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Emacs Mp3player tutorial
AKA : "how to use it in the cool way"
What you need
Basically, you'll need mp3player, preferably the CVS version, as the bugs get added^Wfixed very fast. You also need some directories (at least one, of course) containing the music you want. And finally, 2 external programs are required : mpg321 and ogg123. Now you've got the basic setup, all you need is to tell mp3player to use the directories you want. This is done by :
;; add as many dirs as you want (setq mp3player-paths '("/path/to/dir/1" "/path/to/dir/2"))
You could also define the way mp3player shows the current played song :
(set mp3player-info-string-format "[ %a - %s ]" mp3player-modeline-info-format " [%a - %s] " mp3player-titlebar-info-format "%a - %s" mp3player-np-format "%a - %s")
Where %a represents the artist and %s the song title. Look at the docstring for all the parameters you can use. info-string-format is used by mp3player-what, mp3player-modeline-info-format is what you will see in the modeline, mp3player-np-format is what others will have to endure when you type /NP in ERC, and i leave you guess what could mp3player-titlebar-info-format could ever mean.
Now that you tuned the basics, you can start to use it. Don't forget to eval-buffer where you added those lines.
mp3player-find-files : how ?
Basically, that function searches for files in the directories you specified a few lines before. When you type M-x mp3player-find-files RET, you're asked for a regexp, and mp3player will show you all the matching files and directories. Example : i'd like to find all the songs by Simple Minds, i just enter "Simple Minds" (without the quotes), and mp3player will open a dired buffer containing the answers. From that buffer, you can use + to add the file/directory under cursor to the current playlist. If no playlist exists, then mp3player will create one. Note that as mp3player searches with rexegps, the requests are only limited by your imagination, a few examples:
- Find all the files containing the word metal : metal
- Find the tracks with the word elsa or the word barney : elsa\|barney
- Find the tracks exactly starting with Bill : ^Bill
- and so on...
Using the playlist
The playlist buffer is the visible part of your "Emacs multimedia system" in which you can manage your tracks. Here are some of the bindings that you might find useful :
- u and d : move the track under the cursor down or up.
- RET : plays the file under the cursos immediatly
- s : stops playing
- r : resume a stopped playing
- k : remove a file from the playlist
- < and > : play previous or next track
- f : displays the filename of the track under cursor, useful if you have problems with tags
- and so on, press h to get a full list of the available bindings.
Going further : tuning it !
Well, i'm sure you know that sentence : Read the source, Luke