
Normale Version: [gelöst] nach SysUpdate kein VDR mehr
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Jaja, never change a running system...
Fast alles war prima, da habe ich über das OSD ein Update eingespielt. Lief durch, VDR ist auch wieder gestartet und hat funktioniert. Aber am nächsten Tag starten zwar REchner, System und Netzwerk, aber der VDR kommt nicht mehr hoch:

Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/mplayersources.conf
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] ERROR: source base /media/easyvdr01/convert/traco not found
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] WARNING: source base /media/easyvdr01/convert/traco not found/permission denied
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] ERROR: source base /media/easyvdr01/DVD-VCD not found
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31508] epg data reader thread started (pid=31504, tid=31508, prio=high)
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] WARNING: source base /media/easyvdr01/DVD-VCD not found/permission denied
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] ERROR: source base /media/easyvdr01/vch-download not found
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] WARNING: source base /media/easyvdr01/vch-download not found/permission denied
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] initializing plugin: setup (0.3.1-easyVDR-edition): VDR-Setup Erweiterung
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 1
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] ERROR: no primary device found - using first device!
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 1
Jun 20 11:35:02 easyvdr vdr: [31504] deleting plugin: setup
Jun 20 11:35:05 easyvdr easyvdr-runvdr: VDR died within 10 seconds, this happened 1 time(s).
Jun 20 11:35:05 easyvdr easyvdr-runvdr: Terminating by error level 2
Jun 20 11:35:05 easyvdr kernel: [  866.752944] init: easyvdr-vdr main process ended, respawning
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/mplayersources.conf
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] ERROR: source base /media/easyvdr01/convert/traco not found
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] WARNING: source base /media/easyvdr01/convert/traco not found/permission denied
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] ERROR: source base /media/easyvdr01/DVD-VCD not found
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32116] epg data reader thread started (pid=32111, tid=32116, prio=high)
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] WARNING: source base /media/easyvdr01/DVD-VCD not found/permission denied
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] ERROR: source base /media/easyvdr01/vch-download not found
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] WARNING: source base /media/easyvdr01/vch-download not found/permission denied
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] initializing plugin: setup (0.3.1-easyVDR-edition): VDR-Setup Erweiterung
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 1
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] ERROR: no primary device found - using first device!
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 1
Jun 20 11:35:10 easyvdr vdr: [32111] deleting plugin: setup
Jun 20 11:35:13 easyvdr easyvdr-runvdr: VDR died within 10 seconds, this happened 1 time(s).
Jun 20 11:35:13 easyvdr easyvdr-runvdr: Terminating by error level 2
Jun 20 11:35:13 easyvdr kernel: [  874.654248] init: easyvdr-vdr main process ended, respawning
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32723] video directory scanner thread started (pid=32719, tid=32723, prio=high)
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] ERROR: source base /media/easyvdr01/convert/traco not found
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] WARNING: source base /media/easyvdr01/convert/traco not found/permission denied
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] ERROR: source base /media/easyvdr01/DVD-VCD not found
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] WARNING: source base /media/easyvdr01/DVD-VCD not found/permission denied
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] ERROR: source base /media/easyvdr01/vch-download not found
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] WARNING: source base /media/easyvdr01/vch-download not found/permission denied
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] initializing plugin: setup (0.3.1-easyVDR-edition): VDR-Setup Erweiterung
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 1
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] ERROR: no primary device found - using first device!
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 1
Jun 20 11:35:18 easyvdr vdr: [32719] deleting plugin: setup

Hätte ich beim Update die Installations-DVD einlegen müssen?

Danke für alle Hinweise, weitere Infos liefere ich natürlich gern!
(20.06.2015, 11:53)herrdeh link schrieb: [ -> ]Hätte ich beim Update die Installations-DVD einlegen müssen?

Hallo herrdeh,
auf was für ein Stand war das System vor dem update,
2.0beta, 2.0 stable, 2.1 stable?

