- A Perl module implementing receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC)
           curves with nonparametric confidence bounds

     Copyright (c) 1998 Hans A. Kestler. All rights reserved.
     This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or
     modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

  This code implements a method for constructing nonparametric confidence
  for ROC curves described in     
        R.A. Hilgers, Distribution-Free Confidence Bounds for ROC Curves, 
        Meth Inform Med 1991; 30:96-101
  Additionally some auxilliary functions were ported (and corrected) from 
  Fortran (Applied Statistics, ACM).

  A graphical userinterface for drawing and printing these ROC curves is 
  supplied with the module (
  Written in Perl by Hans A. Kestler.
  Bugs, comments, suggestions to: 
              Hans A. Kestler <>