Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA is an XS perl module designed to provide basic RSA functionality. It does this by providing a glue to the RSA functions in the openSSL library. In particular, it provides the following functions: loadPublicKey, loadPrivateKey - load a key from a string getPublicKeyString, getPrivateKeyString - save a key to a string generateKey - make a new key encypt, decrypt setPaddingMode, getPaddingMode size - Returns the size, in bytes, of the key. checkKey - checks the validity of a key. Bugs: Currently many XS routines croak rather than trying to intelligently signal an error. This is mostly in cases where a routine is called without adequate preparation, such as asking to encrypt before setting a key. There appears to be some small memory leaks in functions (notably _loadKey, probably others). This is presumably due to failure to decrement a reference count somewhere - I just haven't found out where yet. In any event, the leak appears to be reasonably small (a few bytes here and there). RSA_NO_PADDING_MODE does not work - I don't know yet if it's a problem with encryption, decryption, or both. The openssl functions RSA_public_decrypt, RSA_private_decrypt, RSA_sign and RSA_verify are not yet implemented. Arguably, this module should be greatly extended and renamed Crypt::OpenSSL::OpenSSL There is no support for encrypting text larger than the key-size. There is no Crypt::CBC support.