Working Implementation
          Agreements for Open Systems
          Interconnection Protocols:
          Part 2 - Subnetworks

          Output from the March 1994 Open Systems Environment Implementors'
          Workshop (OIW)

          SIG Chair:   Fred Burg, AT&T
          SIG Editor:   Doug  Kay/Howard  Alexander, Sprint  International,

          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

          Brenda Gray, NIST


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)


          This part of  the Working Implementation Agreements  was prepared
          by the Lower Layers Special  Interest Group (LLSIG) of the   Open
          Systems Environment   Implementors' Workshop (OIW). See  Part 1 -
          Workshop   Policies  and   Procedures   in  the   "Draft  Working
          Implementation Agreements" for the workshop charter.

          Text in  this  part  has been  approved  by the  Plenary  of  the

          Future changes and additions to this version of these Implementor
          Agreements will be published as  a new part. Deleted and replaced
          text will be shown  as struck. New  and replacement text will  be
          shown as shaded.


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

                                  Table of Contents

          Part 2 - Subnetworks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

          0   Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

          1   Scope   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

          2   Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

          3   Status  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

          4   Errata  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1

          5   Local Area Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
              5.1  IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control  . . . . . . . . . .   1
              5.2  IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD Access Method . . . . . . . . . .   1
              5.3  IEEE 802.4 Token Bus Access Method . . . . . . . . .   2
              5.4  IEEE 802.5 Token Ring Access Method  . . . . . . . .   2
              5.5  Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)  . . . . . .   2
                   5.5.1    Token  Ring   Media  Access  Control   (MAC,
                            X3.139-1987)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
                   5.5.2    Token Ring Physical Layer (PHY,X3.148-1988)   2
                   5.5.3    Physical   Layer   Media   Dependent   (PMD,
                            X3.166-1989)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2

          6   X.25 Wide Area Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
              6.1  CCITT Recommendation X.25  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
              6.2  ISO 7776 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
              6.3  ISO 8208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3

          7   Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN) . . . . . . .   3
              7.1  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
              7.2  Implementation Agreements  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
                   7.2.1    Physical Layer, Basic Access at "U" . . . .   3
                   7.2.2    Physical Layer, Basic Access at S and T . .   3
                   7.2.3    Physical Layer, Primary Rate at "U" . . . .   3
                   7.2.4    Data Link Layer, D-Channel  . . . . . . . .   3
                   7.2.5    Signaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
                   7.2.6    Data Link Layer B-Channel . . . . . . . . .   3
                   7.2.7    Packet Layer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4

          8   Frame Relay  Subnetworks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4

          Annex A (informative)

          Cross  Reference Between  CCITT and  ANSI Text  Relating to  ISDN
          Agreements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

          Annex B (informative)

          Bibliography  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6

          Annex C (informative)

          Cross  Reference between  CCITT and  ANSI Text Relating  to Frame
          Relay Agreements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
              C.1  Physical Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
              C.2  Data Transfer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
              C.3  Control (Signalling) Procedures  . . . . . . . . . .   9

          Annex D (informative)

          Frame Relay Network-to-Network Interface  . . . . . . . . . .  10


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

                                   List of Figures


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

                                    List of Tables

          Table C1 - ANS - ITU-T cross references . . . . . . . . . . .   9
          Table C2 - ANS - ITU-T cross references . . . . . . . . . . .   9


          Part 2 - Subnetworks

               Editor's Note - All references to Stable Agreements  in this
               Section are to Version 7.

          0   Introduction

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          1   Scope 

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          2   Normative References

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          3   Status

          This material is current as of December 10, 1993.

          4   Errata

          Errata are reflected  in replacement pages  of Version 7,  Stable

          5   Local Area Networks

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          5.1    IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          5.2    IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD Access Method

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

          5.3    IEEE 802.4 Token Bus Access Method

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          5.4    IEEE 802.5 Token Ring Access Method

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          5.5    Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)

          5.5.1   Token Ring Media Access Control (MAC, X3.139-1987)

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          Further study is needed to  confirm whether a lower default value
          or range for T_Req would be useful.

          5.5.2   Token Ring Physical Layer (PHY,X3.148-1988)

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          5.5.3   Physical Layer Media Dependent (PMD, X3.166-1989)

          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)

          6   X.25 Wide Area Networks

          6.1    CCITT Recommendation X.25

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          6.2    ISO 7776

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

          6.3    ISO 8208

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          7   Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN)

          7.1    Introduction

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          7.2    Implementation Agreements

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          7.2.1   Physical Layer, Basic Access at "U"

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          7.2.2   Physical Layer, Basic Access at S and T

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          7.2.3   Physical Layer, Primary Rate at "U"

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          7.2.4   Data Link Layer, D-Channel

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          7.2.5   Signaling

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          7.2.6   Data Link Layer B-Channel

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

          7.2.7   Packet Layer

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).

