in the Sather Group

Back: Arno Jacobsen, Wolf Zimmermann, Michael Philippsen, Boris Weissman
Middle: Ben Gomes, Holger Klawitter, Claudio Fleiner
Front: Jerry Feldman, Joachim Beer, David Stoutamire

The Sather project is the result of a collaboration between a changing Sather group at ICSI and folks on the net from all over the world (sign the guestbook.) In the first category below you will find members of the Sather group at ICSI. The second category consists of other folks who we view as essential members of our extended Sather family. The third group consists of alumni, who have moved on to other jobs and projects. Finally, there is a list of people who are active on the net and have an interest in particular projects. We have also had fairly extensive interaction with folks from the Sather-K group at Karlsruhe, particularly Professor Goos and Wolf Zimmerman.

The lists below are mostly in alphabetical order (with the notable exception of Steve Omohundro). Clicking on the image of the person links to their home or Sather page, if they have one.

The Core Sather Group

Jerry Feldman leads the Sather project at ICSI.
Claudio Fleiner works on the optimizer, debugging support and pSather.
Ben Gomes works on the library, the tools and the web pages.
Arno Jacobsen has been working on iter closures.
Holger Klawitter works on the language design and on a parallel replaying debugger. He also maintains the Sather web pages.
Jürgen Quittek worked on distributed lock management for pSather.
David Stoutamire was formerly the Sather Czar but is now working elsewhere.
Boris Weissman was the last Sather Czar, maintainer of the compiler and language specification and bug fixer.

The Extended Sather Group

David Bailey created the Socket libraries and worked on the Sather Gui.
Alex Cozzi works on signal processing classes and wrote the Sather style guide.
Matthias Ernst deals with TkKit and the Sather Gui.
Ari Huttunen ported Sather to OS/2 and has worked on the file classes.
Matt Kennel works on numerial computation classes like matrices, vectors and so on.
Kevin Lewis maintains the Sather emacs mode.
Michael Philippsen wrote a Sather tutorial and compiler coding for pSather 1.0. (His Home-Page in Germany)
Erik Schnetter is working on an X interface for Sather. Also working on a Java VM back end. Contributes very significantly to bug detection/fixing of releases.

Sather alumni

Stephen Omohundro was the original Sather Czar, starting it all and giving it form.
Jeff Bilmes developed the debugging support of the 0.2 version.
Robert Griesemer wrote a LISP interpreter and infinite precision integers, and was influential in the 1.0 design.
Noboyuki Hikichi worked on performance evaluation and the Tcl interface.
Chu-Cheow Lim was the first Sather 0.1 compiler (he boot-strapped it into C by hand) and wrote a thesis on pSather.
Franco Mazzanti contributed greatly to the first pSather compiler.
( ?)
Mark Minas did a lot of research on how to debug parallel (Sather) programs.
Stephan Murer contributed greatly to the language 1.0 pSather design.
Heinz Schmidt worked on almost every aspect of the early Sather versions.
Clemens Szyperski helped craft Sather's iterators and type system.

Others we hear from on the net

I. M. Ikram is working on evolutionary algorithms classes with emphasis on bit-string genetic algorithms
Aviv Tuttnauer is interested in working on a Mac port of Sather. (
Sheldon White wrote the pentiminos demo and did some evaluation of Sather parformance.
Yoshida Atsushi maintains a web mirror in Japan. He is interested in Japanese documentation for the language. He has extended Sather with comprehension notation for use in a software manipulation language.
Tetsu Sato maintains a mailing list for users of Sather in Japan.
Jean-Pierre Dussault a professor at the university of Shrebrooke, uses Sather to teach several courses.
Bill Macready a physicist at the Santa Fe Institute using Sather to test new algorithms for optimization and machine learning.
You! Sign our guestbook.

The porting page has references to others who are currently working on various porting issues.

The characters on the dummy pictures are the avard winning clay stars Wallace and Gromit created by Nick Park.

Last change: 6/17/96
The Sather Team (