Source: ../../fib2mrib/fib2mrib_node.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2006 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// $XORP: xorp/fib2mrib/fib2mrib_node.hh,v 1.19 2006/03/16 00:04:09 pavlin Exp $


// Fib2mrib node definition.

#include <map>

#include "libxorp/service.hh"
#include "libxorp/status_codes.h"

#include "libfeaclient/ifmgr_xrl_mirror.hh"

#include "policy/backend/policytags.hh"
#include "policy/backend/policy_filters.hh"

class EventLoop;

 * @short A Fib2mrib helper class.
 * This class is used to store a routing entry.
class Fib2mribRoute {
     * Constructor for a given IPv4 route.
     * @param network the network address prefix this route applies to.
     * @param nexthop the address of the next-hop router for this route.
     * @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param metric the routing metric for this route.
     * @param admin_distance the administratively defined distance for this
     * route.
     * @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     * route.
     * @param xorp_route true if this route was installed by XORP.
    Fib2mribRoute(const IPv4Net& network, const IPv4& nexthop,
		  const string& ifname, const string& vifname,
		  uint32_t metric, uint32_t admin_distance,
		  const string& protocol_origin, bool xorp_route)
	: _network(network), _nexthop(nexthop),
	  _ifname(ifname), _vifname(vifname),
	  _metric(metric), _admin_distance(admin_distance),
	  _protocol_origin(protocol_origin), _xorp_route(xorp_route),
	  _route_type(IDLE_ROUTE), _is_ignored(false),
	  _is_filtered(false), _is_accepted_by_nexthop(false) {}

     * Constructor for a given IPv6 route.
     * @param network the network address prefix this route applies to.
     * @param nexthop the address of the next-hop router for this route.
     * @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param metric the routing metric for this route.
     * @param admin_distance the administratively defined distance for this
     * route.
     * @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     * route.
     * @param xorp_route true if this route was installed by XORP.
    Fib2mribRoute(const IPv6Net& network, const IPv6& nexthop,
		  const string& ifname, const string& vifname,
		  uint32_t metric, uint32_t admin_distance,
		  const string& protocol_origin, bool xorp_route)
	: _network(network), _nexthop(nexthop),
	  _ifname(ifname), _vifname(vifname),
	  _metric(metric), _admin_distance(admin_distance),
	  _protocol_origin(protocol_origin), _xorp_route(xorp_route),
	  _route_type(IDLE_ROUTE), _is_ignored(false),
	  _is_filtered(false), _is_accepted_by_nexthop(false) {}

     * Equality Operator
     * @param other the right-hand operand to compare against.
     * @return true if the left-hand operand is numerically same as the
     * right-hand operand.
    bool operator==(const Fib2mribRoute& other) const {
	return ((_network ==
		&& (_nexthop == other.nexthop())
		&& (_ifname == other.ifname())
		&& (_vifname == other.vifname())
		&& (_metric == other.metric())
		&& (_route_type == other._route_type)
		&& (_policytags == other._policytags));

     * Test if this is an IPv4 route.
     * @return true if this is an IPv4 route, otherwise false.
    bool is_ipv4() const { return _network.is_ipv4(); }

     * Test if this is an IPv6 route.
     * @return true if this is an IPv6 route, otherwise false.
    bool is_ipv6() const { return _network.is_ipv6(); }

     * Get the network address prefix this route applies to.
     * @return the network address prefix this route appies to.
    const IPvXNet& network() const { return _network; }

     * Get the address of the next-hop router for this route.
     * @return the address of the next-hop router for this route.
    const IPvX& nexthop() const { return _nexthop; }

     * Set the address of the next-hop router for this route.
     * @param v the address of the next-hop router for this route.
    void set_nexthop(const IPvX& v) { _nexthop = v; }

     * Get the name of the physical interface toward the destination.
     * @return the name of the physical interface toward the destination.
    const string& ifname() const { return _ifname; }