          8   Frame Relay  Subnetworks

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document).


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

          Annex A (informative)

          Cross Reference  Between CCITT  and  ANSI Text  Relating to  ISDN

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document.)


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

          Annex B (informative)


          (Refer to Stable Implementation Agreements Document)


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

          Annex C (informative)

          Cross  Reference between  CCITT and ANSI  Text Relating  to Frame
          Relay Agreements

          This  annex  provides  a  cross-reference listing  between  those
          sections of the ANSI Standards mentioned in clause 8 of this part
          and the sections of the corresponding CCITT Recommendations.

          C.1    Physical Layer

          ANSI  T1.403, which  is  referenced in  8.3.1  of  this part,  is
          equivalent to sections related to the 1544 kbit/s  service in the
          combination of CCITT Recommendations G.703 and G.704.  Exceptions
          to Recommendations G.703 and G.704 are listed below:

          CCITT Recommendation G.703

          The  sections  related  to  the  1544  kbit/s interface  in  this
          Recommendation apply with the following exception:

               a)   Section 2.5:   The current  text is replaced  by:  "The
               B8ZS  code shall  be used  because  connecting line  systems
               require suitable signal content to guarantee adequate timing

          CCITT Recommendation G.704

          The  sections  related  to  the  1544  kbit/s  interface  in this
          Recommendation apply with the following exceptions:

               a)   Section 2.1.3 - Allocation  of the F-bit:   The current
               text is to be replaced by: "Table 1/G.704 which provides the
               recommended F-bits allocation;"

               b)  Table 1/G.704:

                  1)   In the  column "For  character signal," all instances
                  of '1-7' are  replaced by  '1-8' (related bits are:   966,
                  2124, 3282, and 4440);

                  2)  The column "For signalling" is not applicable;

                  3)   The  column "Signalling  channel designation"  is not

                  4)   The note a)  below the figure is not applicable as it
                  pertains to items 2) and 3) above;


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

               c)  Table 2/G.704:  The table is not applicable;

               d)  Section - Multiframe  alignment signal:   The
               portion starting with " well  as to identify..." to the
               end of the sentence is not applicable;

               e)     Section  -  4  kbit/s  data  link,  (third
               paragraph):  The entire paragraph is replaced by:  "The idle
               pattern is the HDLC flag bit pattern (01111110);"

               f)   Section -  Method:   twelve-frame  multiframe:
               This section is not applicable;

               g)  Section  3.1.2 - Use  of 64 kbit/s  channel time  slots:
               This section is not applicable;

               h)   Section 3.1.3 -  Signalling:  All sections  under 3.1.3
               are not applicable;

               i)   Section  3.2 -  Interface  at 1544  kbit/s carrying  32
               kbit/s channel time  slots:  All sections under  3.2 are not

               j)    Section  3.3  -  Interface  at  1544  kbit/s  carrying
               n*64kbit/s:  This section is not applicable.

          C.2    Data Transfer

          The following   table provides the cross-reference  between those
          sections of the  ANS T1.618 Standard referenced in  8.3.2 of this
          document and the corresponding  ITU-T Q.922 Recommendation.


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

                       Table C1 - ANS - ITU-T cross references

                     ANS T1.618               ITU-T Recommendation Q.922
           Section 4.2                     Section 2.2
           Section 4.5                     Section 2.5
           Section 5.3                     Section 3.3
           Section 5.3.1                   Section 3.3.1
           Section 5.3.6--Table 1 (a)      Section 3.3.6 -- Table 1/Q.922
           Section                 (10 bits DLCI)
           Section 5.3.7                   Note 
           Section 7                       Section 3.3.7
               ANSI T1.606 (referenced in  Annex A, Section A.6
           Section 7)                          ITU-T Recommendation I.370
               Section 7.1                     Annex A, Section A.6.2.1
               Section 7.2                     Annex A, Section A.6.2
               Annex A (referenced in          Appendix I, Section I.2
           Section 7.2)                    Annex A, Section A.7
           Section 8

               NOTE -  Section of  ANS T1.618 has  no corresponding
               section in ITU-T Recommendation Q.922.   This section is not
               applicable  and is  not part  of  the Stable  Implementation

          C.3    Control (Signalling) Procedures

          The following table  provides the  cross-reference between  those
          sections of the ANS T1.617 Standard  referenced in  8.3.3 of this
          document and the corresponding  ITU-T Q.933 Recommendation.

                       Table C2 - ANS - ITU-T cross references

                     ANS T1.617               ITU-T Recommendation Q.933

           Annex D                         Annex A
           Annex B                         Annex B


          Part 2 - Subnetworks                         March 1994 (Working)

          Annex D (informative)

          Frame Relay Network-to-Network Interface

          (Refer to the Stable Implementation Agreements Document.)
