NAME Sys::Syslog - Perl interface to the UNIX syslog(3) calls DESCRIPTION Sys::Syslog is an interface to the UNIX syslog(3) program. Call syslog() with a string priority and a list of printf() args just like syslog(3). INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make install A ANSI-compliant compiler is required to compile the extension. Sys::Syslog has been tested by the author on the following systems, but is likely to run on many more: - Linux 2.6, gcc 3.4.1 - FreeBSD 4.7, gcc 2.95.4 - FreeBSD 6.0, gcc 3.4.4 - Mac OS X 10.4, gcc 4.0.1 Sys::Syslog should on any Perl since 5.6.0. This module has been tested by the author to check that it works with the following versions ot Perl: - Perl 5.6.2 i686-linux (custom build) - Perl 5.8.5 i386-linux-thread-multi (vendor build) - Perl 5.6.1 i386-freebsd (custom build) - Perl 5.8.7 i386-freebsd (custom build) - Perl 5.8.8 i386-freebsd-64int (custom build) - Perl 5.8.6 darwin-thread-multi-2level (PowerPC, x86) (vendor build) See also the corresponding CPAN Testers page: SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Sys::Syslog You can also look for information at: Search CPAN Kobes' CPAN Search CPAN Request Tracker: AnnoCPAN, annotated CPAN documentation: CPAN Ratings: COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.