Source: ../../mld6igmp/mld6igmp_source_record.hh

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// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 XORP, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2, June
// 1991 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Redistribution
// and/or modification of this program under the terms of any other
// version of the GNU General Public License is not permitted.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// see the GNU General Public License, Version 2, a copy of which can be
// found in the XORP LICENSE.gpl file.
// XORP Inc, 2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 204, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA;

// $XORP: xorp/mld6igmp/mld6igmp_source_record.hh,v 1.15 2009/01/05 18:31:00 jtc Exp $


// IGMP and MLD source record.

#include <map>
#include <set>

#include "libxorp/ipvx.hh"
#include "libxorp/timer.hh"

// Constants definitions

// Structures/classes, typedefs and macros

class EventLoop;
class Mld6igmpGroupRecord;

 * @short A class to store information about a source (within a given
 * multicast group).
class Mld6igmpSourceRecord {
     * Constructor for a given group record and source address.
     * @param group_record the group record this entry belongs to.
     * @param source the source address.
    Mld6igmpSourceRecord(Mld6igmpGroupRecord& group_record,
			 const IPvX& source);
     * Destructor.

     * Get the group record this entry belongs to.
     * @return a reference to the group record this entry belongs to.
    Mld6igmpGroupRecord& group_record()	const	{ return (_group_record); }
     * Get the source address.
     * @return the source address.
    const IPvX&	source() const		{ return (_source); }

     * Get the address family.
     * @return the address family.
    int family() const { return; }

     * Set the source timer.
     * @param timeval the timeout interval of the source timer.
    void set_source_timer(const TimeVal& timeval);

     * Cancel the source timer.
    void cancel_source_timer();

     * Lower the source timer.
     * @param timeval the timeout interval the source timer should be
     * lowered to.
    void lower_source_timer(const TimeVal& timeval);

     * Get a reference to the source timer.
     * @return a reference to the source timer.
    XorpTimer& source_timer() { return _source_timer; }

     * Get the number of seconds until the source timer expires.
     * @return the number of seconds until the source timer expires.
    uint32_t	timeout_sec()	const;

     * Get the Query retransmission count.
     * @return the Query retransmission count.
    size_t query_retransmission_count() const {
	return _query_retransmission_count;

     * Set the Query retransmission count.
     * @param v the value to set.
    void set_query_retransmission_count(size_t v) {
	_query_retransmission_count = v;

     * Timeout: the source timer has expired.
    void source_timer_timeout();

    Mld6igmpGroupRecord& _group_record;	// The group record we belong to
    IPvX	_source;		// The source address
    XorpTimer	_source_timer;		// The source timer
    size_t	_query_retransmission_count; // Count for periodic Queries

 * @short A class to store information about a set of sources.
class Mld6igmpSourceSet : public map<IPvX, Mld6igmpSourceRecord *> {
     * Constructor for a given group record.
     * @param group_record the group record this set belongs to.
    Mld6igmpSourceSet(Mld6igmpGroupRecord& group_record);

     * Destructor.

     * Find a source record.
     * @param source the source address.
     * @return the corresponding source record (@ref Mld6igmpSourceRecord)
     * if found, otherwise NULL.
    Mld6igmpSourceRecord* find_source_record(const IPvX& source);

     * Delete the payload of the set, and clear the set itself.
    void delete_payload_and_clear();

     * Assignment operator for sets.
     * @param other the right-hand operand.
     * @return the assigned set.
    Mld6igmpSourceSet& operator=(const Mld6igmpSourceSet& other);

     * UNION operator for sets.
     * @param other the right-hand operand.
     * @return the union of two sets. Note that if an element is in
     * both sets, we use the value from the first set.
    Mld6igmpSourceSet operator+(const Mld6igmpSourceSet& other);

     * UNION operator for sets when the second operand is a set of IPvX
     * addresses.
     * @param other the right-hand operand.
     * @return the union of two sets. Note that if an element is not in the
     * first set, then it is created (see @ref Mld6igmpSourceRecord).
    Mld6igmpSourceSet operator+(const set<IPvX>& other);

     * INTERSECTION operator for sets.
     * @param other the right-hand operand.
     * @return the intersection of two sets. Note that we use the values
     * from the first set.
    Mld6igmpSourceSet operator*(const Mld6igmpSourceSet& other);

     * INTERSECTION operator for sets when the second operand is a set of IPvX
     * addresses.
     * @param other the right-hand operand.
     * @return the intersection of two sets. Note that we use the values
     * from the first set.
    Mld6igmpSourceSet operator*(const set<IPvX>& other);

     * REMOVAL operator for sets.
     * @param other the right-hand operand.
     * @return the elements from the first set (after the elements from
     * the right-hand set have been removed).
    Mld6igmpSourceSet operator-(const Mld6igmpSourceSet& other);

     * REMOVAL operator for sets when the second operand is a set of IPvX
     * addresses.
     * @param other the right-hand operand.
     * @return the elements from the first set (after the elements from
     * the right-hand set have been removed).
    Mld6igmpSourceSet operator-(const set<IPvX>& other);

     * Set the source timer for a set of source addresses.
     * @param sources the set of source addresses whose source timer will
     * be set.
     * @param timeval the timeout interval of the source timer.
    void set_source_timer(const set<IPvX>& sources, const TimeVal& timeval);

     * Set the source timer for all source addresses.
     * @param timeval the timeout interval of the source timer.
    void set_source_timer(const TimeVal& timeval);

     * Cancel the source timer for a set of source addresses.
     * @param sources the set of source addresses whose source timer will
     * be canceled.
    void cancel_source_timer(const set<IPvX>& sources);

     * Cancel the source timer for all source addresses.
    void cancel_source_timer();

     * Lower the source timer for a set of sources.
     * @param sources the source addresses.
     * @param timeval the timeout interval the source timer should be
     * lowered to.
    void lower_source_timer(const set<IPvX>& sources, const TimeVal& timeval);

     * Extract the set of source addresses.
     * @return the set with the source addresses.
    set<IPvX> extract_source_addresses() const;

    Mld6igmpGroupRecord& _group_record;	// The group record this set belongs to

// Global variables

// Global functions prototypes


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Jan 7 19:10:57 2009, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.