Description @rdf:about = x-urn:ietf:params:rfc822#SHA1([MESSAGEID]) - rfc822:Message-ID All MIME values are decoded and everything is encoded as UTF-8. PACKAGE METHODS __PACKAGE__->new(%args) This method is inherited from *XML::SAX::Base* and returns a *XML::Generator::RFC822::RDF* object. Additionally, the following parameters are allowed : * Brief Boolean. If true, the parser will ignore a message's body and all headers except : To, From, Cc, Return-Path, Delivered-To, Reply-To, Date, Subject Default is false. OBJECT METHODS $obj->parse(@messages) Where *@messages* is one or more *Email::Simple* objects. VERSION 1.1 DATE $Date: 2004/12/22 23:21:21 $ AUTHOR Aaron Straup Cope <> SEE ALSO XML::Generator::vCard::RDF LICENSE Copyright (c) 2004 Aaron Straup Cope. All Rights Reserved. This is free software, you may use it and distribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.