This module intends to be your best tool to manipulate
every kind of Perl complex data structure.
When using Perl with complex data structure (see man perldsc),
you enter the world of Perl structure which is just powerfull
(no limitation on heterogeneous type, no limitation on size and quite simple)
Here you have the essentials functions :
compare, navigate and applying patch (for modifying). 

Resources on the Internet
The latest Data::Deep module can be found at:

To install, do the usual "perl Makefile.PL ; make ; make install".

Improvement :

Bugs are always need to be seeken as it is complex module for me.
Encoding tests are very expermimental.
Perhaps patch formats could be improved, ...

Feel Free to make it evolve trying to keep it as pratical as possible,
could be integrated as CORE module if somebody have time for improve it.
Could be quicker implemented in C (XS).

Anyway, use and abuse it,

Stay cool!

Matthieu Damerose

February 19, 2012