Beiträge: 18
Themen: 5
Registriert seit: Nov 2013
Oder doch, tut es schon... aber nur äußerst selten.
Soweit die Zusammenfassung. Jetzt ins Detail.
Hier steht ein Rechner, neu installiert mit easyvdr 2.0 stable, lief früher mit der 1.0 und hat in der Zeit auch prima und problemlos automatisch ausgeschaltet. Jetzt, wie gesagt, 2.0 stable mit dem acpi-addon und dem lifeguard-addon.
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz
CPU-Frequenz: 1.197GHz
Speicher: 8.17 GB
Festplatte(n): WDC WD20EARX-00P
Generic SD/MMC
Generic Compact Flash
Generic SM/xD-Picture
Generic MS/MS-Pro
Opt. Laufwerk(e): BENQ DVD DD DW1640
Netzwerkkarte: Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
Grafikkarte: NVIDIA Corporation GF119 [GeForce GT 610] (rev a1)
Soundkarte: nVidia Audio device
TV-Karte(n): Hauppauge WinTV HVR4000(Lite) DVB-S/S2
# Activate/deactivate ACPIWakeup with yes/no:
# How many minutes should the machine wake up before the timer starts:
# If you want your VDR machine to wakeup in regular intervals (i.e. for
# updating EPG data), specify a day interval and a wakeup time:
Und lifeguard.conf:
# /etc/vdr/lifeguard.conf - configuration file for VDR lifeguard
# See manpage for vdr-addon-lifeguard (`man vdr-addon-lifeguard`)
# standard entries
cmd aptitude Aptitude
tcp ssh SSH
#tcp nfs NFS\ Mount
tcp ftp FTP
tcp 7001 VDR-Admin-am\ Connection
tcp 3000 Streamdev\ Connection
#tcp 8008 VDR-Live\ Connection
# other potentially useful entries
smb locks Aktive\ Samba-Freigabe
smb shares Aktive\ Samba-Freigabe
#other My\ Script
Und hier das letzte erfolgreiche Herunterfahren, mal alles mit "shutdown" gegreppt:
Jan 27 07:15:16 vdrserver vdr-shutdownaction: executing /usr/share/vdr/shutdown-hooks/10_shutdown.nvram-wakeup
Jan 27 07:15:16 vdrserver vdr-shutdownaction: executing /usr/share/vdr/shutdown-hooks/10_shutdown.wol
Jan 27 07:15:16 vdrserver easyvdr-shutdown-wol: Starting /usr/share/vdr/shutdown-hooks/10_shutdown.wol
Jan 27 07:15:16 vdrserver easyvdr-shutdown-wol: SHUTDOWN_ETHERNET no
(Komplette Syslog ist mal angehängt).
Angehängte Dateien
syslog.3.gz.log (Größe: 105,78 KB / Downloads: 0)
syslog.log (Größe: 509,52 KB / Downloads: 1)
Beiträge: 18
Themen: 5
Registriert seit: Nov 2013
(2000 Zeichen erreicht)
Und jetzt das Seltsamste von allen: die Portaloberfläche meldet mit, die Uptime betrüge gerade 8 in für's System und eine Minute für den VDR, obwohl das aktuelle Syslog durchgehend seit 8:00 Uhr heute morgen Einträge meldet (und kein einziges Herunterfahren) - jetzt ist es gerade 16:00 Uhr. Mein Rechner belügt mich also auch noch. Entsprechende Syslogs angehängt.