MfG Aaron
Ich habe 2.0.32 installiert - und meiner Erinnerung nach seither nicht geupdatetd. (Letzteres will ich nicht beschwören).
Fragen wir mal anders, wann hast du das System aufgespielt?
Die DVD wurde am 13.05.2015 geschrieben.
Ok, Signatur stimmt auch zur easyInfo und richtig das setup-plugin bricht den kompletten Ladeprozess ab.
Was du machen könntest, wäre erstmal das easyvdr setup an einen Terminal aufrufen und die ganzen Einstellungen durchgehen.

Zitat:Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading plugin: /usr/lib/vdr/plugins/libvdr-setup.so.2.0.6
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/setup.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] burn: setting fixed storemode to ISO
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/sources.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/diseqc.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/scr.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/channels.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/timers.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/commands.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/reccmds.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/svdrphosts.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/remote.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] loading /var/lib/vdr/keymacros.conf
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] registered source parameters for 'A - ATSC'
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] registered source parameters for 'C - DVB-C'
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] registered source parameters for 'S - DVB-S'
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] registered source parameters for 'T - DVB-T'
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] no DVB device found


Zitat:Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] initializing plugin: setup (0.3.1-easyVDR-edition): VDR-Setup Erweiterung
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 1
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] ERROR: no primary device found - using first device!
Jun 20 11:21:37 easyvdr vdr: [2855] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 1
Sagt mir, das kein DVB Device vorhanden ist..
Geh mal auf eine Konsole

sudo stop easyvdr-vdr
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
(20.06.2015, 12:57)Bleifuss2 link schrieb: [ -> ]Geh mal auf eine Konsole

sudo stop easyvdr-vdr
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Stimmt wäre logisch, vielleicht wurde nicht alles geholt.
Habe das Dist-upgrade gemacht - und da kam tatsächlich eine ganze Menge nach. Jetzt läuft der VDR wieder.

Und Reschpekt und Karma für die klugen Analysatoren!
Glückwunsch, jetzt bist du Besitzer von easyVDR 2.1 Wink
Setzt du das Thema bitte auf gelöst?!

MfG Aaron
Jetzt muss ich das Thema auch nochmal ausgraben..
Habe ebendso gerade ein Update durchgeführt und folgendes Problem danach geerntet..
Schätze es ist nur eine Kleinigkeit, aber ich stehe gerade aufn Schlauch.
Ich weiß das hier das Problem ist, "invalid primary device number: 3" aber warum auf einmal?
Folgender Iststand:

Zitat:easyVDR-Version: 2.1.1-Stable
easyVDR-Installations-DVD: easyVDR-2.0-Desktop - 32 Bit
easyPortal-Version: 0.5.29-0easyVDR0~trusty
VDR-Version: 2.0.6
Kernel-Version: 3.16.0-34-generic
media-build-experimental-Version: 0~20150315 ( installed )
Zitat:Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] creating cDvbDevice
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] new device number 1
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5621] video directory scanner thread started (pid=5618, tid=5621, prio=high)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5621] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=5618, tid=5621)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5620] video directory scanner thread started (pid=5618, tid=5620, prio=high)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5620] video directory scanner thread ended (pid=5618, tid=5620)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] DVB API version is 0x050A (VDR was built with 0x050A)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] frontend 0/0 provides DVB-S,DVB-S2 with QPSK ("Conexant CX24120/CX24118")
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5622] epg data reader thread started (pid=5618, tid=5622, prio=high)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5622] reading EPG data from /var/cache/vdr/epg.data
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] probing /dev/dvb/adapter1/frontend0
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] creating cDvbDevice
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] new device number 2
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5624] tuner on frontend 0/0 thread started (pid=5618, tid=5624, prio=high)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] frontend 1/0 provides DVB-S,DVB-S2 with QPSK ("Conexant CX24120/CX24118")
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] found 2 DVB devices
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] initializing plugin: markad (0.1.5pre): Markiere Werbung
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] initializing plugin: music (0.9.9-dev2): HD MP3-/Audioplayer
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] music: music: initial configdir set to '/var/lib/vdr/plugins/moronsuite/music'
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] music: skin: load themefile from '/var/lib/vdr/plugins/moronsuite/music/themes/current.colors'
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] music: WARNING: no themefile found ! Using default skin '/var/lib/vdr/plugins/moronsuite/music/themes/skins/DEFAULT/'
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] loading /var/lib/vdr/plugins/moronsuite/music/musicsources.conf
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] music: decoder: load current_user.dat from '/var/lib/vdr/plugins/moronsuite/music/data/current_user.dat'
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] music: loading id3 cache from /var/lib/vdr/plugins/moronsuite/music/data/admin/id3info.dat
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] initializing plugin: radiolist (0.0.2): Channellist for radio channels
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] initializing plugin: skinnopacity (1.1.3): 'nOpacity' Skin
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] initializing plugin: text2skin (1.3.2+git): Lader für textbasierte Skins
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] initializing plugin: tvguide (1.2.1): A fancy 2d EPG Viewer
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] loading /var/lib/vdr/themes/tvguide-default.theme
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: set Theme to default
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: set graphical style
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: Set OSD to 1920 x 1080 px
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5625] section handler thread started (pid=5618, tid=5625, prio=low)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5627] tuner on frontend 1/0 thread started (pid=5618, tid=5627, prio=high)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: Set Font to VDRSymbols Sans:Book
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5628] section handler thread started (pid=5618, tid=5628, prio=low)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: Creating Image Cache
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5622] epg data reader thread ended (pid=5618, tid=5622)
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: Osd Icon Cash created in 181 ms
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: Grid Icon Cash created in 209 ms
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: Channelgroup Cash created in 147 ms
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: Logo Cash created in 18 ms
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] tvguide: Complete Image Cash created in 556 ms
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] initializing plugin: vnsiserver (1.3.0): VDR-Network-Streaming-Interface (VNSI) Server
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] initializing plugin: lcdproc (0.0.10-jw9): LCDproc Ausgabe
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] initializing plugin: setup (0.3.1-easyVDR-edition): VDR-Setup Erweiterung
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] ERROR: invalid primary device number: 3
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] ERROR: no primary device found - using first device!
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] setting primary device to 1
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] assuming manual start of VDR
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] SVDRP listening on port 6419
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] skin "nOpacity" not available - using "lcars" instead
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] loading /var/lib/vdr/themes/lcars-default.theme
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] starting plugin: markad
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] starting plugin: music
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] music: visual: load visual theme '/var/lib/vdr/plugins/moronsuite/music/visual/themes/current.vis'
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] music: Load visfile '/var/lib/vdr/plugins/moronsuite/music/visual/themes/current.vis'
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] music: visual: load visual background '/var/lib/vdr/plugins/moronsuite/music/visual/data/e2_SAVol2.png'
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] music: loaded visualization data
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] starting plugin: radiolist
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] starting plugin: skinnopacity
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] ERROR: no OSD provider available in call to SupportsTrueColor()
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] nopacity: No TrueColor OSD found! Aborting!
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] stopping plugin: radiolist
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] stopping plugin: music
Jun 27 12:35:54 easyVDR vdr: [5618] stopping plugin: markad
Jun 27 12:35:55 easyVDR vdr: [5625] section handler thread ended (pid=5618, tid=5625)
Jun 27 12:35:55 easyVDR logger: erstelle easyInfo
Jun 27 12:35:56 easyVDR vdr: [5624] tuner on frontend 0/0 thread ended (pid=5618, tid=5624)
Jun 27 12:35:56 easyVDR vdr: [5628] section handler thread ended (pid=5618, tid=5628)

Die Signatur verrät den Rest..

MfG Aaron
Gut, hat sich geklärt..

Habe im Setup nochmal die Grafiktreiber und Monitor_Layout_Einstellungen durchlaufen, jetzt funzt alles.

MfG Aaron
Hast du da schon die Standard Sourclist?
Sieht aus als würde Softhd fehlen ...