Source: ../../ospf/routing_table.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2006 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/ospf/routing_table.hh,v 1.40 2006/03/16 00:04:49 pavlin Exp $


#include <libxorp/trie.hh>

 * External view of a routing entry.
template <typename A>
class RouteEntry {
     * The ordering is important used to select the best route.
    enum PathType {
	intra_area = 1,
	inter_area = 2,
	type1 = 3,
	type2 = 4

    RouteEntry() : _destination_type(OspfTypes::Router),

    void set_destination_type(OspfTypes::VertexType destination_type) {
	_destination_type = destination_type;

    OspfTypes::VertexType get_destination_type() const {
	return _destination_type;

    void set_discard(bool discard) {
	_discard = discard;

    bool get_discard() const {
	return _discard;

    void set_directly_connected(bool direct) {
	_direct = direct;

    bool get_directly_connected() const {
	return _direct;

    void set_address(uint32_t address) {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::Network == _destination_type);
	_address = address;

    uint32_t get_address() const {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::Network == _destination_type);
	return _address;

    void set_router_id(OspfTypes::RouterID id) {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::Router == _destination_type);
	_id = id;

    OspfTypes::RouterID get_router_id() const {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::Router == _destination_type);
	return _id;

    void set_area_border_router(bool area_border_router) {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::Router == _destination_type);
	_area_border_router = area_border_router;

    bool get_area_border_router() const {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::Router == _destination_type);
	return _area_border_router;

    void set_as_boundary_router(bool as_boundary_router) {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::Router == _destination_type);
	_as_boundary_router = as_boundary_router;

    bool get_as_boundary_router() const {
	XLOG_ASSERT(OspfTypes::Router == _destination_type);
	return _as_boundary_router;

    void set_area(OspfTypes::AreaID area) {
	_area = area;

    OspfTypes::AreaID get_area() const {
	return _area;

    void set_path_type(PathType path_type) {
	_path_type = path_type;

    PathType get_path_type() const {
	return _path_type;

    void set_cost(uint32_t cost) {
	_cost = cost;

    uint32_t get_cost() const {
	return _cost;

    void set_type_2_cost(uint32_t type_2_cost) {
	_type_2_cost = type_2_cost;

    uint32_t get_type_2_cost() const {
	return _type_2_cost;

    void set_nexthop(A nexthop) {
	_nexthop = nexthop;

    A get_nexthop() const {
	return _nexthop;

    void set_advertising_router(uint32_t advertising_router) {
	_advertising_router = advertising_router;

    uint32_t get_advertising_router() const {
	return _advertising_router;

    void set_lsa(Lsa::LsaRef lsar) {
	_lsar = lsar;

    Lsa::LsaRef get_lsa() const {
	return _lsar;

    void set_filtered(bool filtered) {
	_filtered = filtered;

    bool get_filtered() const {
	return _filtered;

    string str() {
	string output;

	output = c_format("RouteEntry: ");
	output += c_format("%s ", OspfTypes::Router == _destination_type ?
			  "Router" : "Network");
	output += c_format("%s", _discard ? "discard " : "");
	output += c_format("%s", _direct ? "direct " : "");
	if (OspfTypes::Network == _destination_type)
	    output += c_format("Address %s ", pr_id(_address).c_str());
	if (OspfTypes::Router == _destination_type) {
	    output += c_format("Router ID %s ", pr_id(_id).c_str());
	    if (_area_border_router)
		output += c_format("ABR ");
	    if (_as_boundary_router)
		output += c_format("ASBR ");
	output += c_format("Area %s ", pr_id(_area).c_str());
	switch(_path_type) {
	case intra_area:
	    output += c_format("intra area cost %d ", _cost);
	case inter_area:
	    output += c_format("inter area %d ", _cost);
	case type1:
	    output += c_format("type1 %d ", _cost);
	case type2:
	    output += c_format("type2 %d ", _type_2_cost);

	output += c_format("nexthop %s ", cstring(_nexthop));
	output += c_format("advertising router %s ", 

	output += c_format("%s ", cstring(*_lsar));

	return output;