     * Set the name of the physical interface toward the destination.
     * @param v the name of the physical interface toward the destination.
    void set_ifname(const string& v) { _ifname = v; }

     * Get the name of the virtual interface toward the destination.
     * @return the name of the virtual interface toward the destination.
    const string& vifname() const { return _vifname; }

     * Set the name of the virtual interface toward the destination.
     * @param v the name of the virtual interface toward the destination.
    void set_vifname(const string& v) { _vifname = v; }

     * Get the the administratively defined distance for this route.
     * @return the administratively defined distance for this route.
    uint32_t admin_distance() const { return _admin_distance; }

     * Get the metric distance for this route.
     * @return the metric distance for this route.
    uint32_t metric() const { return _metric; }

     * Get the name of the protocol that originated this route.
     * @return the name of the protocol that originated this route.
    const string& protocol_origin() const { return _protocol_origin; }

     * Test if this route was installed by XORP.
     * @return true if this route was installed by XORP.
    bool xorp_route() const { return _xorp_route; }

     * Test if this is a route to add.
     * @return true if this is a route to add, otherwise false.
    bool is_add_route() const { return (_route_type == ADD_ROUTE); }

     * Test if this is a replacement route.
     * @return true if this is a replacement route, otherwise false.
    bool is_replace_route() const { return (_route_type == REPLACE_ROUTE); }

     * Test if this is a route to delete.
     * @return true if this is a route to delete, otherwise false.
    bool is_delete_route() const { return (_route_type == DELETE_ROUTE); }

     * Set the type of this route to "a route to add".
    void set_add_route() { _route_type = ADD_ROUTE; }

     * Set the type of this route to "a replacement route".
    void set_replace_route() { _route_type = REPLACE_ROUTE; }

     * Set the type of this route to "a route to delete".
    void set_delete_route() { _route_type = DELETE_ROUTE; }

     * Test if the route is interface-specific (e.g., if the interface
     * is explicitly specified).
     * @return true if the route is interface-specific, otherwise false.
    bool is_interface_route() const { return ! (_ifname.empty()
						&& _vifname.empty()); }

     * Check whether the route entry is valid.
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return true if the route entry is valid, otherwise false.
    bool is_valid_entry(string& error_msg) const;

     * Test if the route is to be ignored.
     * This method is used only for internal purpose when passing the route
     * around.
     * @return true if the route is to be ignored, otherwise false.
    bool is_ignored() const { return _is_ignored; }

     * Set whether the route is to be ignored.
     * This method is used only for internal purpose when passing the route
     * around.
     * @param v true if the route is to be ignored, otherwise false.
    void set_ignored(bool v) { _is_ignored = v; }

     * @return policy-tags for this route.
    const PolicyTags& policytags() const { return _policytags; }
     * Set policy-tags for route.
     * @param tags the new policy-tags for this route.
    void set_policytags(const PolicyTags& tags) { _policytags = tags; }

     * @return whether route has been rejected by policy filter.
     * @return true if route has been rejected by a policy filter, otherwise
     * false.
    bool is_filtered() const { return _is_filtered; }

     * Set a flag that indicates whether the route is to be considered
     * filtered [rejected by the policy filter].
     * @param v true if the route should be considered filtered, otherwise
     * false.
    void set_filtered(bool v) { _is_filtered = v; }

     * Test whether the route is accepted based on its next-hop information.
     * @return true if the route is accepted based on its next-hop
     * information, otherwise false.
    bool is_accepted_by_nexthop() const { return _is_accepted_by_nexthop; }

     * Set a flag that indicates whether the route is accepted based
     * on its next-hop information.
     * @param v true if the route is accepted based on its next-hop
     * information, otherwise false.
    void set_accepted_by_nexthop(bool v) { _is_accepted_by_nexthop = v; }

     * Test whether the route is accepted for transmission to the RIB.
     * @return true if route is accepted for transmission to the RIB,
     * otherwise false.
    bool is_accepted_by_rib() const;

