Source: ../../libproto/config_node_id.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2005 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
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// $XORP: xorp/libproto/config_node_id.hh,v 1.5 2005/12/01 23:28:09 pavlin Exp $


#include "libxorp/xorp.h"
#include "libxorp/xlog.h"
#include "libxorp/exceptions.hh"

#include <sstream>
#include <list>
#include <map>

// Configuration Node ID support

 * @short Class for encoding and decoding configuration-related node IDs.
 * The node ID is composed of two uint64_t integers.
 * The first integer is the unique node ID. The second integer is
 * the node positiion and is set to the unique node ID of the previous
 * node. If it is the first node, then the position is set to 0.
 * The upper half of the unique node ID (the most significant 32 bits)
 * is the instance ID. The lower half of the unique node ID (the least
 * significant 32 bits) is the unique part of the node ID for that instance.
class ConfigNodeId {
    typedef uint64_t UniqueNodeId;
    typedef uint64_t Position;
    typedef uint32_t InstanceId;

     * Constructor from a string.
     * The string format is two uint64_t integers separated by space.
     * The first integer is the unique node ID. The second integer is
     * the node positiion and is set to the unique node ID of the previous
     * node. If it is the first node, then the position is set to 0.
     * @param s the initialization string.
    explicit ConfigNodeId(const string& s) throw (InvalidString) {

     * Constructor for a given unique node ID and position.
     * @param unique_node_id the unique node ID.
     * @param position the position of the node.
    ConfigNodeId(const UniqueNodeId& unique_node_id, const Position& position)
	: _unique_node_id(unique_node_id), _position(position) {}

     * Destructor
    virtual ~ConfigNodeId() {}

     * Copy an unique node ID from a string into ConfigNodeId structure.
     * @param from_string the string to copy the node ID from.
     * @return the number of copied octets.
    inline size_t copy_in(const string& from_string) throw (InvalidString);

     * Equality Operator
     * @param other the right-hand operand to compare against.
     * @return true if the left-hand operand is numerically same as the
     * right-hand operand.
    inline bool operator==(const ConfigNodeId& other) const;

     * Return the unique node ID.
     * @return the unique node ID.
    const UniqueNodeId& unique_node_id() const { return (_unique_node_id); }

     * Return the position of the node.
     * @return the position of the node.
    const Position& position() const { return (_position); }

     * Set the instance ID.
     * @param v the instance ID.
    inline void set_instance_id(const InstanceId& v);

     * Set the node position.
     * The node position is equal to the unique node ID of the previous node.
     * @param v the node position.
    void set_position(const Position& v) { _position = v; }

     * Generate a new unique node ID.
     * Note that this instance is modified to the value of the new
     * unique node ID.
     * @return a new unique node ID.
    inline const ConfigNodeId& generate_unique_node_id();

     * Convert this node ID from binary form to presentation format.
     * @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
     * of the node ID.
    string str() const {
	ostringstream ost;
	// XXX: We use ostringstream instead of the c_format() facility
	// because the c_format() facility doesn't work well for uint64_t
	// integers: on 32-bit architectures the coversion specifier
	// has to be %llu, while on 64-bit architectures it should be %lu.
	// Note that this is c_format() specific problem and it doesn't
	// exist for the system printf().
	ost << _unique_node_id << " " << _position;
	return ost.str();

     * Test if the node ID is empty.
     * @return true if the node ID is empty, otherwise false.
    bool is_empty() const { return (_unique_node_id == 0); }

     * Pre-defined constants.
    static ConfigNodeId ZERO() { return ConfigNodeId(0, 0); }

    UniqueNodeId	_unique_node_id;	// The unique node ID
    Position		_position;		// The position of the node

 * @short Class for storing the mapping between a @ref ConfigNodeId node
 * and the corresponding value.
 * Internally the class is implemented as a mapped linked list:
 * - A linked list of pairs <ConfigNodeId, typename V> contains
 *   the ConfigNodeId nodes and the corresponding values.
 * - An STL <map> stores the mapping between unique node IDs and the
 *   corresponding iterators in the above list.
 * The advantage of such implementation is that the time to insert and
 * remove entries to/from the list is similar to the time to perform
 * those operations on an STL map container.
template <typename V>
class ConfigNodeIdMap {
    typedef list<pair<ConfigNodeId, V> >	ValuesList;
    typedef typename ValuesList::iterator	iterator;
    typedef typename ValuesList::const_iterator	const_iterator;

