NAME Data::Visitor::Lite - an easy implementation of Data::Visitor::Callback SYNOPSIS use Data::Visitor::Lite; my $visitor = Data::Visitor::Lite->new($replacer); my $value = $visitor->visit({ # some structure }); DESCRIPTION Data::Visitor::Lite is an easy implementation of Data::Visitor::Callback new(@replacers) this is a constructor of Data::Visitor::Lite. my $visitor = Data::Visitor::Lite->new( # '-implements' replacer type means only replace # when an object can implements provided methods [-implements => ['to_plain_object'] => sub {$_[0]->to_plain_object}], # '-isa' replace type means only replace # when an object is a sub-class of provided package, [-isa => 'Some::SuperClass' => sub{$_[0]->encode_to_utf8}] # '-plain' replace type means only replace # when an object is not a reference|blessed value [-plain => sub{ $_[0]+1}] ); my $value = $visitor->visit({ something }); AUTHOR Daichi Hiroki <hirokidaichi {at}> SEE ALSO Data::Visitor::Callback LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.