    IPvXNet	_network;
    IPvX	_nexthop;
    string	_ifname;
    string	_vifname;
    uint32_t	_metric;
    uint32_t	_admin_distance;
    string	_protocol_origin;
    bool	_xorp_route;
    RouteType	_route_type;
    bool	_is_ignored;	// True if the route is to be ignored
    bool	_is_filtered;	// True if rejected by a policy filter
    bool	_is_accepted_by_nexthop; // True if the route is accepted based on its next-hop information
    PolicyTags	_policytags;

 * @short The Fib2mrib node class.
 * There should be one node per Fib2mrib instance.
class Fib2mribNode : public IfMgrHintObserver,
		     public ServiceBase,
		     public ServiceChangeObserverBase {
     * Constructor for a given event loop.
     * @param eventloop the event loop to use.
    Fib2mribNode(EventLoop& eventloop);

     * Destructor
    virtual ~Fib2mribNode();

     * Get the event loop this node is added to.
     * @return the event loop this node is added to.
    EventLoop&	eventloop()	{ return _eventloop; }

     * Get the protocol name.
     * @return a string with the protocol name.
    const string& protocol_name() const { return _protocol_name; }

     * Startup the node operation.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    bool	startup();

     * Shutdown the node operation.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    bool	shutdown();

     * Get the node status (see @ref ProcessStatus).
     * @param reason_msg return-by-reference string that contains
     * human-readable information about the status.
     * @return the node status (see @ref ProcessStatus).
    ProcessStatus	node_status(string& reason_msg);

     * Test if the node processing is done.
     * @return true if the node processing is done, otherwise false.
    bool	is_done() const { return (_node_status == PROC_DONE); }

     * Test whether the node operation is enabled.
     * @return true if the node operation is enabled, otherwise false.
    bool	is_enabled() const { return _is_enabled; }

     * Enable/disable node operation.
     * Note that for the time being it affects only whether the routes
     * are installed into RIB. In the future it may affect the interaction
     * with other modules as well.
     * @param enable if true then enable node operation, otherwise disable it.
    void	set_enabled(bool enable);

     * Add an IPv4 route.
     * @param network the network address prefix this route applies to.
     * @param nexthop the address of the next-hop router for this route.
     * @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param metric the routing metric for this route.
     * @param admin_distance the administratively defined distance for this
     * route.
     * @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     * route.
     * @param xorp_route true if this route was installed by XORP.
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int add_route4(const IPv4Net& network, const IPv4& nexthop,
		   const string& ifname, const string& vifname,
		   uint32_t metric, uint32_t admin_distance,
		   const string& protocol_origin, bool xorp_route,
		   string& error_msg);

     * Add an IPv6 route.
     * @param network the network address prefix this route applies to.
     * @param nexthop the address of the next-hop router for this route.
     * @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param metric the routing metric for this route.
     * @param admin_distance the administratively defined distance for this
     * route.
     * @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     * route.
     * @param xorp_route true if this route was installed by XORP.
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int add_route6(const IPv6Net& network, const IPv6& nexthop,
		   const string& ifname, const string& vifname,
		   uint32_t metric, uint32_t admin_distance,
		   const string& protocol_origin, bool xorp_route,
		   string& error_msg);

     * Replace an IPv4 route.
     * @param network the network address prefix this route applies to.
     * @param nexthop the address of the next-hop router for this route.
     * @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param metric the routing metric for this route.
     * @param admin_distance the administratively defined distance for this
     * route.
     * @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     * route.
     * @param xorp_route true if this route was installed by XORP.
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int replace_route4(const IPv4Net& network, const IPv4& nexthop,
		       const string& ifname, const string& vifname,
		       uint32_t metric, uint32_t admin_distance,
		       const string& protocol_origin, bool xorp_route,
		       string& error_msg);

