The GDTextUtil package contains text utilities for use with the GD drawing package. This package provides three modules that make it possible to work with internal GD fonts as well as TrueType fonts, without having to worry about different interface functions to call. Apart from an abstract interface to all font types and strings for GD, this library also provides some utility in aligning and wrapping your string. GD::Text: Provides information about a font, irrespective of whether the font is a TTF or builtin font. GD::Text::Align Align a string around a coordinate, left, right, center, top, bottom or center. GD::Text::Wrap Wrap a long string between a right and left margin, starting at a certain y coordinate. Layout the text flush left, flush right, center, or justified. Requirements: perl 5.005_03 or higher, preferably 5.6. It may work on older versions, but it has not been tested, and I won't spend a lot of time trying to support it. GD 1.20 or up, if possible built with TTF (freetype) support. Please note that the freetype version 2 libraries should be at the latest level. Especially version 2.0.3 has an annoying bug that rotates text twice. Installation: perl Makefile.PL make make test make demo make install Demo(s) can be found in the demo directory. DO NOT PANIC when the tests fail. The various Freetype libraries often have a slightly different implementation of their rendering algorithms, resulting in slightly different bounding boxes for strings, and slightly different looking images. If your tests fail, try a 'make demo', and visually compare demo/GDWrap.png (freshly generated image) and demo/GDWrap.ref.png (reference image). If they look reasonably similar, you can call the tests successful. Even if they don't look entirely similar, it may simply be because your font files are different from the ones I used to create GDWrap.ref.png. Please see the sources. Todo: - Make the interface more flexible - Alignment for the wrap boxes as a whole - More demo code COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1999 Martien Verbruggen This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Enclosed font: Cetus by Greg Meronek, downloaded from