Source: ../../policy/common/varrw.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2006 International Computer Science Institute
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// $XORP: xorp/policy/common/varrw.hh,v 1.10 2006/05/25 05:50:01 pavlin Exp $


#include "element_base.hh"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

 * @short Interface used by policy filters to execute a policy on a route.
 * It deals with reading and writing field/variables/attributes of a route [such
 * as nexthop, metric and so on].
 * A routing protocol must implement this interface in order to support policy
 * filtering.
class VarRW {
    typedef int Id;
    enum {
        VAR_TRACE = 0,

        VAR_PROTOCOL = 10,  // protocol specific vars start here
        VAR_MAX = 32 // must be last

    virtual ~VarRW();
     * Read a variable from a route [such as nexthop].
     * If the protocol doesn't support the requested variable, and exception
     * should be thrown.
     * If the variable is not present in the current route, then an ElemNull
     * should be returned [for example if ipv6 is requested on a v4 route].
     * VarRW is responsible for deleting the object read [it owns it]. However
     * care must be taken not to delete objects that were obtained by write()
     * even though we pass them to read() later.
     * @return Element requested, or ElemNull of element is not available.
     * @param id The variable that is being requested [such as metric].
    virtual const Element& read(const Id& id) = 0;

     * Write a variable to a route.
     * VarRW does not own Element, so it must not delete it.
     * @param id Identifier of variable that must be written to.
     * @param e Value that must be written to the variable.
    virtual void write(const Id& id, const Element& e) = 0;

     * VarRW must perform all pending writes to the route now.
     * This is usefull in scenarios where VarRW decides to cache read and writes
     * and perform the actual writes at the end [i.e. it stores pointers to
     * elements].
     * All pointers to elements [by write] may become invalid after a sync.
    virtual void sync() = 0;

     * Disable generating trace strings / output.
    void suppress_trace() { _allow_trace = false; }
    void allow_trace() { _allow_trace = true; }

     * Return true if trace strings should be generated.
    inline const bool trace_allowed() { return _allow_trace; }

     * Support for tracing reads.  Executor will call this.
     * This call will then call read()
     * @param id variable to read.
     * @return variable desired.
    const Element& read_trace(const Id& id); 

     * Support for tracing writes.  Executor will call this.
     * This will then call write()
     * @ param id variable to write to.
     * @param e value to write.
    void write_trace(const Id& id, const Element& e);

     * Obtain the final trace value.  Should be called after executing the
     * policy in case it changes.
     * @return trace value.
    uint32_t trace();

     * Obtain the actual trace from the varrw.
     * @return string representation of what was read and written.
    string tracelog();

     * Obtain any VarRW specific traces.
     * @return string representation of specific VarRW traces.
    virtual string more_tracelog();

    void reset_trace();

    bool _allow_trace;
    uint32_t _trace;
    ostringstream _tracelog;


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Aug 2 15:36:27 2006, using kdoc $.