Hier die vdr-setup.conf:
AlwaysSortFoldersFirst = 1
AntiAlias = 1
AudioLanguages = deu eng
ChannelEntryTimeout = 1000
ChannelInfoPos = 0
ChannelInfoTime = 5
ChannelsWrap = 0
ColorKey0 = 0
ColorKey1 = 1
ColorKey2 = 2
ColorKey3 = 3
CurrentChannel = 22
CurrentDolby = 0
CurrentVolume = 255
DefaultLifetime = 99
DefaultPriority = 50
DelTimeshiftRec = 0
DeviceBondings =
DiSEqC = 0
DisplaySubtitles = 0
EmergencyExit = 1
EPGBugfixLevel = 3
EPGLanguages = deu eng
EPGLinger = 0
EPGScanTimeout = 5
FoldersInTimerMenu = 1
FontFix = Courier:Bold
FontFixSize = 33
FontFixSizeP = 0.031000
FontOsd = VDRSymbols Sans:Book
FontOsdSize = 41
FontOsdSizeP = 0.038000
FontSml = VDRSymbols Sans:Bold
FontSmlSize = 38
FontSmlSizeP = 0.035000
InitialChannel =
InitialVolume = -1
InstantRecordTime = 180
JumpPlay = 1
JumpSeconds = 60
JumpSecondsSlow = 10
LnbFrequHi = 10600
LnbFrequLo = 9750
LnbSLOF = 11700
MarginStart = 2
MarginStop = 10
MarkInstantRecord = 1
MaxVideoFileSize = 2000
MenuKeyCloses = 0
MenuScrollPage = 1
MenuScrollWrap = 1
MinEventTimeout = 30
MinUserInactivity = 90
MultiSpeedMode = 1
NameInstantRecord = TITLE EPISODE
NextWakeupTime = 1422354480
NumberKeysForChars = 1
OSDAspect = 1.000000
OSDHeight = 1080
OSDHeightP = 1.000000
OSDLanguage = de_DE
OSDLeft = 0
OSDLeftP = 0.000000
OSDMessageTime = 5
OSDSkin = anthra_1920_OS9
OSDTheme = default
OSDTop = 0
OSDTopP = 0.000000
OSDWidth = 1920
OSDWidthP = 1.000000
PauseKeyHandling = 2
PauseLastMark = 1
PauseLifetime = 1
PauseOnMarkSet = 0
PausePriority = 10
PlayJump = 1
PrimaryDVB = 2
ProgressDisplayTime = 0
RcRepeatDelay = 300
RcRepeatDelta = 100
RecordingDirs = 1
ResumeID = 0
SetSystemTime = 0
ShowChannelNamesWithSource = 0
ShowInfoOnChSwitch = 1
ShowRemainingTime = 0
ShowReplayMode = 0
SplitEditedFiles = 0
StandardCompliance = 0
SubtitleBgTransparency = 0
SubtitleFgTransparency = 0
SubtitleLanguages =
SubtitleOffset = 0
SupportTeletext = 0
SVDRPTimeout = 90
TimeoutRequChInfo = 1
TimeSource =
TimeTransponder = 0
UpdateChannels = 3
UseDolbyDigital = 1
UseSmallFont = 1
UseSubtitle = 1
UseVps = 0
VideoDisplayFormat = 1
VideoFormat = 1
VpsMargin = 120
WarEagleIcons = 1
ZapTimeout = 3
burn.BurnSpeed = 0
burn.ChaptersMode = 3
burn.CustomDiskSize = 200
burn.CutOnDemux = 0
burn.DefaultLanguage = 0
burn.DiskSize = 0
burn.DiskType = 0
burn.MainMenuStatus = 1
burn.OfferChapters = 1
burn.OfferCutOnDemux = 1
burn.OfferDiskSize = 1
burn.OfferDiskType = 1
burn.OfferSkipMainmenu = 1
burn.OfferSkipTitlemenu = 1
burn.OfferStoreMode = 1
burn.PreserveLogFiles = 0
burn.RemovePath = 0
burn.RequantType = 0
burn.SkinAspectIndex = 0
burn.SkinIndex = 0
burn.SkipMainmenu = 1
burn.SkipTitlemenu = 1
burn.StoreMode = 2
burn.TitleType = 0
burn.UseSubtitleTracks = 0
devstatus.ShowChannels = 1
devstatus.ShowChProvider = 1
devstatus.ShowRecordings = 1
devstatus.ShowStrength = 1
dvbhddevice.AnalogueVideo = 2
dvbhddevice.AudioDelay = 0
dvbhddevice.AudioDownmix = 3
dvbhddevice.AvSyncShift = 0
dvbhddevice.CecEnabled = 1
dvbhddevice.CecTvOff = 0
dvbhddevice.CecTvOn = 1
dvbhddevice.HideMainMenu = 1
dvbhddevice.HighLevelOsd = 0