     * Default constructor
    ConfigNodeIdMap() {}

     * Destructor
    virtual ~ConfigNodeIdMap() {}

     * Get the iterator to the first element.
     * @return the iterator to the first element.
    typename ConfigNodeIdMap::iterator begin() {
	return (_values_list.begin());

     * Get the const iterator to the first element.
     * @return the const iterator to the first element.
    typename ConfigNodeIdMap::const_iterator begin() const {
	return _values_list.begin();

     * Get the iterator to the last element.
     * @return the iterator to the last element.
    typename ConfigNodeIdMap::iterator end() { return (_values_list.end()); }

     * Get the const iterator to the last element.
     * @return the const iterator to the last element.
    typename ConfigNodeIdMap::const_iterator end() const {
	return _values_list.end();

     * Find an element for a given node ID.
     * @param node_id the node ID to search for.
     * @return the iterator to the element.
    inline typename ConfigNodeIdMap::iterator find(const ConfigNodeId& node_id);

     * Find an element for a given node ID.
     * @param node_id the node ID to search for.
     * @return the const iterator to the element.
    inline typename ConfigNodeIdMap::const_iterator find(const ConfigNodeId& node_id) const;

     * Insert a new element.
     * @param node_id the node ID of the element to insert.
     * @param v the value of the element to insert.
     * @return true a pair of two values: iterator and a boolean flag.
     * If the boolean flag is true, the element was inserted successfully,
     * and the iterator points to the new element. If the boolean flag is
     * false, then either there is an element with the same node ID, and the
     * iterator points to that element, or the element could not be inserted
     * because of invalid node ID and the iterator points to @ref end()
     * of the container.
    inline pair<iterator, bool> insert(const ConfigNodeId& node_id,
				       const V& v);

     * Remove an existing element.
     * @param node_id the node ID of the element to remove.
     * @return the number of removed elements.
    inline size_t erase(const ConfigNodeId& node_id);

     * Remove an existing element.
     * @param iter the iterator to the element to remove.
    inline void erase(ConfigNodeIdMap::iterator iter);

     * Remove all elements.
    void clear();

     * Convert this object from binary form to presentation format.
     * @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
     * of the object.
    inline string str() const;

     * Get the number of elements in the storage.
     * @return the number of elements in the storage.
    size_t size() const { return (_node_id2iter.size()); }

     * Test if the container is empty.
     * @return true if the container is empty, otherwise false.
    bool empty() const { return (size() == 0); }

    typedef map<ConfigNodeId::UniqueNodeId, iterator> NodeId2IterMap;

    NodeId2IterMap	_node_id2iter;		// The node ID to iterator map
    ValuesList		_values_list;		// The list with the values

inline size_t
ConfigNodeId::copy_in(const string& from_string) throw (InvalidString)
    string::size_type space, ix;
    string s = from_string;

    if (s.empty()) {
	_unique_node_id = 0;
	_position = 0;
	return (from_string.size());

    space = s.find(' ');
    if ((space == string::npos) || (space == 0) || (space >= s.size() - 1)) {
		   c_format("Bad ConfigNodeId \"%s\"", s.c_str()));

    // Check that everything from the beginning to "space" is digits,
    // and that everything after "space" to the end is also digits.
    for (ix = 0; ix < space; ix++) {
	if (! xorp_isdigit(s[ix])) {
		       c_format("Bad ConfigNodeId \"%s\"", s.c_str()));
    for (ix = space + 1; ix < s.size(); ix++) {
	if (! xorp_isdigit(s[ix])) {
		       c_format("Bad ConfigNodeId \"%s\"", s.c_str()));

