Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 REPOSITORY_RECORD structure
Public Methods
Accessors (set)
Accessors (get)
Implements the GEDCOM 5.5 REPOSITORY_RECORD structure
Accessors (set)
void setId(std::string const &)
void setName(std::string const &)
void setAddress(Address* const)
void addNoteStructure(NoteStructure* const)
void addUserReference(UserReference* const)
void setRin(std::string const &)
void setChangeDate(ChangeDate* const)
Accessors (get)
virtual std::string const& getId(void) const
virtual std::string const& getName(void) const
SmartPtr<Address> const& getAddress(void) const
NoteStructures_t const& getNoteStructures(void) const
UserReferences_t const& getUserReferences(void) const
virtual std::string const& getRin(void) const
SmartPtr<ChangeDate> const& getChangeDate(void) const
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