## # pack: Bare-Bones Version # # Synopsis: pack files along with all related symlinks into a tar archive on a USB stick # use File::Basename; use File::Temp qw/ :mktemp /; use File::Find (); use Getopt::Long; use POSIX qw(strftime); # set signal handlers $SIG{INT} = \&cleanup; $SIG{QUIT} = \&cleanup; #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $config = "/etc/pack.list"; # configuration: contains the file list $flashdir= ${ENV}{'VOL'} || "/media/sda1"; # set mount point $tarfile = "$flashdir/actualBackup.2"; # main archiving file #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- our $DEBUG = ${ENV}{'debug'} || 0; # set to numerical value > 0 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $prog = basename($0); # program name $tmpconf = "/tmp/${prog}-conf.tmp"; # temporary $config $tmpfile = "/tmp/${prog}-pack.tmp"; # temporary file $list = "/tmp/${prog}-list.tmp"; # temporary list $log = "/tmp/${prog}-$$.log"; # logfile $less = ${ENV}{'PAGER'} || "less"; # less is more -e $config || warn "Config file $config missing!"; # sanity test #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GLOBAL use vars qw/*name/; *name = *File::Find::name; our %KNOWN; # links traversed before our $days; # number of days to consider for archive our ($see,$unpack, $yes); # global option names our $hostname; # hostname, used as archive label #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # determine if gdialog is available and whether X is up our $dialog = ($ENV{'DISPLAY'} && (qx#which gdialog 2>/dev/null#))? "gdialog" : "dialog"; chomp($hostname = qx/hostname --fqdn/); # determine fully-qualified hostname #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTIONS #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub log { # for printing messages printf STDERR "\033[1;34;7m@_\033[m\n"; } ########################################################################## # present error log if there sub checklog { my $title = "" . ((@_)? "@_" : "Error Log"); if ( -s $log ) { system("fmt -w 72 $log > $tmpfile;" . "$dialog --backtitle \"ERRORS as below, please redo.\"". " --title \"$title\" --textbox ${tmpfile} 10 72"); return 0; # return error } return 1; # return ok } ########################################################################## # remove temporary files sub cleanup { unlink ($log, $list, $tmpfile, $tmpconf) unless $DEBUG > 1; exit ((@_)? 1 : 0); } ########################################################################## # simple error routine, checks for error log # displays a warning box if no error log present sub error { checklog("Error: @_") && system("$dialog --title \"Error\" --msgbox \"@_\" 7 35"); cleanup 1; } ########################################################################## # unpack(): unpack the tarfile given as argument ########################################################################## sub unpack { if ( @_ && -e $_[0] ) { # if file present ... ::log "Unpacking $_[0] ..."; if (system("tar -jxpPvf $_[0] 2>$log") == 0) { # extract files ::log "Storing old archive file in /tmp ..."; system "mv $_[0] /tmp 2>>$log"; } } # else: return quietly } ########################################################################## # readLink(): return arguments if these are not links # otherwise return the list of links in order of their use # ended by a non-link file ########################################################################## sub readLink { my $link; foreach $file (@_) { # repeat for all arguments $file =~ s#/$##; # strip trailing slashes printf "$file\n"; # output filename until (! -l ($link=$file)) { # handle symlinks iteratively $file = readlink($link); (-e $file) or warn "!stuff $file"; $file =~ m#^/# or $file = sprintf("%s/$file", dirname($link)); # symlink to same directory printf "$file\n"; # output filename } } } ########################################################################## # readlink_recurse(): return argument if not a link, otherwise return the # list of links in order of their use ended by a non-link file ########################################################################## sub readlink_recurse { my $file = shift; my $link; LINK: while( -l ($link=$file) ) { # handle symlinks iteratively $file = readlink($link); $file =~ m#^/# or $file = sprintf("%s/$file", dirname($link)); # symlink to same directory # CIRCLE PREVENTION UNIT: if there is a circularity in the symlinks # we would like to prevent calling getLinkedFiles again. Therefore, the # list KNOWN is maintained. If a symlinked directory is encountered and # at the same time found to be in $KNOWN, the control resumes at the # label `LINK', and the recursive call to getLinkedFiles is skipped. if ( -d $file ) { for my $i (keys %KNOWN) { next LINK if $i eq $file # seen before || ( -l $file # pointer to existing subtree && ($i =~ m#${file}.*# || $file =~ m#${i}.*#)); } getLinkedFiles($file); # otherwise: recurse } else { error "FATAL: $file is a broken link.\n" unless -e $file; printf "$file\n"; # output filename } } } ########################################################################## # getLinkedFiles(): get both the symlink and the file it points to ########################################################################## sub getLinkedFiles { foreach $i (@_) { # repeat for all arguments $i =~ s#/$##; # strip trailing slashes next if ${KNOWN}{$i}++; # skip known entries if ( -d $i && -l $i) { # 1) DIRECTORIES THAT APPEAR AS SYMLINKS print "$i\n"; # record as visited ::log "Symlinked dir: $i" if $DEBUG >4; readlink_recurse($i); } elsif (-d $i) { # 2) PURE DIRECTORIES opendir(DIR, $i) || die "can't read directory $i: $!"; my @files = grep(!/(\.\.?