NAME Murex::Config ABSTRACT Module to handle Murex MxG2000 Configurations SYNOPSIS use Murex::Config DESCRIPTION Module to handle Murex MxG2000 Configurations EXPORT None by default. LOGGING This module expects a log.conf file to exist. This file contains the Log4Perl Configuration. Murex::Base->new(basedir=>"./") Creates a new config object. Expects "basedir" to be set to the base directory. Example: my $configobject = Murex::Config->new(basedir=>"/hfx/home/develop/ml7tre/OOTest/conf/"); readfile(type=>"csv",filename=>"f.csv") Reads an configuration file and applies it to the object. Example: $configobject->readfile(type=>"csv", filename=>"Eod_Schedule.csv", ); $configobject->readfile(type=>"xml", filename=>"MurexEnv_all.xml", ); environmentinfo(name=>$e); Retrieves information about an environment. Example: my @envs=$configobject->environmentinfo(name=>$e); foreach my $result (@envs) { print Dumper($result); } mergeconf("Merged","first.xml","second.xml") Merges two configuration hash's into one. The last one is allowed to overwrite data from the first. Example: $configobject->mergeconf("MergedXML","MurexEnv_all.xml","MurexEnv_ml7tre.xml"); encrypt(seed=>"seed",password=>"password") needs two strings as parameters (e.g. seed and password) and returns an encrypted/decrypted value. Example: $logger->info("Encrypted: ".$configobject->encrypt(seed=>"seed",password=>"password")); decrypt(seed=>"seed",password=>"7a29a1a99e53bb2d6c9f77893b017ed6")); needs two strings as parameters (e.g. seed and password) and returns an encrypted/decrypted value. Example: $logger->info("Decrypted: ".$configobject->decrypt(seed=>"seed",password=>"7a29a1a99e53bb2d6c9f77893b017ed6")); getmd5checksum(filename=>"log.conf")); Returns a MD5 checksum for a given filename. output(template=>"",environment=>"envname"); Outputs to template toolkit SEE ALSO Visit the Murex User Group at AUTHOR Markus Linke, . COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2005 by Markus Linke. All rights reserved. NO commercial use without authors written permission! AMENDMENT HISTORY Please see Changes file.