    // Extract the unique node ID and the position.
    string tmp_str = s.substr(0, space);
    _unique_node_id = strtoll(tmp_str.c_str(), (char **)NULL, 10);
    tmp_str = s.substr(space + 1);
    _position = strtoll(tmp_str.c_str(), (char **)NULL, 10);

    return (from_string.size());

inline bool
ConfigNodeId::operator==(const ConfigNodeId& other) const
    return ((_unique_node_id == other._unique_node_id)
	    && (_position == other._position));

inline void
ConfigNodeId::set_instance_id(const InstanceId& v)
    // Set the upper 32 bits to the instance ID
    uint64_t h = (0xffffffffU & v);
    h = h << 32;
    _unique_node_id &= 0xffffffffU;
    _unique_node_id |= h;

inline const ConfigNodeId&
    // Check that the lower 32 bits of the unique node ID won't overflow
    XLOG_ASSERT((0xffffffffU & _unique_node_id) + 1 != 0);


    return (*this);

template <typename V>
inline typename ConfigNodeIdMap<V>::iterator
ConfigNodeIdMap<V>::find(const ConfigNodeId& node_id)
    typename NodeId2IterMap::iterator node_id_iter;

    node_id_iter = _node_id2iter.find(node_id.unique_node_id());
    if (node_id_iter == _node_id2iter.end())
	return (_values_list.end());

    return (node_id_iter->second);

template <typename V>
inline typename ConfigNodeIdMap<V>::const_iterator
ConfigNodeIdMap<V>::find(const ConfigNodeId& node_id) const
    typename NodeId2IterMap::const_iterator node_id_iter;

    node_id_iter = _node_id2iter.find(node_id.unique_node_id());
    if (node_id_iter == _node_id2iter.end())
	return (_values_list.end());

    return (node_id_iter->second);

template <typename V>
inline pair<typename ConfigNodeIdMap<V>::iterator, bool>
ConfigNodeIdMap<V>::insert(const ConfigNodeId& node_id, const V& v)
    typename NodeId2IterMap::iterator node_id_iter;
    typename ValuesList::iterator values_iter;

    node_id_iter = _node_id2iter.find(node_id.unique_node_id());
    if (node_id_iter != _node_id2iter.end()) {
	values_iter = node_id_iter->second;
	XLOG_ASSERT(values_iter != _values_list.end());
	return (make_pair(values_iter, false));	// Node already exists

    // Find the iterator to the previous element
    values_iter = _values_list.begin();
    do {
	if (node_id.position() == 0) {
	    // The first element
	    values_iter = _values_list.begin();
	if (_values_list.size() == 0) {
	    // Error: no other elements found
	    return (make_pair(_values_list.end(), false));
	// Find the iterator to the previous element
	node_id_iter = _node_id2iter.find(node_id.position());
	if (node_id_iter == _node_id2iter.end()) {
	    // Error: the previous element is not found
	    return (make_pair(_values_list.end(), false));
	values_iter = node_id_iter->second;
	// XXX: increment the iterator to point to the insert position
    } while (false);

    // Insert the new element
    values_iter = _values_list.insert(values_iter, make_pair(node_id, v));
    XLOG_ASSERT(values_iter != _values_list.end());
    pair<typename NodeId2IterMap::iterator, bool> res = _node_id2iter.insert(
	make_pair(node_id.unique_node_id(), values_iter));
    XLOG_ASSERT(res.second == true);

    return (make_pair(values_iter, true));

template <typename V>
inline size_t
ConfigNodeIdMap<V>::erase(const ConfigNodeId& node_id)
    typename NodeId2IterMap::iterator node_id_iter;
    typename ValuesList::iterator values_iter;

    node_id_iter = _node_id2iter.find(node_id.unique_node_id());
    if (node_id_iter == _node_id2iter.end())
	return (0);		// No element found to erase

    values_iter = node_id_iter->second;

    return (1);			// One element erased

template <typename V>
inline void
ConfigNodeIdMap<V>::erase(ConfigNodeIdMap::iterator iter)
    if (iter == _values_list.end())

    const ConfigNodeId& node_id = iter->first;

template <typename V>
inline void

template <typename V>
inline string
ConfigNodeIdMap<V>::str() const
    typename ConfigNodeIdMap::const_iterator iter;
    string res;
    for (iter = _values_list.begin(); iter != _values_list.end(); ++iter) {
	if (iter != _values_list.begin())
	    res += ", ";
	res += iter->first.str();
    return (res);


Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Mar 9 04:42:31 2006, using kdoc $.