Tie/Array/FileWriter version 0.1

Tie::Array::FileWriter is a Perl module for writing records to files as array reference records are
pushed onto a virtual array. This can be handy if you have existing code that expects to push data
onto an array, but you'd rather redirect that output to a file. For example, you may have existing
database access code that behaves in this way, but you want to redirect the output of a large
query directly to a file instead of having to store it all in memory in an array first. Using
Tie::Array::FileWriter, you can accomplish this without modifying the existing database access
code. You just have to arrange to have it push its records onto an appropriately tied array.

Tie::Array::FileWriter arrays ignore anything pushed onto them that is not an array reference.
Elements of array references are joined by the delimiter and written to the output file.

Any other action on the tied array besides push will result in an error.

The default delimiter is the vertical bar ('|', also known as 'pipe').


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


Copyright (C) 2001 Gregor N. Purdy. All rights reserved.


This program is free software. It is subject to the same license as Perl itself.