Classgen-3.03						(12/2000)

Simplifies creation, manipulation and usage of complex objects.

	* you can focus completely on the intended functions of your object
	* objects are stored in separate ASCII-files (<file>.pm and <file>
	* objects can be edited later
	* specifying objects instance variables is enough 
	  to implement basic functionality
	* structures for inheritance are prepared by default
	* a perldoc skelton is provided for each object

classgen is a script that allows you to create a Perl-object from
a simple control-file. In the control file you basically specify
the internal instance-variables this object should have. classgen
then generates ASCII-source code (package) for you, which contains:

	* a new() - method with the variables blessed to an {}
	* accessor- and manipulator-methods for all these variables
	* a specific() - method; it serves as a skelton for you to
	  edit further object-specific methods as you need them
	* a perldoc-skelton at the end
3.03:	* accessor and manipulator methods are stored separated as files
3.03:	* .pm and are saved into the /archive directory first
3.03:	* if you created a MANIFEST file via h2xs, the file is added 
3.03:	* the version is set to 1.00 automatically	

To install classgen 'gunzip' and 'tar xvf' the .gz file in a directory
of your choice. Next run from this directory:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install (as root)

There are a few examples in examples/ which include how to extend the 
generated object for inheritance from base-classes.

The /examples directory provides code and explainations on:

	* how to get started
	* how to implement inheritance with classgen
	* how to introduce different peanuts-characters by inheritance
	* how to establish associations between different classes

In the spirit of UML,
Michael Schlueter	email:


Feedback given on Classgen-3.01:

Hi, Michael,
Thanks for the wonderful "classgen" utility, it saves
me a lot of typing. (...)

Lieting Yu (   28.6.2000