NAME Device::MX240 - Perl api to the MX240 (Motorola Instant Messenger) SYNOPSIS use Device::MX240 qw(open_dev); my $done = 0; # Ctrl-C/INT handler $SIG{INT} = sub { $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE'; $done++; }; my $d = open_dev(); # init device $d->write_dev("\xad\xef\x8d"); while (!$done) { my $buf = $d->read_dev(); if ($buf) { # process $buf # and use $d->write_dev(); } sleep(1); # poll the device $d->write_dev("\xad"); } $d->close_dev; exit; ABSTRACT This module allows easy communication to and from the MX240. Also known as the IMFree. The device is a wireless instant messenger. (USB base, 900mhz) libusb and libhid are required for this module to compile. DESCRIPTION This module has a few functions to interact with the MX240a. Data is read in 16 byte boundries, and is written in 16 byte boundries. CONSTRUCTOR "open_dev" This function returns a blessed reference to the MX240 device. The interface for this function may change in the future to accept a vendor and product id. You can use the returned object with the following mehods. METHODS "read_dev" Returns undef when nothing has been read, and 16 bytes of data on success. "write_dev( $data )" Returns number of bytes written, and 0 on failure. "close_dev" Returns true on success and 0 on failure; EXPORTS None by default. You can export "open_dev", "MX240A_VENDOR", and "MX240A_PRODUCT". use Device::MX240 qw(open_dev); SEE ALSO , AUTHOR David Davis CREDITS Dusty, for the C functions to libhid and libusb. Please rate this module. "" COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2005 by David Davis and Teknikill Software This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.