dvbhddevice.OsdSize = 0
dvbhddevice.RemoteAddress = -1
dvbhddevice.RemoteProtocol = 1
dvbhddevice.Resolution = 0
dvbhddevice.TrueColorOsd = 1
dvbhddevice.TvFormat = 1
dvbhddevice.VideoConversion = 3
dvbhddevice.VideoModeAdaption = 0
dvd.AudioLanguage = 1
dvd.Gain = 4
dvd.HideMainMenu = 0
dvd.MenuLanguage = 0
dvd.PlayerRCE = 2
dvd.ReadAHead = 1
dvd.ShowSubtitles = 0
dvd.SpuLanguage = 1
dvdswitch.CategorieType = 1
dvdswitch.CatLineChar = 45
dvdswitch.ChangeCharsOSDName = _ +&
dvdswitch.CharCountBeforeCat = 3
dvdswitch.CountTypCol = 35
dvdswitch.DisplayDVDDevice = 0
dvdswitch.DisplayMode = 0
dvdswitch.HideEmptyDirs = 1
dvdswitch.HideImgSizeCol = 0
dvdswitch.HideMenuEntry = 0
dvdswitch.HideTypeCol = 0
dvdswitch.JumpCatByKey = 0
dvdswitch.k0 = 1
dvdswitch.k1 = 2
dvdswitch.k2 = 3
dvdswitch.k3 = 0
dvdswitch.k4 = 0
dvdswitch.k5 = 0
dvdswitch.k6 = 0
dvdswitch.k7 = 0
dvdswitch.k8 = 5
dvdswitch.k9 = 6
dvdswitch.kBlue = 9
dvdswitch.kGreen = 8
dvdswitch.kOk = 4
dvdswitch.kRed = 9
dvdswitch.kYellow = 7
dvdswitch.MenuName = DVDSwitch
dvdswitch.SortMode = 1
dvdswitch.SpacesBeforeAfterCat = 1
dvdswitch.SubCatCutter = >
dvdswitch.ViewFreeDiskSpace = 1
epgsearch.UseSearchTimers = 1
extrecmenu.DescendSorting = 0
extrecmenu.FileSystemFreeMB = 1
extrecmenu.GoLastReplayed = 0
extrecmenu.HideMainMenuEntry = 0
extrecmenu.LimitBandwidth = 0
extrecmenu.PatchFont = 1
extrecmenu.PatchNew = 1
extrecmenu.ReplaceOrgRecMenu = 1
extrecmenu.ReturnToPlugin = 1
extrecmenu.ShowNewRecs = 1
extrecmenu.UseCutterQueue = 1
extrecmenu.UseVDRsRecInfoMenu = 0
femon.AnalStream = 1
femon.CalcInterval = 20
femon.DisplayMode = 0
femon.Downscale = 10
femon.GreenLimit = 66
femon.HideMenu = 0
femon.Position = 1
femon.RedLimit = 33
femon.ServerIp =
femon.ServerPort = 6419
femon.Skin = 0
femon.Theme = 0
femon.UpdateInterval = 5
femon.UseSvdrp = 0
fritzbox.ActiveFonbook = FRITZ
fritzbox.CountryCode = 49
fritzbox.DefaultMenu = 1
fritzbox.Fonbooks = FRITZ
fritzbox.HideMainMenu = 0
fritzbox.MsnList =
fritzbox.MuteOnCall = 0
fritzbox.Password = passwort fritzbox <-
fritzbox.PauseOnCall = 0
fritzbox.ReactOnDirection = 0
fritzbox.RegionCode = Vorwahl <-
fritzbox.ResumeAfterCall = 1
fritzbox.ShowDaySeparator = 1
fritzbox.ShowNumber = 1
fritzbox.ShowNumberInCallList = 1
fritzbox.Url =
fritzbox.UseNotifyOsd = 1
games.KeyRepeat = 0
games.OsdSize = 2
games.Skill = 2
games.XPosition = -8
games.YPosition = -8
graphtft.Height = 480
graphtft.Theme = anthraize-easy
graphtft.Width = 800
live.AdminLogin = admin
live.AdminPasswordMD5 = 7:ac13d800725a565b09e1f646073056b5
live.ChannelGroups =
live.LastChannel = 196
live.LastSortingMode = nameasc
live.LastWhatsOnListMode = detail
live.LocalNetMask =
live.ScheduleDuration = 8
live.ScreenShotInterval = 1000
live.ShowChannelsWithoutEPG = 0
live.ShowIMDb = 1
live.ShowInfoBox = 1
live.ShowLogo = 1
live.StartPage = whatsonnow
live.StreamdevPort = 3000
live.StreamdevType = TS
live.Theme = marine
live.UseAjax = 1
live.UseAuth = 1
live.UserdefTimes = 12:00;16:00;20:00;22:00;01:00
live.UseStreamdev = 1
pvr350.AC3Gain = 1
