class XrlFinderEventNotifierV0p1Client

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Detailed Description

 XrlFinderEventNotifierV0p1Client (XrlSender* s)


 ~XrlFinderEventNotifierV0p1Client ()



typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RegisterClassEventInterestCB


bool  send_register_class_event_interest ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& requester_instance, const string& class_name, const RegisterClassEventInterestCB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Register interest in events relating to a particular class. Following this call the requester will receive birth event notifications for existing instances within the named class and will receive birth and deatch event notifications as instances are created and destroyed subsequently.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
requester_instanceinstance name of Xrl Target interested in receiving event notifications.
class_nameclass of Xrl Targets to generate event notifications for.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeregisterClassEventInterestCB


bool  send_deregister_class_event_interest ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& requester_instance, const string& class_name, const DeregisterClassEventInterestCB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Deregister interest in events relating to a particular class.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
requester_instanceinstance name of Xrl Target interested in receiving event notifications.
class_nameclass of Xrl Targets to stop event notifications for.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr RegisterInstanceEventInterestCB


bool  send_register_instance_event_interest ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& requester_instance, const string& instance_name, const RegisterInstanceEventInterestCB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Register interest in events relating to a particular instance. Following this call the requester will receive a birth event notification for the named instance if it exists. When the named instance dies, the requester will receive a death event notification. This method will fail if the named instance does not exist.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
requester_instanceinstance name of Xrl Target interested in receiving event notifications.
instance_namename of Xrl Target instance to receive event notifications for.
typedef XorpCallback1<void, const XrlError&>::RefPtr DeregisterInstanceEventInterestCB


bool  send_deregister_instance_event_interest ( const char* dst_xrl_target_name, const string& requester_instance, const string& instance_name, const DeregisterInstanceEventInterestCB& cb )


Send Xrl intended to:

Register interest in events relating to a particular instance.


dst_xrl_target_namethe Xrl target name of the destination.
requester_instanceinstance name of Xrl Target interested in receiving event notifications.
instance_namename of Xrl Target instance to stop event notifications for.
XrlSender* _sender



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