README for SDL_perl-1.19 What's New in 1.19.0 * Added SDL::GraphicTool and * Added NetBSD support * Added a menu example program * ./configure library disable options * Fixed OpenGL support bugs for Debain * Optimized SDL::App::loop Installation: ./configure make make install The perl script Makefile.PL will attempt to search for the standard place you may have installed SDL and its supplemental libraries. You can disable individual libraries using the command line switches. For example you can avoid compiling OpenGL and GLU support as follows: ./configure -GL -GLU It is highly recommended that before you install SDLperl, that you install the latest GLU from SGI. As of the writing of this section, Mesa only supports 1.2 while SGI supports 1.3. Mesa's support should be sufficient in most cases. Older versions such as 1.1 will be limited in the OpenGL support, and 1.0 may not even build. For those in a win32 environment, the the os typically ships with only OpenGL 1.1 support, with OpenGL 1.2/1.3 support only provided by graphics cards OEMs. It is hightly recommended that you install the latest development headers. Contributing: Anyone wishing to contribute modules, sprite engines, and anything else that others might find useful, please email: This is a mailing list for those interested in SDLperl development, both as an applications developer, and as a core contributor. Subscription information can be found at: I am always more than happy to take patches, bug reports, and helpful suggestions. It is feedback, both good and poor, that keeps projects like this going. Enjoy, David J. Goehrig 11 October 2002