pvr350.BlackVideoForAudioOnly = 1
pvr350.DeviceNumber = 17
pvr350.LogLevel = 2
pvr350.RecodeMP2 = 1
pvr350.UseWssBits = 1
pvr350.WSS_16:9_for_pmExtern = 0
pvrinput.AudioVolumeTVExceptionCard = 8
pvrinput.HDPVR_AudioInput = 0
pvrinput.HideMainMenuEntry = 1
pvrinput.LogLevel = 2
pvrinput.SliceVBI = 1
pvrinput.StreamType = 0
pvrinput.TunerAudioMode = 4
pvrinput.UseExternChannelSwitchScript = 0
pvrinput.UseOnlyCard = 8
remotetimers.ServerIp =
setup.DirectMenu = 0
setup.EntryPrefix = -
setup.MenuSuffix = ...
setup.ReturnValue = 2
skinenigmang.BlinkPause = 1000
skinenigmang.CacheSize = 50
skinenigmang.ChannelLogoHeight = 164
skinenigmang.ChannelLogoWidth = 220
skinenigmang.DrawRoundCorners = 1
skinenigmang.DynOSD = 0
skinenigmang.FontCiLanguage = 3
skinenigmang.FontCiSubtitle = 3
skinenigmang.FontCiTitle = 0
skinenigmang.FontDate = 1
skinenigmang.FontDetailsDate = 1
skinenigmang.FontDetailsSubtitle = 3
skinenigmang.FontDetailsText = 1
skinenigmang.FontDetailsTitle = 1
skinenigmang.FontFixed = 2
skinenigmang.FontHelpKeys = 1
skinenigmang.FontInfoTimerHeadline = 1
skinenigmang.FontInfoTimerText = 1
skinenigmang.FontInfoWarnHeadline = 1
skinenigmang.FontInfoWarnText = 1
skinenigmang.FontListItem = 1
skinenigmang.FontMessage = 1
skinenigmang.FontOsdTitle = 1
skinenigmang.FontReplayTimes = 1
skinenigmang.FullTitleWidth = 1
skinenigmang.ImageExtension = 1
skinenigmang.ImageHeight = 120
skinenigmang.ImageWidth = 120
skinenigmang.MinInfoWidth = 1000
skinenigmang.NumReruns = 5
skinenigmang.ResizeImages = 0
skinenigmang.ScrollDelay = 50
skinenigmang.ScrollInfo = 1
skinenigmang.ScrollListItem = 1
skinenigmang.ScrollMode = 0
skinenigmang.ScrollOther = 1
skinenigmang.ScrollPause = 1500
skinenigmang.ScrollTitle = 1
skinenigmang.ShowAuxInfo = 1
skinenigmang.ShowCaMode = 0
skinenigmang.ShowColSymbolsDetails = 1
skinenigmang.ShowFlags = 1
skinenigmang.ShowImages = 1
skinenigmang.ShowInfo = 1
skinenigmang.ShowListSymbols = 1
skinenigmang.ShowLogo = 1
skinenigmang.ShowMailIcon = 0
skinenigmang.ShowMarker = 1
skinenigmang.ShowProgressBar = 1
skinenigmang.ShowRecSize = 2
skinenigmang.ShowRemaining = 2
skinenigmang.ShowScrollbar = 1
skinenigmang.ShowSignalInfo = 1
skinenigmang.ShowStatusSymbols = 1
skinenigmang.ShowSymbols = 1
skinenigmang.ShowSymbolsAudio = 1
skinenigmang.ShowSymbolsMenu = 1
skinenigmang.ShowSymbolsMsgs = 1
skinenigmang.ShowSymbolsReplay = 1
skinenigmang.ShowTimerConflicts = 1
skinenigmang.ShowVPS = 1
skinenigmang.ShowWssSymbols = 0
skinenigmang.SingleArea8Bpp = 1
skinenigmang.StatusLineMode = 2
skinenigmang.UseChannelId = 0
skinenigmang.UseSubtitleRerun = 1
skinenigmang.UseTextEffects = 1
softhddevice.1080i.CutLeftRight = 0
softhddevice.1080i.CutTopBottom = 0
softhddevice.1080i.Deinterlace = 0
softhddevice.1080i.Denoise = 0
softhddevice.1080i.InverseTelecine = 0
softhddevice.1080i.Scaling = 0
softhddevice.1080i.Sharpen = 0
softhddevice.1080i.SkipChromaDeinterlace = 0
softhddevice.1080i_fake.CutLeftRight = 0
softhddevice.1080i_fake.CutTopBottom = 0
softhddevice.1080i_fake.Deinterlace = 0
softhddevice.1080i_fake.Denoise = 0