    OspfTypes::VertexType _destination_type;
    bool _discard;			// True if this is a discard route.
    bool _direct;			// True if directly connected,
					// this route should not be
					// sent to the RIB.

    uint32_t _address;			// If dest type is Network

    OspfTypes:: RouterID _id;		// If dest type is Router
					// The router that is referred too.
					// For a Router-LSA this is
					// the LSA itself. For Summary
					// LSA that refers to a router
					// (Type 4) its the AS
					// boundary router.

    bool _area_border_router;		// Only valid if dest type is router
    bool _as_boundary_router;		// Only valid if dest type is router

    OspfTypes::AreaID _area;		// Associated area.
    PathType _path_type;
    uint32_t _cost;
    uint32_t _type_2_cost;

    A _nexthop;
    uint32_t _advertising_router;	// The router ID from the LSA
					// that generated this route.

    Lsa::LsaRef _lsar;			// LSA that contributed to this route.
					// Currently only used for debugging.

    bool _filtered;			// True if this route has been
					// filtered by policy.

 * Internal routing entry, potentially one per area.
template <typename A>
class InternalRouteEntry {
    InternalRouteEntry() : _winner(0)

    InternalRouteEntry(const InternalRouteEntry& rhs) {

    InternalRouteEntry& operator=(const InternalRouteEntry& rhs) {
        if(&rhs == this)
            return *this;

        return *this;

    void copy(const InternalRouteEntry& rhs) {
	_entries = rhs._entries;

     * Add entry indexed by area.
     * @return true on sucess.
    bool add_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, const RouteEntry<A>& rt);
    bool replace_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, const RouteEntry<A>& rt);
     * Delete entry. Perfectly safe to attempt to delete an entry for
     * an area even if no entry exists.
     * @param area area ID.
     * @param winner_changed out parameter set to true if this entry
     * was the winner.
     * @return true if an entry was deleted.
    bool delete_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID, bool& winner_changed);

     * Get the winning entry.
    RouteEntry<A>& get_entry() const;

     * Look from an entry for this specific area.
     * @param area area ID.
     * @param rt if a match is found this is filled in with the route.
     * @return true if an entry for this area was found.
    bool get_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, RouteEntry<A>& rt) const;

     * Are there any entries?
    bool empty() const {
	return 0 == _winner;

    string str();
    RouteEntry<A> *_winner; // Winning route.
    map<OspfTypes::AreaID, RouteEntry<A> > _entries; // Routes by area.

    bool reset_winner();

 * Storage for routing table entries indexed by advertising router.
template <typename A>
class Adv {
     * Clear all entries for this area.
    void clear_area(OspfTypes::AreaID area);

     * Add an entry for this routing entry.
     * @param area to add entry.
     * @param adv advertising router.
     * @param rt associated routing entry.
    void add_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, uint32_t adv,
		   const RouteEntry<A>& rt);

     * Lookup an entry by advertising router.
     * @param area to look in.
     * @param adv router to look for.
     * @param rt routing entry returned if entry is found.
     * @return true if entry is found
    bool lookup_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, uint32_t adv,
		      RouteEntry<A>& rt) const;

    typedef map<OspfTypes::RouterID, RouteEntry<A> > AREA;
    typedef map<OspfTypes::AreaID, AREA> ADV;
    ADV _adv;

template <typename A>
class RoutingTable {
    RoutingTable(Ospf<A> &ospf)
	: _ospf(ospf), _in_transaction(false), _current(0), _previous(0)

     * Before [add|replace|delete]_entry can be called, this method
     * must be called to start the transaction.
    void begin(OspfTypes::AreaID area);

    bool add_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, IPNet<A> net,
		   const RouteEntry<A>& rt);

    bool replace_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, IPNet<A> net,
		       const RouteEntry<A>& rt);

     * Delete an entry from the current table.
    bool delete_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, IPNet<A> net);

     * For the [add|replace|delete]_entry calls to take effect this
     * method must be called.
    void end();
     * Lookup address A in the routing table exact match.
     * @param router address being looked up.
     * @param rt if a match is found fill this in.
     * @return true if an entry is found.
    bool lookup_entry(A router, RouteEntry<A>& rt);

