This is the homepage of DistWork, a load distribution tool for heterogenous environments. It consists of nodes offering services, such as:
- Compression (audio, video, "generic")
- C/C++/Ada/whatever compilation
- Raytracing
- Number crunching
- ...
DistWork uses a peer-to-peer architecture, allowing for automatic integration of non-permanent nodes.
DistWork was inspired by distcc, a distributed C/C++ compiler. I always felt that the concepts behind distcc and similiar programs such as distmp3 should be generalized and put into a framework that makes it easy to construct new distributed services.
There is a compiler client (the code being mostly taken from distcc) and a simple "filter" client, as well as more sophisticated general-purpose client written in Scheme. Expect a preview release in the near future.
DistWork is available from my Archive. The following branches are are active:
- head of development
Related Software
- distcc, a distributed C/C++ compiler (written in C).
- distmp3, a distributed OGG/MP3 encoder (written in Perl).

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