     * Replace an IPv6 route.
     * @param network the network address prefix this route applies to.
     * @param nexthop the address of the next-hop router for this route.
     * @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param metric the routing metric for this route.
     * @param admin_distance the administratively defined distance for this
     * route.
     * @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     * route.
     * @param xorp_route true if this route was installed by XORP.
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int replace_route6(const IPv6Net& network, const IPv6& nexthop,
		       const string& ifname, const string& vifname,
		       uint32_t metric, uint32_t admin_distance,
		       const string& protocol_origin, bool xorp_route,
		       string& error_msg);

     * Delete an IPv4 route.
     * @param network the network address prefix this route applies to.
     * @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int delete_route4(const IPv4Net& network, const string& ifname,
		      const string& vifname, string& error_msg);

     * Delete an IPv6 route.
     * @param network the network address prefix this route applies to.
     * @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     * destination.
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int delete_route6(const IPv6Net& network, const string& ifname,
		      const string& vifname, string& error_msg);

    // Debug-related methods
     * Test if trace log is enabled.
     * This method is used to test whether to output trace log debug messges.
     * @return true if trace log is enabled, otherwise false.
    bool	is_log_trace() const { return (_is_log_trace); }
     * Enable/disable trace log.
     * This method is used to enable/disable trace log debug messages output.
     * @param is_enabled if true, trace log is enabled, otherwise is disabled.
    void	set_log_trace(bool is_enabled) { _is_log_trace = is_enabled; }

     * Configure a policy filter.
     * Will throw an exception on error.
     * Export filter is not supported by fib2mrib routes.
     * @param filter identifier of filter to configure.
     * @param conf configuration of the filter.
    void configure_filter(const uint32_t& filter, const string& conf);

     * Reset a policy filter.
     * @param filter identifier of filter to reset.
    void reset_filter(const uint32_t& filter);

     * Push all the routes through the policy filters for re-filtering.
    void push_routes();

     * Push or pull all the routes to/from the RIB.
     * @param is_push if true, then push the routes, otherwise pull them
    void push_pull_rib_routes(bool is_push);

    // IfMgrHintObserver methods
    void tree_complete();
    void updates_made();

    void incr_startup_requests_n();
    void decr_startup_requests_n();
    void incr_shutdown_requests_n();
    void decr_shutdown_requests_n();
    void update_status();

     * A method invoked when the status of a service changes.
     * @param service the service whose status has changed.
     * @param old_status the old status.
     * @param new_status the new status.
    void status_change(ServiceBase*  service,
		       ServiceStatus old_status,
		       ServiceStatus new_status);

     * Get a reference to the service base of the interface manager.
     * This is a pure virtual function, and it must be implemented
     * by the communication-wrapper class that inherits this base class.
     * @return a reference to the service base of the interface manager.
    virtual const ServiceBase* ifmgr_mirror_service_base() const = 0;

     * Get a reference to the interface manager tree.
     * This is a pure virtual function, and it must be implemented
     * by the communication-wrapper class that inherits this base class.
     * @return a reference to the interface manager tree.
    virtual const IfMgrIfTree&	ifmgr_iftree() const = 0;

     * Initiate registration with the FEA.
     * This is a pure virtual function, and it must be implemented
     * by the communication-wrapper class that inherits this base class.
    virtual void fea_register_startup() = 0;

     * Initiate de-registration with the FEA.
     * This is a pure virtual function, and it must be implemented
     * by the communication-wrapper class that inherits this base class.
    virtual void fea_register_shutdown() = 0;

     * Initiate registration with the RIB.
     * This is a pure virtual function, and it must be implemented
     * by the communication-wrapper class that inherits this base class.
    virtual void rib_register_startup() = 0;

     * Initiate de-registration with the RIB.
     * This is a pure virtual function, and it must be implemented
     * by the communication-wrapper class that inherits this base class.
    virtual void rib_register_shutdown() = 0;

     * Add an IPvX route.
     * @param fib2mrib_route the route to add.
     * @see Fib2mribRoute
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int add_route(const Fib2mribRoute& fib2mrib_route, string& error_msg);