softhddevice.1080i_fake.InverseTelecine = 0
softhddevice.1080i_fake.Scaling = 0
softhddevice.1080i_fake.Sharpen = 0
softhddevice.1080i_fake.SkipChromaDeinterlace = 0
softhddevice.576i.CutLeftRight = 0
softhddevice.576i.CutTopBottom = 0
softhddevice.576i.Deinterlace = 0
softhddevice.576i.Denoise = 0
softhddevice.576i.InverseTelecine = 0
softhddevice.576i.Scaling = 0
softhddevice.576i.Sharpen = 0
softhddevice.576i.SkipChromaDeinterlace = 0
softhddevice.60HzMode = 0
softhddevice.720p.CutLeftRight = 0
softhddevice.720p.CutTopBottom = 0
softhddevice.720p.Deinterlace = 0
softhddevice.720p.Denoise = 0
softhddevice.720p.InverseTelecine = 0
softhddevice.720p.Scaling = 0
softhddevice.720p.Sharpen = 0
softhddevice.720p.SkipChromaDeinterlace = 0
softhddevice.AudioBufferTime = 0
softhddevice.AudioCompression = 0
softhddevice.AudioDelay = 0
softhddevice.AudioDownmix = 0
softhddevice.AudioDrift = 0
softhddevice.AudioMaxCompression = 0
softhddevice.AudioMaxNormalize = 0
softhddevice.AudioNormalize = 0
softhddevice.AudioPassthrough = 0
softhddevice.AudioSoftvol = 1
softhddevice.AudioStereoDescent = 0
softhddevice.AutoCrop.Delay = 0
softhddevice.AutoCrop.Interval = 0
softhddevice.AutoCrop.Tolerance = 0
softhddevice.Background = 0
softhddevice.BlackPicture = 0
softhddevice.HideMainMenuEntry = 1
softhddevice.MakePrimary = 0
softhddevice.Osd.Height = 1080
softhddevice.Osd.Width = 1920
softhddevice.SoftStartSync = 0
softhddevice.StudioLevels = 0
softhddevice.Suspend.Close = 1
softhddevice.Suspend.X11 = 0
streamdev-client.RemoteIp =
streamdev-server.AllowSuspend = 0
streamdev-server.HTTPBindIP =
streamdev-server.HTTPServerPort = 3000
streamdev-server.HTTPStreamType = 0
streamdev-server.IGMPBindIP =
streamdev-server.IGMPClientPort = 1234
streamdev-server.IGMPStreamType = 0
streamdev-server.MaxClients = 5
streamdev-server.ServerPort = 2004
streamdev-server.StartHTTPServer = 1
streamdev-server.StartIGMPServer = 0
streamdev-server.StartServer = 0
streamdev-server.VTPBindIP =
svdrpservice.ServerIp =
systeminfo.AutoClose = 1
systeminfo.RefreshIntervall = 5
text2skin.CheckTimerConflict = 0
text2skin.MarqueeLeftRight = 1
text2skin.MarqueeReset = 1
text2skin.MaxCacheFill = 25
text2skin.MenuScrollbar = 0
text2skin.ShowAux = 1
text2skin.StripAux = 1
tvm2vdr.AutoUpdate = 0
tvm2vdr.DaysInAdvance = 8
tvm2vdr.EPGImageFormat = 0
tvm2vdr.EpgImageSize = 1
tvm2vdr.GetEPGImages = 1
tvm2vdr.HTTPProxy =
tvm2vdr.LogLevel = 0
tvm2vdr.MainmenuFullupdate = 1
tvm2vdr.MaxImagesPerEvent = 2
tvm2vdr.MaxImageWidthOrHeight = 329
tvm2vdr.Password =
tvm2vdr.ShowInMainMenu = 1
tvm2vdr.UpdateTime = 12
tvm2vdr.UseProxy = 0
tvm2vdr.UserName =
xine.autoPrimaryDeviceMode = autoPrimaryDeviceOn
xine.image16:9.zoomX = 100
xine.image16:9.zoomY = 100
xine.image4:3.zoomX = 100
xine.image4:3.zoomY = 100
xine.interactWithEitScannerMode = interactWithEitScannerOff
xine.modeLiveTV.monitoringDuration = 10
xine.modeLiveTV.monitoringMode = monitoringOnce
xine.modeLiveTV.prebufferFramesAudio = 4
xine.modeLiveTV.prebufferFramesVideoHD = 4
xine.modeLiveTV.prebufferFramesVideoSD = 4
