messageHandler copes with all messages that are meant to be localized, notably the actions of the bot, e.g. the toutou mode. New mechanism taking xml formalism to save and load the reactions. 2 hashes are set up to be able to fetch a command from a token, and a token from a trigger...
The ressource files are fetched from configpath/ressources/* if the given ressource name doesn't begin with a /
Copyright (c) 2002 Bruno Boettcher
messageHandler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
2 structures hidden inside: the emotes, where the toke has a validity range, and the messages, which use the same grammar but without a validity range.
2 structures hidden inside: the emotes, where the toke has a validity range, and the messages, which use the same grammar but without a validity range.
Thus just add the needed tokens into the code, and then give them a real text through the bot shell
the stuff to be replaced is generally speaking taken from the html entities, since the & is a special perl char, it was replaced with standard +. otherwise... i implemented only the signs i might use, thus if you need other ones feel free to extend this list...
%sender $data->{"usernick"}/g; %realname $data->{"username"}/g; %host $data->{"userhost"}/g; %target $data->{"target"}/g; %channel $data->{"channel"}/g; %rest $data->{"line"}/g; %C #mirc style color codes +copy; © +reg; ® +Auml; Ä +Ouml; Ö +Uuml; Ü +auml; ä +ouml; ö +uuml; ü +szlig; ß +Egrave; È +Eacute; É +Ecirc; Ê +egrave; è +eacute; é +ecirc; ê +Ucirc; Û +ucirc; û +Ugrave; Ù +ugrave; ú +agrave; à +Agrave; À +acirc; â +aelig; æ +ccedil; ç +iuml; ï +Iuml; ï +ocirc; ô +Ocirc; Ô
Bruno Böttcher <bboett at>
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