     * Replace a Fib2mrib IPvX route.
     * @param fib2mrib_route the replacement route.
     * @see Fib2mribRoute
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int replace_route(const Fib2mribRoute& fib2mrib_route, string& error_msg);

     * Delete a Fib2mrib IPvX route.
     * @param fib2mrib_route the route to delete.
     * @see Fib2mribRoute
     * @param error_msg the error message (if error).
     * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.
    int delete_route(const Fib2mribRoute& fib2mrib_route, string& error_msg);

     * Prepare a copy of a route for transmission to the RIB.
     * Note that the original route will be modified as appropriate.
     * @param orig_route the original route to prepare.
     * @param copy_route the copy of the original route prepared for
     * transmission to the RIB.
    void prepare_route_for_transmission(Fib2mribRoute& orig_route,
					Fib2mribRoute& copy_route);

     * Inform the RIB about a route change.
     * This is a pure virtual function, and it must be implemented
     * by the communication-wrapper class that inherits this base class.
     * @param fib2mrib_route the route with the information about the change.
    virtual void inform_rib_route_change(const Fib2mribRoute& fib2mrib_route) = 0;

     * Cancel a pending request to inform the RIB about a route change.
     * This is a pure virtual function, and it must be implemented
     * by the communication-wrapper class that inherits this base class.
     * @param fib2mrib_route the route with the request that would be canceled.
    virtual void cancel_rib_route_change(const Fib2mribRoute& fib2mrib_route) = 0;

     * Update a route received from the FEA.
     * This method is needed as a work-around of FEA-related problems
     * with the routes the FEA sends to interested parties such as FIB2MRIB.
     * A route is updated with interface-related information or next-hop
     * address.
     * The routes received from the FEA for the directly-connected subnets
     * may not contain next-hop information and network interface information.
     * If the route is for a directly-connected subnet, and if it is missing
     * that information, then add the interface and next-hop router
     * information.
     * Furthermore, on startup, the routes received from the FEA may
     * contain interface-related information, but later updates of those
     * routes may be missing this information. This may create a mismatch,
     * therefore all routes are updated (if possible) to contain
     * interface-related information.
     * @param iftree the tree with the interface state to update the route.
     * @param route the route to update.
     * @return true if the route was updated, otherwise false.
    bool update_route(const IfMgrIfTree& iftree, Fib2mribRoute& route);

     * Do policy filtering on a route.
     * @param route route to filter.
     * @return true if route was accepted by policy filter, otherwise false.
    bool do_filtering(Fib2mribRoute& route);

     * Test whether a route is accepted based on its next-hop information.
     * @param route the route to test.
     * @return true if the route is accepted based on its next-hop
     * information, otherwise false.
    bool is_accepted_by_nexthop(const Fib2mribRoute& route) const;
     * Inform the RIB about a route.
     * @param r route which should be updated in the RIB.
    void inform_rib(const Fib2mribRoute& r);

     * Set the node status.
     * @param v the new node status.
    void set_node_status(ProcessStatus v) { _node_status = v; }

    EventLoop&		_eventloop;		// The event loop
    ProcessStatus	_node_status;		// The node/process status
    const string	_protocol_name;		// The protocol name
    bool		_is_enabled;		// Flag whether node is enabled

    // The routes are stored in a multimap, because we allow more than one
    // route for same subnet destination, but with different interface/vif
    // name.
    // E.g., in case of IPv6 we may have the same (link-local) subnet
    // address pre interface.
    multimap<IPvXNet, Fib2mribRoute>	_fib2mrib_routes;

    // Status-related state
    size_t		_startup_requests_n;
    size_t		_shutdown_requests_n;

    // A local copy with the interface state information
    IfMgrIfTree		_iftree;

    // Debug and test-related state
    bool	_is_log_trace;		// If true, enable XLOG_TRACE()

    PolicyFilters	_policy_filters;	// Only one instance of this!


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