xine.modeLiveTV.prebufferHysteresis = 4
xine.muteMode = muteSimulate
xine.osdExtent.X = 1920
xine.osdExtent.Y = 1080
xine.osdGammaCorrection = 123
xine.osdMode = osdBlendScaledAuto
xine.transparencyMode = transparencyOn
xine.volumeMode = volumeChangeHW
xineliboutput.Audio.Compression = 100
xineliboutput.Audio.Delay = 0
xineliboutput.Audio.Driver = auto
xineliboutput.Audio.Equalizer = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
xineliboutput.Audio.Headphone = 0
xineliboutput.Audio.Port = default
xineliboutput.Audio.SoftwareVolumeControl = 1
xineliboutput.Audio.Speakers = Stereo 2.0
xineliboutput.Audio.Surround =
xineliboutput.Audio.Upmix = 0
xineliboutput.Audio.Visualization = none
xineliboutput.Audio.Visualization.GoomOpts = width=720,height=576,fps=25
xineliboutput.Audio.Visualization.ImageMRL = file:/usr/share/xine/visuals/default.avi
xineliboutput.DisplayAspect = automatic
xineliboutput.Frontend = none
xineliboutput.Fullscreen = 0
xineliboutput.Media.BrowseFilesDir = /media/easyvdr01/
xineliboutput.Media.BrowseImagesDir = /media/easyvdr01/photos/
xineliboutput.Media.BrowseMusicDir = /media/easyvdr01/mp3//101 Running Songs Lap 2
xineliboutput.Media.CacheImplicitPlaylists = 1
xineliboutput.Media.DVD.ArrowKeysControlPlayback = 1
xineliboutput.Media.EnableID3Scanner = 1
xineliboutput.Media.MenuItems = -1
xineliboutput.Media.RootDir = /media/easyvdr01/
xineliboutput.Modeline =
xineliboutput.OSD.AlphaCorrection = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.AlphaCorrectionAbs = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.Blending = 1
xineliboutput.OSD.BlendingLowRes = 1
xineliboutput.OSD.ColorDepth = TrueColor
xineliboutput.OSD.DvbSubtitles = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.ExtSubSize = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.Height = 1080
xineliboutput.OSD.HideMainMenu = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.LayersVisible = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.Scaling = 2
xineliboutput.OSD.ScalingSPU = 0
xineliboutput.OSD.Size = 1920x1080
xineliboutput.OSD.Width = 1920
xineliboutput.Playlist.Album = 0
xineliboutput.Playlist.Artist = 0
xineliboutput.Playlist.Tracknumber = 0
xineliboutput.Post.denoise3d.chroma = 30
xineliboutput.Post.denoise3d.Enable = 0
xineliboutput.Post.denoise3d.luma = 40
xineliboutput.Post.denoise3d.time = 60
xineliboutput.Post.pp.Enable = 0
xineliboutput.Post.pp.Mode = de
xineliboutput.Post.pp.Quality = 3
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.chroma_amount = 0
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.chroma_matrix_height = 3
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.chroma_matrix_width = 3
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.Enable = 0
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.luma_amount = 0
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.luma_matrix_height = 5
xineliboutput.Post.unsharp.luma_matrix_width = 5
xineliboutput.Remote.AllowHttp = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.AllowHttpCtrl = 0
