500 Internal Server Error

RepoView: Scientific Linux 6rolling x86_64

Letter O

openjade - A DSSSL implementation

Website: http://openjade.sourceforge.net/
License: BSD
Vendor: Scientific Linux
OpenJade is an implementation of the ISO/IEC 10179:1996 standard DSSSL
(Document Style Semantics and Specification Language). OpenJade is
based on James Clark's Jade implementation of DSSSL. OpenJade is a
command-line application and a set of components. The DSSSL engine
inputs an SGML or XML document and can output a variety of formats:
XML, RTF, TeX, MIF (FrameMaker), SGML, or XML.


openjade-1.3.2-36.el6.i686 [818 KiB] Changelog by Ondrej Vasik (2009-12-10):
- Merge Review (#226213) - added url, fixed rpmlint warnings,
  no macros in changelog
openjade-1.3.2-36.el6.x86_64 [813 KiB] Changelog by Ondrej Vasik (2009-12-10):
- Merge Review (#226213) - added url, fixed rpmlint warnings,
  no macros in changelog

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el6

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500 Internal Server Error