     * Lookup address A in the routing table exact match in specified area.
     * @param area area ID.
     * @param router address being looked up.
     * @param rt if a match is found fill this in.
     * @return true if an entry is found.
    bool lookup_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, A router, RouteEntry<A>& rt);

     * Lookup network in the routing table exact match.
     * @param network address being looked up.
     * @param rt if a match is found fill this in.
     * @return true if an entry is found.
    bool lookup_entry(IPNet<A> net, RouteEntry<A>& rt);

     * Lookup network in the routing table exact match.
     * @param area area ID.
     * @param network address being looked up.
     * @param rt if a match is found fill this in.
     * @return true if an entry is found.
    bool lookup_entry(OspfTypes::AreaID area, IPNet<A> net, RouteEntry<A>& rt);

     * Lookup advertising router in specific area.
     * @param area area ID.
     * @param adv advertsing router
     * @param rt if a match is found fill this in.
     * @return true if an entry is found.
    bool lookup_entry_by_advertising_router(OspfTypes::AreaID area,
					    uint32_t adv,
					    RouteEntry<A>& rt);
     * Lookup address A in the routing table longest match.
     * @param nexthop address to lookup.
     * @param rt if a match is found fill this in.
     * @return true if an entry is found.

    bool longest_match_entry(A router, RouteEntry<A>& rt);

     * This call notifies the routing table that this area no longer
     * exists, therefore all routes that came from this area should be
     * removed. All other areas also need to be notified so that any
     * summarisation information can be removed.
    void remove_area(OspfTypes::AreaID area);

     * Re-run the policy filters on all routes.
    void push_routes();

    Ospf<A>& _ospf;			// Reference to the controlling class.
    bool _in_transaction;		// Flag to verify that the
					// routing table is only
					// manipulated during a transaction.

    Adv<A> _adv;			// Routing entries indexed by
					// advertising router.

    Trie<A, InternalRouteEntry<A> > *_current;
    Trie<A, InternalRouteEntry<A> > *_previous;

    // Yes the RouteEntry contains the area, nexthop and metric but they
    // are functionally distinct.
    bool add_route(OspfTypes::AreaID area, IPNet<A> net, A nexthop,
		   uint32_t metric, RouteEntry<A>& rt);
    bool delete_route(OspfTypes::AreaID area, IPNet<A> net, RouteEntry<A>& rt);
    bool replace_route(OspfTypes::AreaID area, IPNet<A> net, A nexthop,
		       uint32_t metric, RouteEntry<A>& rt,
		       RouteEntry<A>& previous_rt,
		       OspfTypes::AreaID previous_area);

     * @return true if the route should be accepted.
    bool do_filtering(IPNet<A>& net, A& nexthop, uint32_t& metric,
		      RouteEntry<A>& rt, PolicyTags& policytags);

#if	0
template <typename A>
class RouteEntry {
    list<A> _nexthops;		// Possible nexthops for this route

    bool _discard;		// True if this is a discard route.
    uint32_t _users;		// Only valid if this is a discard
				// route. The number of routes below
				// the discard route.
    OspfTypes::AreaID _area;	// Area the LSA came from.
    list<Lsa::LsaRef> lsars;	// LSAs the routes came from.
    bool _modified;		// True if this route has been
				// modified in the last sweep.

template <typename A>
class RoutingTable {
    RoutingTable(Ospf<A> &ospf)
	: _ospf(ospf)

    void begin();

     * Add route
     * @param net network
     * @param nexthop
     * @param metric to network
     * @param equal true if this in another route to the same destination.
    bool add_route(IPNet<A> net,
		   A nexthop,
		   uint32_t metric,
		   bool equal);

     * Replace route
     * @param net network
     * @param nexthop
     * @param metric to network
     * @param equal true if this in another route to the same destination.
    bool replace_route(IPNet<A> net,
		       A nexthop,
		       uint32_t metric,
		       bool equal);

     * Delete route
    bool delete_route(IPNet<A> net);

    void end();
    Ospf<A>& _ospf;			// Reference to the controlling class.

    Trie<A, RouteEntry<A> > _trie;


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Aug 2 15:36:38 2006, using kdoc $.