xineliboutput.Remote.AllowRtsp = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.AllowRtspCtrl = 0
xineliboutput.Remote.Iface =
xineliboutput.Remote.Keyboard = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.ListenPort = 37890
xineliboutput.Remote.LocalIP =
xineliboutput.Remote.MaxClients = 10
xineliboutput.Remote.Rtp.Address =
xineliboutput.Remote.Rtp.AlwaysOn = 0
xineliboutput.Remote.Rtp.Port = 37890
xineliboutput.Remote.Rtp.SapAnnouncements = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.Rtp.TTL = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.UseBroadcast = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.UseHttp = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.UsePipe = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.UseRtp = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.UseTcp = 1
xineliboutput.Remote.UseUdp = 1
xineliboutput.RemoteMode = 1
xineliboutput.Video.AspectRatio = 3
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop = 0
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop.AutoDetect = 1
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop.DetectSubs = 1
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop.FixedSize = 1
xineliboutput.Video.AutoCrop.SoftStart = 1
xineliboutput.Video.Brightness = -1
xineliboutput.Video.Contrast = -1
xineliboutput.Video.Decoder.H264 = automatic
xineliboutput.Video.Decoder.MPEG2 = automatic
xineliboutput.Video.Deinterlace = tvtime
xineliboutput.Video.DeinterlaceOptions = method=Linear,cheap_mode=1,pulldown=none,framerate_mode=full,judder_correction=1,use_progressive_frame_flag=1,chroma_filter=0,enabled=1
xineliboutput.Video.HUE = -1
xineliboutput.Video.IBPTrickSpeed = 1
xineliboutput.Video.MaxTrickSpeed = 12
xineliboutput.Video.NoiseReduction = -1
xineliboutput.Video.Overscan = 0
xineliboutput.Video.Port = 0.0
xineliboutput.Video.Saturation = -1
xineliboutput.Video.Scale = 0
xineliboutput.Video.Sharpness = -1
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale = 0
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Aspect = 0
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Downscale = 0
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Height = 1080
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Resize = 0
xineliboutput.Video.SwScale.Width = 1920
xineliboutput.VideoModeSwitching = 1
xineliboutput.X11.UseKeyboard = 1
xineliboutput.X11.WindowHeight = 1080
xineliboutput.X11.WindowWidth = 1920
yaepghd.Theme = anthra_1920
Ich weiß nicht weiter. Mein Verdacht war noch, dass der OpenElec-Raspberry, der mit XBMC Gotham als LiveTV-Client im Wohnzimmer steht, den VDR wachhält. Momentan ist der aber nach Kräften "ausgebremst", es läuft zwar das XVDR-Addon, aber der XBMC ist auf "Energiesparen beim Backend" eingestellt, soll also eigentlich das Backend nach 15 min Leerlauf ausschalten. Gibt es da noch irgendeinen Kniff, den ich einstellen müsste - es ist *nicht* eingestellt, dass XBMC immer im LiveTV-Plugin steht und da den Kanal speichert oder sowas.
Noch jemand nen Geistesblitz?