|\Q${i}\E)$/, readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); # This alternative has the criterion: all files in the directory are new my $dir_is_new = (($#files + 1) == grep(-e "$i/$_" && ((-M "$i/$_") <= 0), @files)); if ($dir_is_new) { # 2a) NEW DIRECTORY ::log "New dir: $i" if $DEBUG >4; if ( (-M "$i" ) < 0 ) { # this prints to LIST, so wants a check ::log "ADDING DIRECTORY: $i" if $DEBUG; # the *entire* directory is added print LIST "$i\n"; # only add if this directory is newer } else { # old directory: add directory contents @files = map { $_ = "$i/$_" } @files; # prepend directory name getLinkedFiles( @files ); # } } else { # 2b) OLD DIRECTORY ::log "Old dir: $i" if $DEBUG >4; foreach (@files) { if (-f "$i/$_" ) { # plain file: just print print "$i/$_\n"; } else { getLinkedFiles("$i/$_"); # recurse per each dir entry } } } } elsif ( -l $i) { # 3) LINKS print "$i\n"; # record as visited readlink_recurse($i); # and recurse again } else { # 4) OTHER (PLAIN) FILES print "$i\n"; } } } ########################################################################## # parse the configuration file and build the list via recursive subfunction calls sub build_list { # we are using the simpler variant of timestamps here where the user only # states the maximum age of files in terms of $days $days = 1 unless $days; # set default value # rewind script start time in seconds by the number of days $^T -= $days * 24 * 3600; ::log "Building list from configuration file ..."; local @ARGV = ($config); # args for <>: override global ones # create temporary files open(TMPLIST, ">$tmpfile") || error "Can't open temp list $tmpfile: $!"; open(LIST, ">$list") || error "Can't open temp list $list: $!"; select TMPLIST; # redirect all output to this file # Main Processing Loop: read configuration file, decide how to parse, call subroutines while(<>) { s/#.*//g; s/^\s+//g; # strip comments, leading white space s/>/> /; # deal with missing white space next if m/^\s*$/; # skip blank lines my @arr=split; if ($arr[0] =~ m/<\s*rec\s*>/i) { # (i) RECURSIVE DESCENT shift @arr; # remove first entry (command) getLinkedFiles(@arr); } elsif ($arr[0] =~ m/<\s*link\s*>/i) { # (ii) LINK ONLY shift @arr; # remove first entry (command) readLink(@arr); } else { # (iii) FILE ONLY foreach (@arr) { if (m#[{\*]#) { $_ = qx/bash -c "echo $_"/; # let bash do the eval print STDERR "BASH: $_" if $DEBUG > 2; foreach (split) { print "$_\n"; } # add each file } elsif ( -d ) { getLinkedFiles($_); # a single directory } else { printf "$_\n"; # a file or a link } } # end (foreach) } # end (if) } # end (while) close TMPLIST; select STDOUT; %KNOWN = (); # truncate list # PROCESS TEMPORARY FILE, LINE BY LINE ::log "Selecting files modified during the last $days day(s) ..."; open(TMPLIST, "$tmpfile") || error "Can't open temp list $tmpfile: $!"; while() { # build the list chomp; s#/[^/]+/(\.\.)+/(\S+)#/$2#g; # normalize file names that contain ".." error "FATAL:\n \"$_\"\n--$!\n" unless -e $_; # check if file exists next if ( (-M ) >= 0 ); # skip old files print LIST "$_\n" unless $KNOWN{$_}++; # remove duplicates } close TMPLIST; close LIST; error "Your backup seems up-to date:\nSearch resulted in an empty list." unless %KNOWN; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SCRIPT PROPER #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # GET OPTIONS Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling"); # enable bundling of single-character options GetOptions ( 'days=i' => \$days, # set the period of backup 'help' => \&usage, # help 'list' => \$see, # only check the list 'unpack' => \$unpack, # unpack 'yes' => \$yes, # overwrite ok ) || die("Usage: $0 --days n| --list| --unpack [--yes]"); # display help message in case of error # TEST FOR DEVICE if ( defined $yes || defined $unpack || not defined $see ) { for $trial (1..3) { # check: is USB device mounted if (qx#ls -l $flashdir 2>/dev/null# ) { $mounted="yes"; last; } ::log "Trying to mount device $flashdir ... (attempt $trial)"; sleep $trial; # wait a second or two } $mounted || die "Your device does not seem to be mounted on $flashdir -- try again.\n"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PROCEED BY CASES #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( $see ) { # VIEW FILE LIST build_list(); system "$less $list"; # launch viewer #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } elsif ( $unpack ) { # UNPACK ARCHIVE if ( -e $tarfile ) { # check if archive present # test first whether the archive was created on this host open(TAR, "tar jtf $tarfile|") || die "Cannot read volume header of $tarfile: $!\n"; chomp($label = ); # only read the first line: vol. header die "Refusing to unpack, archive was created on this host. Try the --yes option.\n" if ($label eq $hostname && ! defined $yes); ::log "Unpacking ..."; ::unpack $tarfile; # this does all the work checklog() # check for errors in logfile } else { error "$tarfile not present"; # complain about missing file } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } else { # BUILD THE ARCHIVE if ( ! $yes && -e $tarfile ) { # warn before overwriting system("$dialog --title \"WARNING:\" --yesno \"Archive $tarfile already exists. Overwrite?\" 8 30"); $? == 0 || exit; } build_list(); # construct the list # TAR OPERATION ::log "Creating backup archive file ..."; system "tar -jcpPvf $tarfile --label $hostname --files-from=$list 2>$log"; if ($? != 0) { # something went wrong unlink $tarfile; error "Tar Problem!\nDeleting archive $tarfile"; } printf "Transferred %.0f KB.\n", (-s $tarfile)/1024; # display the total size ::log "Syncing ..."; system "sync;sync;"; # try syncing flash disk ::log "Testing file integrity:"; # verify the bzip2 file system "bzip2 -tvv $tarfile"; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cleanup();