Galileo CK files. ================================================================================ This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes contents of the kernels/ck directory. It was last modified on November 15, 2007. Brief summary -------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE C-Kernel files for the Galileo spacecraft. The following files are present in this directory. Reconstructed CK files: CKmerge_type3.plt.bck Merged Camera type 3 kernels for Galileo. For information on how this file was generated, please see the readme in the source directory. Last Generated on Nov 02, 2007. ck90????_plt.bc Camera Kernels for the 1990 Earth/Moon encounter of galileo. ck92????_plt.bck Camera Kernels for the 1992 Earth/Moon encounter of galileo. Smithed CK files: galssi_cal_med.bck Smithed Camera Kernel for Callisto - Mert Davies Solution. galssi_eur_med.bck Smithed Camera Kernel for Europa. Mert Davies Solution. gallssi_gan_med.bck Smithed Camera Kernel for Ganymede - Mert Davies Solution. gallssi_io_iauYYMMDDbaa.bck Smithed Camera Kernel for Io. iau indicates that the mean radius from IAU was used. YYMMDD is the date the solution was created. Brent A Archinal Solution.