----------------------------------------- bind-4.9.4-P1.ELF.shared.patch.new.gz ----------------------------------------- This is a corrected and revised release of the previous patch, which should make bind-4.9.4-P1 to compile under Linux with ELF/shared support. Mea Culpa! In the previous patch I simply forgot not to include my "/h/src/" directory structure. I am sorry. This is one change (well, should be a big one...), but there are others as well: Thanks to Manuel J. Galan Moreno (root@mgmux.step.es) some adjustments has been made to it: - bind's specific header files moved to /usr/include/4.9.4/ so this does not produce incompatibilities with the standard (original) header files. - GCC now called with "-O2 -fno-strength-reduce" because of a known bug in gcc-2.7.2. - h_errno is no longer redifined - there is an explicit link for libresolv (for the new binutils) - man pages are installed _unformatted /usr/man bind-4.9.4-P1 is compiled and tested with this patch on Linux-2.0.12 with libc-5.2.18 and gcc-2.7.2. It is currently running on my machine and seems to good so far. Good luck! Tamas Nyitrai defiant@mail.datanet.hu