
Normale Version: Errors im Syslog
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Folgende Errors habe ich noch im Syslog
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----------------------------------------------------- ----- ERRORS in syslog ----- -----------------------------------------------------
Dec 25 20:03:23 Esprimo2 kernel: [ 19.077507] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 340.98 Mon Sep 19 17:31:03 PDT 2016
Dec 25 20:03:23 Esprimo2 kernel: [ 19.319013] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro
Dec 25 20:03:23 Esprimo2 kernel: [ 19.646720] SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, realtime, no debug enabled --
Dec 25 20:03:24 Esprimo2 samba[1150]: [2016/12/25 20:03:24.878524, 0] ../lib/util/become_daemon.c:111(exit_daemon)
Dec 25 20:03:24 Esprimo2 samba[1150]: STATUS=daemon failed to start: Samba detected misconfigured 'server role' and exited. Check logs for details, error code 22
Dec 25 20:03:24 Esprimo2 kernel: [ 23.049020] init: samba-ad-dc main process (1150) terminated with status 1 --
Dec 25 20:03:27 Esprimo2 NetworkManager[1123]: dnsmasq not available on the bus, can't update servers.
Dec 25 20:03:27 Esprimo2 NetworkManager[1123]: [1482692607.769497] [nm-dns-dnsmasq.c:396] update(): dnsmasq owner not found on bus: Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.dnsmasq': no such name
Dec 25 20:03:27 Esprimo2 NetworkManager[1123]: DNS: plugin dnsmasq update failed --
Dec 25 20:03:40 Esprimo2 vdr: [2804] [live] INFO: attempt to listen on ip = ''
Dec 25 20:03:40 Esprimo2 after-vdr-hooks: error when executing /usr/share/vdr/after-vdr-hooks/40_skinflatplus_refresh_weather       ( gefunden )
Dec 25 20:03:40 Esprimo2 after-vdr-hooks: executing /usr/share/vdr/after-vdr-hooks/46_skindesigner_refresh_temp
Dec 25 20:03:40 Esprimo2 lircd-0.9.0[2144]: accepted new client on /var/run/lirc/lircd
Dec 25 20:03:41 Esprimo2 vdr: [2756] ERROR: attempt to open OSD while it is already open - using dummy OSD!
Dec 25 20:03:41 Esprimo2 vdr: [2756] ERROR: attempt to open OSD while it is already open - using dummy OSD!
Dec 25 20:03:41 Esprimo2 vdr: [2756] starting plugin: streamdev-server -- Dec 25 20:03:42 Esprimo2 vdr: [2756] starting plugin: softhddevice
Dec 25 20:03:42 Esprimo2 pulseaudio[2881]: [pulseaudio] client-conf-x11.c: xcb_connection_has_error() liefert »true«
Dec 25 20:03:42 Esprimo2 pulseaudio[2884]: [pulseaudio] server-lookup.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: //bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.
Dec 25 20:03:42 Esprimo2 pulseaudio[2884]: [pulseaudio] main.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: //bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.

Dec 25 20:03:42 Esprimo2 easyvdr-systemstart: wait for vdr
 ----------------------------------------------------- ----- ERRORS in xorg.log ----- -----------------------------------------------------


(25.12.2016, 21:15)Oberlooser schrieb: [ -> ]Dec 25 20:03:23 Esprimo2 kernel: [ 19.319013] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro
Es ist kein Fehler, es besagt nur das die Partition "/dev/sda1" mit der Mount-Option errors = remount-ro remounted wurde.
..ist nichts, worüber man sich Sorgen machen müsste.

Die "Mount-Option" bedeutet, dass das System die Partition nur dann lesen soll, wenn ein Fehler auftritt,
um weitere Schäden oder Datenverluste zu minimieren.

(25.12.2016, 21:15)Oberlooser schrieb: [ -> ]Dec 25 20:03:40 Esprimo2 after-vdr-hooks: error when executing /usr/share/vdr/after-vdr-hooks/40_skinflatplus_refresh_weather
wurde ebent gefixt ...nun ist das Script vorhanden. Wenn keine Anzeige im OSD muss man es selbst
an die Hardware anpassen.

(25.12.2016, 21:15)Oberlooser schrieb: [ -> ]Dec 25 20:03:27 Esprimo2 NetworkManager[1123]: [1482692607.769497] [nm-dns-dnsmasq.c:396] update(): dnsmasq owner not found on bus: Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.dnsmasq': no such name
kann man ignorieren.

(25.12.2016, 21:15)Oberlooser schrieb: [ -> ]Dec 25 20:03:41 Esprimo2 vdr: [2756] ERROR: attempt to open OSD while it is already open - using dummy OSD!
kann man ignorieren.

(25.12.2016, 21:15)Oberlooser schrieb: [ -> ]Dec 25 20:03:24 Esprimo2 samba[1150]: STATUS=daemon failed to start: Samba detected misconfigured 'server role' and exited. Check logs for details, error code 22
Samba aktivieren sollte die Meldung verschwinden lassen. ..wenn nicht " Logfile in "/var/log/samba"

ich habe auch diese Pulseaudio Fehler. Was ist mit denen? Ignorieren?

Gruß Schwabe
Zitat:ich habe auch diese Pulseaudio Fehler. Was ist mit denen? Ignorieren?
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