Perl5 CMU-SNMPv2 Extension Module


This is a Perl5 extension module which provides an interface to the
CMU-SNMPv2 library. It was developed on a linux box and tested on a
sun4_4.1 system using CMU-SMNMPv2.1.2. There have been reports of
success on irix and solaris systems so far. (Let me know of problems
and/or successes on other boxes please)

the most recent version of the module can be retrieved from
(as well as the usual perl archives)

cmu source may be found in a variety of locations, try (sun, hp port etc.) (linux)


The basic operations offered by SNMP are provided through an object
oriented interface for modularity and ease of use. The primary object is
SNMP::Session which is implemented as a blessed hash reference. The
object supports 'get', 'set', and 'getNext' method calls. All calls are
blocking/synchronous (i.e., they must recieve a response or timeout
before control is returned to the caller). The methods take a variety of
input argument formats(see test/ for examples). A description
of the objects data fields follow.

 DestHost - required on creation, either hostname or ip addr of SNMP agent
 Community - default 'public', SNMP community string
 Version - default '1', v1 support only for now
 Timeout - default '1000000', micro-seconds before retry
 Retries - default '5', retries before failure
 RetryNoSuch - default '1', for get request NOSUCH errors, the pdu will
               be repaired, removing the varbind in error, and resent -
               undef will be returned for all NOSUCH varbinds, setting
               to '0' disables this feature and the entire get request
               will fail on any NOSUCH error
 ErrorStr - read-only, returns a test description of any error occuring
            in the last request
 ErrorNum - read-only, returns the snmp_err or staus of last request
 DestAddr - internal field used to hold the translated DestHost field

In addition a number of package variables and methods are provided

$SNMP::VERSION - the current version specifier (e.g., 1.6)

$SNMP::auto_init_mib - default '1', enables the immediate loading of the
                       ASN mib when the package is loaded - if set to '0'
                       mib loading must be done explicitly (see SNMP::setMib)

SNMP::setMib - allows dynamic re-initialization of the mib to be used

SNMP::translateObj - will convert a text object tag to a numeric OID and
                     vice-versa. iid suffix is always retained numerically


build/install version 2.1.2 of CMU-SNMPv2 libsnmp.a (e.g., /usr/local/lib)

make sure header files are available someplace (e.g., /usr/local/include)

in ext/SNMP 'perl Makefile.PL'

then 'make install'

the CMU tool-kit requires that an ASN mib be available. 'mib.txt' is the
default name looked for first in the local directory and then in
/etc. See CMU-SNMP docs for details on overriding the default or set mib
explicitly with SNMP::setMib.

assuming you have an SNMP agent to talk to you can customize test/
and run

'cd test; perl <agent-address>'

Many thanks to those in the Perl community and perl5-porters list who

bugs, comments, questions to