Catppuccin for LaTeX
## Previews
🌻 Latte
🪴 Frappé
🌺 Macchiato
🌿 Mocha
## Usage
### Importing the theme file
1. The [catppuccinPalette](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/catppuccinpalette) package is present on CTAN, but probably not included in your TeX Live installation. Follow the steps below to install it manually:
- Shortcut: If you set up your local `texmf` you should be able to simply install by executing `make install` (this installs the package locally for the current user)
- If you don't like installing the package locally for the current user you might also execue `l3build unpack` and move the generated `.sty` file `build/unpacked/catppuccinpalette.sty` to the root directory of your project.
- If you don't have `l3build` available, you can also download the `catppuccinpalette.sty` file from the [latest GitHub release](https://github.com/catppuccin/latex/releases/latest) and move the file to your project root.
2. Import the package by adding `\usepackage[FLAVOR]{catppuccinpalette}`, replacing `FLAVOR` with the flavor of your choice. i.e. `\usepackage[macchiato]{catppuccinpalette}`. Valid options are: mocha (default), latte, frappe, and macchiato.
- If you want the package not only to add color definitions, you can also pass `textcolor=true` and/or `pagecolor=true` to the `catppuccinpalette` package.
- Also note that in the pdf containing the documentation, the available options are described in more detail and also the defined colors are listed and shown.
### Color Naming Conventions
All [Catppuccin palette colors](https://github.com/catppuccin/catppuccin#-palette), across all flavors, follow the same naming convention. This theme set prefixes all Catppuccin colors with `Ctp`, i.e. `CtpPeach`, or `CtpBlue`.
### Examples
Please refer to the [examples](https://github.com/catppuccin/latex/tree/main/examples) for full demonstrations, with LaTeX sources and their outputs, on theme usage and code highlighting.
## 💝 Thanks to
- [Lukas](https://github.com/atticus-sullivan)
- [Brandon](https://github.com/walshyb)
Copyright © 2021-present Catppuccin Org