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Themen: 441
Registriert seit: Dec 2006
(30.01.2015, 17:19) bstabens link schrieb: Und lifeguard.conf:
# /etc/vdr/lifeguard.conf - configuration file for VDR lifeguard
# See manpage for vdr-addon-lifeguard (`man vdr-addon-lifeguard`)
# standard entries
cmd aptitude Aptitude
tcp ssh SSH
#tcp nfs NFS\ Mount
tcp ftp FTP
tcp 7001 VDR-Admin-am\ Connection
tcp 3000 Streamdev\ Connection
#tcp 8008 VDR-Live\ Connection
# other potentially useful entries
smb locks Aktive\ Samba-Freigabe
smb shares Aktive\ Samba-Freigabe
#other My\ Script
Bitte auf die Formatierung achten z.B
# standard entries
cmd aptitude Aptitude\
tcp ssh SSH\
#tcp nfs NFS\ Mount
tcp ftp FTP\
tcp 7001 VDR-Admin-am\ Connection
tcp 3000 Streamdev\ Connection
#tcp 8008 VDR-Live\ Connection
# other potentially useful entries
smb locks Aktive\ Samba-Freigabe
smb shares Aktive\ Samba-Freigabe
#other My\ Script aptitude überhaupt installiert?? oder verwendest du apt?
DVB-S/S2: Silverstone LC17 mit 8,4" TFT Display, ASUS P5KPL SE, E6300, 2GB, NT-Fanlees, System SSD 40GB, Media 2TB, GT630, DVD-LG, SkyStar S2, Nova-T, FB X10 Medion-Scroll, "Arch-Linux - VDR 2.3.8"
Test-VDR: ASRock ALiveNF6G, AMD X2 3800+ (35W),4GB, GT 630 - nvidia-384, SSD 64GB, SkyStar S2, Cinergy T RC USB, easyVDR 3.5(Kernel-4.4.0) - VDR-2.3.8 - KODI-18.0 - FB X10 Medion-Scroll
Client: Evo N600c, Puppy-Slacko 6.3 - VDR-2.2.0 - FB X10 Medion_OR25V
Spielwiese: RPI2 als Client mit LibreELEC-9.80-Milhouse(Kodi-19.0) - MLD-5.4 VDR2VDR
Beiträge: 18
Themen: 5
Registriert seit: Nov 2013
was meinst du mit "auf die Formatierung achten"? Das ist 1:1 aus dem lifeguard übernommen und ich hab da noch gar nichts geändert.
Ja, ich verwende apt, aptitude ist aber installiert.
Beiträge: 8.500
Themen: 441
Registriert seit: Dec 2006
(31.01.2015, 17:39) bstabens link schrieb: was meinst du mit "auf die Formatierung achten"? Das ist 1:1 aus dem lifeguard übernommen und ich hab da noch gar nichts geändert.zwischen z.B cmd und aptitude darf nur ein Leerzeichen sein.
cmd aptitude Aptitude
sollte so aussehen.
cmd aptitude Aptitude
DVB-S/S2: Silverstone LC17 mit 8,4" TFT Display, ASUS P5KPL SE, E6300, 2GB, NT-Fanlees, System SSD 40GB, Media 2TB, GT630, DVD-LG, SkyStar S2, Nova-T, FB X10 Medion-Scroll, "Arch-Linux - VDR 2.3.8"
Test-VDR: ASRock ALiveNF6G, AMD X2 3800+ (35W),4GB, GT 630 - nvidia-384, SSD 64GB, SkyStar S2, Cinergy T RC USB, easyVDR 3.5(Kernel-4.4.0) - VDR-2.3.8 - KODI-18.0 - FB X10 Medion-Scroll
Client: Evo N600c, Puppy-Slacko 6.3 - VDR-2.2.0 - FB X10 Medion_OR25V
Spielwiese: RPI2 als Client mit LibreELEC-9.80-Milhouse(Kodi-19.0) - MLD-5.4 VDR2VDR
Beiträge: 18
Themen: 5
Registriert seit: Nov 2013
Kann ich ändern, aber da er ja überhaupt nicht mal so weit kommt, den Lifeguard aufzurufen, weil er ja gar nicht runterkommt, löst das jetzt eher nicht mein Problem...