This is the complete LaTeX source for the book Programming Linux Games, published in 2001 by No Starch Press in cooperation with Loki Software, Inc. Although the text is copyrighted by the trustees of the now-defunct Loki Software, I received permission to release this source before the company tanked. To generate a complete printer-ready PDF file of the book, install teTeX and type 'make clean pdf'. I have successfully typeset the book under Debian GNU/Linux, Slackware Linux, and Windows (with Cygwin and mikTeX). Programming Linux Games is still in print, and I expect it to remain in bookstores for the forseeable future. It is our belief that this publicly-available source will not significantly impact sales of paper copies. Please note that this is not yet released under a free documentation license. For now, please enjoy this material for personal use. Eventually I intend to set up a CVS repository and move to the GNU FDL or similar. I thank Bill Pollock of No Starch Press and Scott Draeker of Loki Software for permission to publish this source on the Internet. Enjoy! -John Hall